Hadjod: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Hadjod herb

Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis)

Hadjod, also known as Bone Setter, is an ancient Indian herb.(HR/1)

It is well-known for its fracture-healing abilities, because to the presence of antioxidants such as phenols, tannins, carotenoids, and Vitamin C. Hadjod juice combined with cow’s ghee or a cup of milk, according to Ayurveda, aids in the healing of bone fractures due to its Sandhaniya (supporting the union of shattered portions) ability. It aids in weight management by enhancing the body’s metabolism. It also helps manage obesity by preventing fat and cholesterol accumulation in the body and lowering triglyceride levels. Hadjod’s astringent and wound-healing properties aid in wound healing.Hadjod paste’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities aid in the reduction of pain and inflammation in wounds. Excessive usage of Hadjod may cause adverse effects such as dry mouth, headaches, dry mouth, diarrhoea, and so on. As a result, it is important to get medical advice before using Hadjod.

Hadjod is also known as :- Cissus quadrangularis, Haadjodaa, Bone setter, Haadsaankal, Hadjoda, Mangarballee, Sunduballi, Piranta, Kaandvel, Haadabhanga gachha, Hadajoda, Asthisamhrt, Vajravalli

Hadjod is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Hadjod:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Piles : Hadjod’s anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the treatment of haemorrhoids. It relieves discomfort and inflammation in the anus and lower rectum veins. Hadjod also aids in the reduction of piles-related bleeding and hemorrhoidal tissue prolapse.
    Haemorrhoids are a type of bleeding piles that happens when the Vata and Pitta doshas are out of harmony (especially Pitta dosha). Constipation caused by unbalanced doshas leads to the formation of mass-like formations in the anal area. It could lead to bleeding if left untreated. Hadjod has a Vata-balancing virtue that aids in preventing constipation, and its Kashaya (astringent) nature aids in stopping bleeding, bringing relief.
  • Obesity : Hadjod is beneficial for weight loss because it boosts the body’s metabolism. Hadjod contains several ingredients that aid in weight loss. It also prevents the accumulation of fats and lipids, as well as lowering triglyceride levels. Hadjod’s properties work together to help manage obesity.
    Obesity is a disorder that develops as a result of poor digestion, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in the form of fat in the body. The Kapha dosha is aggravated as a result of this. Hadjod’s Ushna (hot) and Kapha balancing characteristics aid in the management of this ailment. It aids in the control of obesity by improving the digestive fire, which improves digestion and reduces the accumulation of toxins. 1. Take one Hadjod pill twice a day. 2. Drink it every day after meals with lukewarm water.
  • Asthma : Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways that makes it difficult for a person to breathe. Repeated spells of breathlessness and a wheezing sound from the chest characterise this illness. The main doshas associated in asthma, according to Ayurveda, are Vata and Kapha. In the lungs, an inflamed Kapha dosha causes Vata dosha to become imbalanced. The illness is termed as Swas roga because it causes an obstruction in the airways, making breathing difficult (Asthma). Hadjod’s Kapha balancing and Ushna (hot) characteristics aid in the melting of stored cough and the clearing of obstructions in the airways. Asthmatics benefit from this since it makes breathing easier and provides relief.
  • Muscle building : Hadjod may aid in bodybuilding due to the inclusion of vitamin C, which is required for the synthesis of collagen. It is found to be useful in strengthening the bones and joints and is utilised in bodybuilding supplements. It may also help to lower cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone, and increase muscular growth.
    An individual works/exercises to increase his muscles and internal strength in a bodybuilding activity. Hadjod’s Balya (strength supplier) property aids in bodybuilding. This aids in the development of muscle strength, which contributes to a healthy build-up of the body.
  • Diabetes mellitus (Type 1 & Type 2) : Hadjod’s blood glucose lowering activity may aid in the management of diabetes. It protects pancreatic cells from injury and boosts insulin secretion, decreasing blood sugar levels. Hadjod also contains antioxidants, which aid in the reduction of fasting glucose levels.
    Diabetes, also known as Madhumeha in Ayurveda, is caused by a Vata-Kapha dosha imbalance and poor digestion. Impaired digestion causes an accumulation of Ama (toxic waste left in the body as a result of faulty digestion) in the pancreatic cells, impairing insulin activity. Hadjod’s Vata-Kapha balancing and Pachan (digestion) qualities aid digestion and prevent the production of Ama, hence assisting in the management of diabetes.
  • High cholesterol : Impaired digestion causes the development and buildup of toxins in the form of Ama (toxic residues in the body as a result of faulty digestion), which causes blood vessel obstruction. Hadjod’s Pachan (digestion) and Ushna (heat) qualities aid in the management of excessive cholesterol. It improves digestion by increasing Agni (digestive heat). This also decreases the symptoms of excessive cholesterol by preventing the production of Ama.
  • Gout : In Ayurveda, gout is referred to as Vatarakta, and it is characterised by redness, swelling, and, most significantly, pain in the joints. All of these symptoms are caused by a Vata dosha imbalance, which further imbalances the Rakta dhatu. Hadjod’s Vata balancing and Ushna (hot) characteristics aid to alleviate Gout symptoms and deliver warmth to the afflicted area.
  • Malaria : Hadjod, which has antimalarial properties, could aid in the treatment of Malaria. Due to its antiparasitic effect, certain elements in Hadjod restrict the growth of the malarial parasite, hence preventing Malaria.
  • Menstrual pain : Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful menstruation. Kasht-aartava is the Ayurvedic term for this condition. Aartava, or menstruation, is managed and ruled by Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda. Hadjod’s Vata balancing and Ushna (hot) qualities aid in the management of uncomfortable menstruation. During the menstrual cycle, this helps to relieve pain and bring relief.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis : Hadjod’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities may help manage the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Certain ingredients in Hadjod limit the function of an inflammatory protein, resulting in a reduction in arthritis-related joint pain and inflammation.
    Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Aamavata in Ayurveda, is a disorder in which the Vata dosha is vitiated and Ama is accumulated in the joints (s). The Aamavata begins with a weakened digestive fire, resulting in an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). Vata transports Ama to various areas, but instead of being absorbed, it accumulates in the joints, resulting in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Hadjod’s Vata balancing and Pachan (digestion) characteristics aid digestion, preventing the accumulation of Ama and so lessening the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • Seizures : Hadjod’s anticonvulsant characteristics may aid in the reduction of seizures. It contains flavonoids, which aid in the control of muscle contractions and the prevention of convulsions.
    Seizures are a condition that arises when the Vata dosha is out of equilibrium. Vata affects the nerves, causing symptoms such as transient confusion, loss of consciousness, and jerky arm and leg movements. Hadjod’s Vata balancing and Balya (strength provider) characteristics aid to strengthen nerves and minimise the occurrence of seizures.
  • Stomach upset : Hadjod may help control an upset stomach, despite the lack of sufficient scientific data. It is regarded as a potent stomachic that aids in the relief of indigestion.
    An imbalance of Pitta dosha, which leads to weak or poor digestion, might cause an upset stomach. Due to its Ushna (hot) and Pachan (digestion) qualities, Hadjod increases Agni (digestive fire) and aids digestion, lessening the symptoms of an upset stomach.
  • Osteoporosis : Hadjod could aid in the formation and function of bones. It’s high in vitamin C, which boosts bone-building cells, boosts calcium absorption, and boosts the action of another vitamin that aids in bone metabolism. As a result, it is given to aid in the healing of shattered bones.
    Osteoporosis, also known as Asthi-Majjakshaya in Ayurveda, is characterised by the degeneration or deterioration of bone tissue as a result of a Vata dosha imbalance. Due to its Vata balancing and Snigdha (oily) qualities, Hadjod helps manage Osteoporosis by preventing bone deterioration and providing sufficient oiliness or greasiness to the bones.
  • Joint pain : Hadjod may be useful in the treatment of joint discomfort. It contains particular ingredients that aid in the reduction of pain and muscular stiffness in men who suffer from joint discomfort as a result of activity.
    Joint discomfort is a symptom that develops when the Vata dosha is out of equilibrium. Hadjod’s Vata balancing and Ushna (heat) characteristics aid to relieve joint discomfort. This aids in giving warmth to the joints, resulting in alleviation. Tips 1. Take a little hadjod plant stem. 2. Blend it until it forms a thick paste. 3. To get relief, apply to the affected region on a regular basis.

