Mooli: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Mooli herb

Mooli (Raphanus sativa)

The root vegetable mooli, often known as radish, has a variety of therapeutic benefits.(HR/1)

Because of its excellent nutritional value, it can be eaten fresh, cooked, or pickled. In India, it is one of the most popular vegetables during the winter months. Vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium are abundant in mooli (radish) leaves. Because they are a good source of calcium, they aid in bone development. Mooli may aid weight loss because it is low in calories, aids digestion, and boosts body metabolism due to its fibre content.It also aids in the improvement of diabetic conditions because of its antioxidant properties, which fight free radicals and prevent cell damage. Because of its diuretic properties, taking Mooli juice before eating is thought to be good for urinary disorders such urinary tract infections. It promotes urine output while also cleansing the kidneys. Because of the presence of particular vitamins, eating Mooli on a regular basis helps control eye disorders (eyeball growth and excellent eyesight). Eating Mooli before meals, according to Ayurveda, should be avoided because of its Ushna feature, which might cause stomach burning.

Mooli is also known as :- Raphanus sativus, Salamarkataka, Saleya, Marusambhava, Mulo, Mula, Radish, Muli, Mullangi, Mugunigadde, Moolangi, Moolaogi, Mullanki, Rakhyasmula, Moolak, Moolee, Moola, Mulakam, Mullangu, Millangi, Turb, Visra.

Mooli is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Mooli:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Mooli (Raphanus sativus) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Appetite stimulant : Mooli may aid with appetite loss by stimulating hunger. It functions as a tonic and activates digestive enzymes, resulting in better digestion and a greater desire to eat.
    When consumed on a regular basis, mooli aids in the improvement of appetite. Agnimandya, according to Ayurveda, is the cause of loss of appetite (weak digestion). It is produced by the aggravation of the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, which causes food digestion to be inadequate. This results in insufficient gastric juice secretion in the stomach, leading in appetite loss. Because of its Deepan (appetiser) function, Mooli stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Tip 1: To enhance your appetite, include fresh Mooli in your daily diet as a salad.
  • Infections : Mooli can be used to treat infections since it contains raphanine, an antibacterial and antifungal compound. It tackles a variety of pathogens (bacteria and fungi) that cause infections throughout the body.
  • Fever : There isn’t enough scientific data to back up Mooli’s role in fevers.
  • Common cold symptoms : There isn’t enough scientific data to back up Mooli’s role in cold.
  • Cough : Although there is insufficient scientific data to support Mooli’s significance in cough. Dry seeds of Mooli, on the other hand, have been shown to have expectorant and antitussive qualities in studies. It may assist to loosen and eliminate mucus in the respiratory tract. It may also aid with coughing by suppressing the cough reflex.
  • Gallbladder stones : Mooli can aid with digestive issues caused by bile duct blockages, which can lead to gallstones or digestive issues. By increasing cholesterol metabolism and removing cholesterol gallstones, mooli juice may assist to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Inflammation of the airways (bronchitis) : Although there is insufficient scientific data to explain the role of Mooli in bronchitis. It may, however, be used to treat bronchitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It may assist to minimise respiratory tract inflammation and provide relief from bronchitis.
    If you have bronchitis or a cough, Mooli is a good choice. Kasroga is the name given to this condition in Ayurveda, and it is caused by poor digestion. The accumulation of Ama (toxic leftovers in the body owing to faulty digestion) in the form of mucus in the lungs is caused by a poor diet and insufficient waste removal. Bronchitis results as a result of this. Deepan (appetiser) and Ushna (hot) are two qualities of Mooli. It relieves bronchitis symptoms by reducing Ama and expelling extra mucus from the lungs. 1. Use 6-8 teaspoons of Mooli juice as a starting point. 2.To get rid of bronchitis symptoms, mix the same amount of water with it and drink it before eating once a day.
  • Sore throat : Mooli may assist with a sore throat since it contains active ingredients (flavonoids) that have anti-inflammatory properties. It relieves throat pain and irritation while also assisting in the removal of excess mucus, potentially providing relief from sore throat.
    Sore throat is a symptom that develops when the Vata and Kapha doshas are out of balance, causing mucus to build and accumulate in the throat, causing irritation. Because of its Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) balancing properties, raw mooli may assist manage this illness. Its seeds are utilised to bring the Kapha dosha into balance. Due to its Pachan (digestion), Mridu Rechan (moderate laxative), and Mutral (diuretic) characteristics, it also aids in the expulsion of mucus from the body.

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Precautions to be taken while using Mooli:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Mooli (Raphanus sativus)(HR/3)

  • Do not take Mooli with milk or fish since it is a wrong food combination.
  • Use Mooli kshar, a special Ayurvedic preparation of Mooli only under medical supervision.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Mooli:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Mooli (Raphanus sativus)(HR/4)

  • Allergy : If your skin is hypersensitive, mix Mooli (Radish) paste with lemon juice or rose water. This is due to Mooli’s Ushna (hot) potency, which may irritate the skin.

How to take Mooli:-

As per several scientific studies, Mooli (Raphanus sativus) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Fresh Mooli : Consume fresh Mooli as per your taste. You can include Mooli in your everyday diet plan in the type of salad.
  • Mooli Juice : Take six to eight teaspoons of Mooli juice. Add the very same amount of water and beverage prior to food once a day, or, Take one to two teaspoon of Mooli juice. Add Lemon juice to it. Apply on the afflicted location as well as maintain for one to two hours. Wash completely with tap water. Use this remedy once a day to manage discomfort as well as swelling.
  • Mooli Kshar : To two to four pinch of Mooli Kshar. Add honey and take after lunch and also dinner.
  • Mooli Paste : HR126/XD4/D/S1
  • HR126/XHD5/D : Take one to two teaspoon of Mooli paste. Add Rose water to it. Apply on the damaged area and keep for one to two hours. Wash completely with tap water. Use this treatment daily for fast recovery of wound.

