Chir: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Chir herb

Chir (Pinus roxburghii)

The Chir or Chir pine tree is an economically useful species that is also used as an ornamental in the garden.(HR/1)

The tree’s wood is commonly utilised for a variety of uses, including house construction, furniture, tea chests, sporting goods, and musical instruments. Different portions of the plant are used as antiseptics, diaphoretics, diuretics, rubefacients, stimulants, and vermifuges for cough, cold, influenza, tuberculosis, and bronchitis. Burns and scalds are treated with bark paste.

Chir is also known as :- Pinus roxburghii, Pita Vrksa, Surabhidaruka, Tarpin Telargaach, Sarala Gaach, Long Leaved Pine, Cheel, Saralam, Shirsal, Cheer, Sanobar

Chir is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Chir:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Chir (Pinus roxburghii) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Asthma : Asthma is a disorder in which the airways become inflamed, making it difficult for a person to breathe. Repeated spells of breathlessness and a wheezing sound from the chest characterise this illness. Asthma is caused by an imbalance of Vata and Kapha breathing, according to Ayurveda.
  • Bronchitis : Bronchitis is a disorder in which the windpipe and lungs become inflamed, resulting in the collection of sputum. Bronchitis is called in Ayurveda as Kasa roga, and it is caused by an imbalance of the Vata and Kapha doshas. When the Vata dosha is out of balance, it restricts the Kapha dosha in the respiratory system (windpipe), causing sputum to accumulate. Congestion in the respiratory system obstructs the airway as a result of this illness. Due to its Vata and Kapha balancing and Ushna characteristics, Chir aids in the evacuation of sputum and lessens the symptoms of bronchitis.
  • Piles : Piles have become a prevalent concern as a result of today’s sedentary lifestyle. It arises as a result of persistent constipation, which impairs all three doshas, particularly the Vata dosha. The digestive fire is slowed by an exacerbated Vata, resulting in prolonged constipation. If ignored or untreated, it may lead to pain and swelling in the anal region, as well as the growth of a pile mass. Due to its Vata balancing characteristic, Chir aids in the management of piles by providing relief from constipation. This facilitates the removal of stool from the body and inhibits the formation of piles.
  • Indigestion : Indigestion, also known as Agnimandya in Ayurveda, is caused by a Pitta dosha imbalance. When food is consumed but not digested due to a lack of Mand agni (low digestive fire), Ama is formed (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). Indigestion is the result of this. In simple terms, indigestion is the result of an incomplete digestion of the food that has been consumed. Due to its Deepana (appetiser) and Pachana (digestion) qualities, Chir aids in the management of indigestion by digesting the Ama.
  • Sprain : Sprain develops when ligaments or tissue are damaged by an external force, resulting in pain and swelling controlled by an imbalanced Vata dosha. Due to its Vata balancing properties, a decoction of Chir leaves can be administered to the affected area to alleviate sprain symptoms such as pain and swelling.
  • Crack : Excessive dryness inside the body, caused by an increased Vata dosha, causes cracks on the skin. Chir’s Snigdha (oily) and Vata balancing qualities aid to alleviate dryness and provide relief from cracks.
  • Rheumatic pain : Rheumatic pain is pain that occurs as a result of a Vata dosha imbalance in rheumatoid arthritis. Due to its Vata balancing properties, chir or turpentine oil can be administered to the affected area to provide pain relief.

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Precautions to be taken while using Chir:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Chir (Pinus roxburghii)(HR/3)

Special precautions to be taken while taking Chir:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Chir (Pinus roxburghii)(HR/4)

  • Other Interaction : When Chir is combined with anti-inflammatory medicines, it might cause a variety of adverse effects in some people. As a result, if you’re taking Chir with another medication, you should talk to your doctor beforehand.

How to take Chir:-

As per several scientific studies, Chir (Pinus roxburghii) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

How much Chir should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Chir (Pinus roxburghii) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

Side effects of Chir:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Chir (Pinus roxburghii)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Chir:-

Question. What are the commercial benefits of Chir?

Answer. Chir pine is widely utilised in the manufacture of wooden poles, windows, ventilators, and cabinets, as well as in the leather industry.