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Precautions to be taken while using Hadjod:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis)(HR/3)

  • The use of Hadjod might lower blood pressure and it might interfere with the level of blood sugar during and after a surgical procedure. So it is generally advisable to consult a physician or avoid the use of Hadjod at least 2 weeks before surgery.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Hadjod:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Although there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s typically a good idea to consult a doctor before taking Hadjod while nursing.
  • Pregnancy : Although there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s typically a good idea to check a doctor before using Hadjod during pregnancy.

How to take Hadjod:-

As per several scientific studies, Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

How much Hadjod should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

Side effects of Hadjod:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis)(HR/7)

  • Dry mouth
  • Insomnia
  • Intestinal gas
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea

Questions asked frequently Related to the Hadjod:-

Question. What are the other ways of using Hadjod?

Answer. 1. Hadjod powder for oral ingestion a. Take 2.5 g of Hadjod powder twice a day (or as advised by a physician). b. Take it after meals with milk or water to speed up the healing of fractures. Hadjod Juice No. 2 a. Take 10-20 ml Hadjod juice after meals (or as advised by a physician). b. Drink it with cow’s ghee or a cup of milk for rapid fracture healing.

Question. How does Hadjod help in reducing anxiety?

Answer. Hadjod’s anxiolytic effects aid in the reduction of anxiety. It has antioxidant elements that fight free radicals and prevent cell (neuron) damage. It also helps to keep the levels of certain neurotransmitters (GABA) in check, which helps to alleviate anxiety.

Anxiety is a condition governed by the Vata dosha. Vata affects the nervous system, causing concern, nervousness, and even unease. Hadjod’s Vata balancing and Balya (strength provider) characteristics aid to treat anxiety by strengthening the nerves and reducing anxiety symptoms.

Question. Does Hadjod help in stomach ache?

Answer. Although there isn’t enough scientific data to support Hadjod’s significance in stomach ache, the stem of Hadjod may be effective in abdominal pain.


It is well-known for its fracture-healing abilities, because to the presence of antioxidants such as phenols, tannins, carotenoids, and Vitamin C. Hadjod juice combined with cow’s ghee or a cup of milk, according to Ayurveda, aids in the healing of bone fractures due to its Sandhaniya (supporting the union of shattered portions) ability.

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