How much Mooli should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Mooli (Raphanus sativus) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Mooli Juice : One to two teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Mooli Paste : One fourth to half teaspoon or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Mooli:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Mooli (Raphanus sativus)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Mooli:-

Question. What are the chemical constituents of Mooli?

Answer. It contains nutrients and therapeutic properties such as carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, folic acid, potassium, vitamin B6, riboflavin, magnesium, and sulforaphane. Glucosinolates and isothiocyanates are the principal bioactive chemicals found in mooli. Mooli also contains anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant flavonoid that aids in the treatment of diabetes.

Question. What forms of Mooli is available in the market?

Answer. Fresh Mooli can be found in plenty in the market. As a salad, you can incorporate it into your diet. Churna, Juice, and Kshar (Ash) are other types of Mooli available in the market under various labels.

Question. Can I eat Mooli (radish) at night?

Answer. Yes, Mooli (radish) can be eaten at any time of day. Mooli is low in calories and high in fibre, making it an excellent digestive aid.

Yes, you can consume Mooli at any time of the day, although it’s best if you eat it with meals because it aids digestion.

Question. Is it harmful to eat radish and curd together?

Answer. Despite the lack of sufficient scientific proof, eating radish and curd together is not considered a healthy meal decision. As a result, it’s best to avoid taking both at the same time.

Question. How many calories are there in Mooli?

Answer. In 100g of Mooli, there are about 18 calories.

Question. Is eating too much Mooli bad for us?

Answer. Mooli should not be eaten in excess because it might induce a burning sensation in the stomach and flatulence. This is because of Ushna (potency).

Question. Is Mooli (radish) juice beneficial for treating urinary diseases?

Answer. Yes, due to its diuretic properties, Mooli juice may be effective in the treatment of urinary disorders such as urinary tract infection. It helps to enhance urine production while also reducing the burning feeling in the urinary system. Because of its kidney cleansing properties, radish juice also aids in the healing of bladder infections.

Because of its Mutral (diuretic) properties, Mooli juice may help alleviate the symptoms of urinary disorders. It boosts urine production and alleviates the symptoms of urinary issues.

Question. What are the benefits of Mooli (Radish) juice?

Answer. Due to the presence of particular minerals in mooli (radish) juice, it provides a number of amazing health benefits. Due to its diuretic properties, it relaxes the digestive system and aids in the removal of toxins from the body. Mooli juice aids in the relief of respiratory congestion. It also helps with stomach pains, coughs, and colds.

Because of its Ushna (hot) nature, mooli juice is a useful cure for digestive and respiratory disorders. It relieves stomach, cough, and cold symptoms. Mutral (diuretic) properties in Mooli aid in the management of urinary disorders by increasing urine output.

Question. Does white Mooli (radish) relieve hiccups?

Answer. There is insufficient scientific data to suggest the role of white Mooli in hiccups.

Question. Can Mooli (radish) help manage eye disorders?

Answer. Yes, the presence of vitamin B in Mooli (radish) may aid in the management of eye disorders. Vitamin B aids in the formation of the eyeball and aids in the maintenance of good vision.

Question. What are the uses of Mooli (Radish) leaves?

Answer. Mooli leaves are thought to be a nutritious powerhouse.They are high in vitamin C, which aids with immunity. They’re also high in calcium, which aids with bone growth. Mooli leaves also have a high fibre content, which helps to cleanse the liver and control the digestive tract.

When added to the diet, Mooli (Radish) leaves are just as good as Mooli root. Because of its Rechan (laxative) function, eating Mooli leaves helps to promote digestion and treat constipation.

Question. Can I eat Mooli during pregnancy?

Answer. Yes, because Mooli is high in minerals and vitamins, it can be consumed throughout pregnancy. Calcium is present, which aids in bone growth. The spiciness of the Mooli helps to clear sinus passages and reduce nausea, which is common during the first three months of pregnancy. It also aids in the reduction of excessive stomach acid production.

Question. What are the side effects of Mooli (Radish)?

Answer. For those with thyroid, gallbladder, kidney, or liver disorders, mooli (radish) juice is not suggested. Before drinking Mooli juice, it is generally recommended that you visit a doctor.

Mooli doesn’t have any major adverse effects in general. However, owing of its Ushna (hot) nature, ingesting Mooli before eating food is not recommended because it may produce a burning feeling in the stomach. Milk should not be consumed after eating Mooli, according to Ayurveda, as it is an unsuitable dietary combination.

Question. Is Mooli beneficial in weight loss?

Answer. Yes, because of its low calorie content, Mooli (radish) is said to help with weight loss. It has a lot of roughage (fibre) and a lot of water, which makes you feel full and helps you avoid overeating.

Because of its Ushna (hot) nature, Mooli helps to regulate weight when added to the diet. It aids in the reduction of Ama (toxic leftovers in the body as a result of faulty digestion), which is the primary cause of weight gain. Due to its Mutral (diuretic) characteristic, Mooli also aids in weight management by removing excess fluid from the body.

Question. How is Mooli helpful in the treatment of ringworm?

Answer. Although there is insufficient scientific data to support the significance of Mooli in ringworm, its antifungal properties may impede the growth of some fungi that cause ringworm infection.

Question. What are the benefits of Mooli (radish) oil for skin?

Answer. When applied to the face, mooli (radish) oil is good to the skin since it helps to manage blackheads and freckles. It also contains antioxidant properties, which may aid to slow down the ageing process.


Because of its excellent nutritional value, it can be eaten fresh, cooked, or pickled. In India, it is one of the most popular vegetables during the winter months.

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