Sheetal Chini: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Sheetal Chini herb

Sheetal Chini (Piper Cubeba)

Sheetal Chini, also known as KababChini, is a woody climber with ash grey climbing stems and branches that are rooted at the joints.(HR/1)

The dried, completely mature but unripe fruit is used as a medicine. The fruits have a spicy, fragrant scent and a harsh, caustic flavour. Anesthetic, antihelmintic, anti-asthmatic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, appetiser, aromatic, astringent, cardiotonic, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, rejuvenating, stomachic, thermogenic are some of the pharmacological properties of bioactive components. Acute rhinitis, amenorrhoea, anorexia, asthma, cardiac debility, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, headache, cough, cystitis, diarrhoea, jaundice, dysentery, inflammation, and urticaria are some of the disorders that can be treated with these qualities.

Sheetal Chini is also known as :- Piper Cubeba, Kankolaka, Cinosana, Cinatiksna, Kakkola, Kankolika, Kakkol, Kababcheni, Kahabchini, Sugandhamaricha, Cubebs, Tailed Pepper, Chanakabab, Chinikabab, Kababchini, Gandhamenasu, Balamenasu, Kushfal, Cheenamulaku, Takkolam, Valmulaku, Kankol, Sardchini, Vaali milaku , Valmilagu, Chalavamiriyalu, Tokamiriyalu

Sheetal Chini is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Sheetal Chini:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Sheetal Chini (Piper Cubeba) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Frequent Urination : Due to its diuretic properties, Sheetal Chini aids in increasing urination. It increases urine production, which helps to increase sodium ion excretion in the urine.
  • Dysentery : Amoebic Dysentery, also known as Pravahika in Ayurveda, is caused by a parasite (E. Histolytica). The vitiated Kapha and Vata doshas cause it. In severe dysentery, the intestine is inflamed, resulting in mucus and blood in the stool. Sheetal Chini’s Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics aid to manage mucus by boosting the digestive fire. Because of its Krimighna (anti-worm) nature, it also aids in the removal of the Dysentery-causing parasite from the body.
  • Flatulence (gas formation) : An imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha causes flatulence or gas. Low digestive fire due to low Pitta dosha and increased Vata dosha impairs digestion. Gas generation, often known as flatulence, is caused by a problem with digestion. Because of its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, Sheetal Chini improves the digestive fire and inhibits gas formation.
  • Gonorrhe : Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Sheetal Chini’s antimicrobial and antibacterial characteristics may aid in the treatment of Gonorrhea. It manages Gonorrhea by killing or stopping the growth of germs and reducing bacterial action.
  • Asthma : Sheetal Chini’s antitussive and bronchodilator properties aid in the release of mucus. It works through dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles, increasing the passage of air to the lungs, relieving cough and making breathing easier. Sheetal Chini’s expectorant properties help to stimulate sputum secretion from the airways, which makes breathing easier.
    Sheetal Chini aids in the loosening of mucus in the case of respiratory issues such as asthma. The main doshas associated in asthma, according to Ayurveda, are Vata and Kapha. The thickening of mucus caused by vitiated ‘Vata’ combining with disturbed ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs creates an obstruction in the respiratory route. Breathing becomes difficult as a result of this. Sheetal Chini helps to balance Vata and Kapha, as well as loosen mucus in the lungs, alleviating asthma symptoms.
  • Bad Breath : Sheetal Chini aids in the prevention of halitosis (halitosis). Sheetal Chini paste has traditionally been used as a mouthwash for a variety of dental issues, including poor breath (halitosis).

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Precautions to be taken while using Sheetal Chini:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Sheetal Chini (Piper Cubeba)(HR/3)

  • Sheetal Chini may irritate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. So it is advisable to avoid taking Sheetal Chini if you have GI inflammation.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Sheetal Chini:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Sheetal Chini (Piper Cubeba)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Because there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s best to avoid Sheetal Chini during nursing or visit a doctor beforehand.
  • Minor Medicine Interaction : 1. Sheetal Chini may interfere with the effectiveness of antacids. 2. Sheetal Chini may interfere with the efficiency of proton pump inhibitors. 3. Sheetal Chini may interfere with the efficiency of H2 blockers.
  • Patients with diabetes : Because there isn’t adequate scientific data, diabetics should avoid it or consult a doctor before taking Sheetal Chini.
  • Patients with heart disease : Because there is insufficient scientific evidence, persons with heart condition should avoid Sheetal Chini or visit a physician before doing so.
  • Patients with kidney disease : Sheetal Chini has the potential to harm the kidneys. As a result, if you have kidney problems, you should avoid using Sheetal Chini.
  • Pregnancy : Because there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s best to avoid Sheetal Chini during pregnancy or visit a doctor beforehand.
  • Allergy : Sheetal Chini causes allergies, but there isn’t enough scientific data to back it up. As a result, it is best to avoid Sheetal Chini or visit a doctor before using it.

How to take Sheetal Chini:-

As per several scientific studies, Sheetal Chini (Piper Cubeba) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

How much Sheetal Chini should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Sheetal Chini (Piper Cubeba) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

Side effects of Sheetal Chini:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Sheetal Chini (Piper Cubeba)(HR/7)

  • Headache

Questions asked frequently Related to the Sheetal Chini:-

Question. Can Sheetal chini be used for the treatment of loss of voice?

Answer. Sheetal Chini’s involvement in managing voice loss is not well-supported by scientific research. However, it has traditionally been used to treat voice loss.

Question. Can Sheetal chini be used in foods?

Answer. Because of its carminative properties, Sheetal chini can be used as a condiment and flavouring element in meals. It may help with digestion and reduce gas.

Question. What happens if you take Sheetal Chini in excess?

Answer. Hyperacidity and regurgitation might occur if you consume too much Sheetal Chini.

Question. Does Sheetal Chini act as a natural antioxidant?

Answer. Sheetal Chini may operate as a natural antioxidant due to its ability to scavenge free radicals. Sheetal chini has a number of components that can help combat free radicals and prevent cell damage.

Question. Can Sheetal Chini help in skin diseases?

Answer. Yes, Sheetal Chini’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics may aid in the treatment of skin problems. It protects cells from harm caused by free radicals. Sheetal chini also decreases pain and inflammation by lowering inflammatory protein activity.

Question. What are the benefits of Sheetal Chini for rheumatoid arthritis?

Answer. Sheetal Chini’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities may help manage the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It aids in the reduction of rheumatoid arthritis-related joint discomfort and inflammation.

Question. Is Sheetal Chini useful in case of kidney failure?

Answer. Sheetal Chini does, in fact, aid to reduce the chance of kidney failure. It helps to preserve the proper structure of the kidney by lowering serum urea and creatinine levels.

Question. What is the side effect of Sheetal Chini?

Answer. If Sheetal Chini is not taken at the correct dosage, it can cause headaches.


The dried, completely mature but unripe fruit is used as a medicine. The fruits have a spicy, fragrant scent and a harsh, caustic flavour.

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