What is Ardha Salabhasana
Ardha Salabhasana This asana has a very little difference from Salabhasana, because in this asana only legs will be lifted upwards.
Also Know as: Half Locust Posture/ Pose, Ardha Shalabha or Salabha Asana, Ardh...
What is Trikonasana
Trikonasana Trikonasana, the Triangle Pose, concludes the yoga postures in our Basic Session.
It increases the movement of the Half Spinal Twist Yoga Pose, and gives an excellent stretching to the muscles around the side of the...
What is Parvatasana
Parvatasana In this the body is stretched to look like a mountain peak and so it is called the Parvatasana (parvat means mountain in Sanskrit).
Also Know as: Seated Mountain Pose, Seated Hill Posture, Parvata...