Question. Does Chir help in reducing inflammation?

Answer. Yes, Chir may aid in the reduction of inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities help to relieve pain and inflammation in the affected area.

Inflammation is usually caused by a Vata dosha imbalance. Chir’s Vata balancing and Shothhar (anti-inflammatory) characteristics assist to alleviate inflammation.

Question. How does Chir help in diabetes?

Answer. Chir’s blood glucose lowering action aids in the management of diabetes. It protects pancreatic cells from injury and boosts insulin secretion, allowing blood sugar levels to be controlled.

Diabetes is caused by a Vata and Kapha dosha imbalance. As a result, the body’s insulin levels become unbalanced. Chir’s Vata and Kapha balancing characteristics may aid in the control of diabetes by regulating insulin levels in the body.

Question. Does Chir help in diuresis?

Answer. Yes, the diuretic effect of Chir needles aids in diuresis. It promotes diuresis by increasing urine output.

Question. How does Chir help in preventing worm infections?

Answer. Yes, the diuretic effect of Chir needles aids in diuresis. It promotes diuresis by increasing urine output.

Question. How does Chir help in preventing worm infections?

Answer. Chir’s anthelmintic qualities may aid in the prevention of worm infections. The parasitic worms are expelled from the body without harming the host.

Worm infection is a disorder that occurs as a result of a weakened or impaired digestive system. Chir’s Deepan (appetiser) and Pachana (digestion) properties aid to promote digestion and inhibit worm growth.

Question. Does Chir help prevent Malaria?

Answer. Because Chir essential oil has anti-parasitic properties, it may be useful in the treatment of malaria. Certain components in Chir inhibit the growth of the malarial parasite, allowing malaria to be managed.

Question. How does Chir help manage pimples?

Answer. Chir resin’s antibacterial and antimicrobial characteristics may aid in the treatment of pimples. It inhibits bacterial action on the skin when administered to the afflicted area. Certain Chir components also have anti-inflammatory properties, which help to alleviate skin inflammation caused by pimples.

Due to its Shothhar (anti-inflammatory) characteristic, Chir resins are used to minimise pimples. Pimples are caused by a Pitta-Kapha dosha imbalance, which causes swelling or the creation of a bump in the affected area. Chir aids in the reduction of pimple bumps as well as the prevention of recurrence.

Question. What are the benefits of Chir in the case of chronic bronchitis?

Answer. Because of its expectorant properties, Chir may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic bronchitis. It aids breathing by promoting sputum discharge from the airways.

Question. What are the benefits of Chir in case of wound healing?

Answer. Chir’s therapeutic properties, which include high antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial components, aid wound healing. Chir contains phytoconstituents that aid in wound contraction and closure. It also promotes the creation of new skin cells and prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, lowering the risk of infection at the wound site.

Chir’s Raktarodhak (haemostatic) property aids in wound healing. Its Shothhar (anti-inflammatory) function also helps to lessen inflammation on or surrounding the incision. This aids in the control of wound bleeding as well as the management of inflammation, facilitating wound healing.

Question. Does Chir help in rheumatism?

Answer. Rheumatism is a condition in which joints become inflamed and painful. Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, chir oil can be used topically to the afflicted area to help control rheumatism. Chir’s components suppress the function of an inflammatory protein, which decreases rheumatism-related pain and swelling.

Question. What are the health benefits of Chir resin?

Answer. Chir resin’s anti-inflammatory qualities are thought to help decrease inflammation. When administered topically to the affected area, it also lowers burning. Chir paste can also be used to the lower half of the eyelids to maintain them clean.

Chir resins are effective in the treatment of acne, pimples, and wounds. Due to its Shothhar (anti-inflammatory) characteristic, Chir resins aid to relieve inflammation and pain in certain diseases.


The tree’s wood is commonly utilised for a variety of uses, including house construction, furniture, tea chests, sporting goods, and musical instruments. Different portions of the plant are used as antiseptics, diaphoretics, diuretics, rubefacients, stimulants, and vermifuges for cough, cold, influenza, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

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