Brahmi : Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Brahmi

Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)

Brahmi (derived from Lord Brahma’s and Goddess Saraswati’s names) is a perennial herb best known for improving memory.(HR/1)

Brahmi tea, created by steeping Brahmi leaves, aids in the treatment of colds, chest congestion, and bronchitis by removing mucus from the airways, making breathing easier. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help to relieve discomfort and inflammation in the throat and respiratory tract. Because of its antioxidant properties, using Brahmi powder with milk helps to boost brain functions by reducing free radical damage to brain cells. Because of its ability to promote cognition, it is utilised as a memory booster and brain tonic for children. Brahmi oil, when applied to the scalp, prevents hair loss by nourishing and strengthening the hair. When used externally, it also disinfects the skin and speeds up the healing process. Brahmi should not be consumed in large quantities because it can produce nausea and dry mouth.

Brahmi is also known as :- Bacopa Monnieri, Babies tear, Bacopa, Herpestis monniera, Water hyssop, Sambarenu.

Brahmi is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Brahmi:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Age related memory loss : Due to the presence of antioxidants, Brahmi may be beneficial in the management of age-related memory decline. It may help elderly adults learn and retain more information by reducing the harm caused by free radicals. Brahmi could possibly help to prevent the buildup of a protein linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
    When administered on a regular basis, Brahmi aids in the management of age-related memory loss. Vata, according to Ayurveda, is in charge of the nerve system. A Vata imbalance causes impaired memory and mental attentiveness. Brahmi is beneficial for improving memory and providing immediate mental alertness. This is because of its Vata balancing and Medhya (intelligence improvement) characteristics.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome : Brahmi is known for its ability to relieve intestinal spasms. It may provide temporary relief from the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but it is not a long-term treatment for IBS.
  • Anxiety : Because of its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties, Brahmi may be beneficial in the treatment of anxiety. It may help to alleviate anxiety and mental tiredness while also improving memory. Brahmi may also help to avoid neuroinflammation (nervous tissue inflammatory), which is linked to anxiety.
    Brahmi is beneficial in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Vata governs all body movement and movements, as well as the nervous system, according to Ayurveda. Vata imbalance is the primary cause of anxiety. Brahmi has a relaxing impact on the nervous system and helps to regulate Vata.
  • Epilepsy/Seizures : Antioxidants included in Brahmi help to protect brain cells. Certain genes and proteins’ synthesis and activity are lowered during an epileptic event. Brahmi promotes these genes, proteins, and pathways, correcting epilepsy’s likely cause and effects.
    Brahmi aids in the management of epileptic symptoms. Epilepsy is known as Apasmara in Ayurveda. Seizures are a common occurrence in epileptic patients. A seizure occurs when the brain’s electrical activity becomes aberrant, resulting in uncontrollable and rapid body movements. It’s possible that this will result in unconsciousness. The three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are all involved in epilepsy. Brahmi helps to balance the three doshas and decreases seizure episodes. Because of its Medhya (increase intelligence) feature, Brahmi also aids in the maintenance of healthy brain function.
  • Asthma : Because of its antiasthmatic properties, Brahmi may be beneficial in the treatment of asthma. It soothes the respiratory tract and aids in the treatment of allergic reactions.
    Asthma symptoms can be alleviated with the use of Brahmi. The main doshas associated in asthma, according to Ayurveda, are Vata and Kapha. In the lungs, vitiated ‘Vata’ joins with disturbed ‘Kapha dosha,’ obstructing the respiratory path. Breathing becomes difficult as a result of this. Swas Roga or Asthma is the medical term for this ailment. Brahmi relieves excess mucus in the lungs and helps to calm Vata-Kapha. Asthma symptoms are relieved as a result of this.
  • Improving sexual performance : Brahmi has been shown to help with a variety of sexual issues. It enhances sperm quality and concentration in males. In females, it may help with infertility management. Brahmi may also increase sexual desire.
  • Pain relief : Because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, Brahmi may be effective in the treatment of chronic pain. It may also be beneficial in the treatment of pain caused by nerve damage or injury. Brahmi reduces pain by blocking the recognition of pain by nerve cells.
  • Hoarseness of voice : Although there isn’t adequate scientific evidence, Brahmi has been used in traditional medicine to treat hoarseness of the voice.
  • Depression : Brahmi contains antidepressant, neuroprotective, and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects. These characteristics could be beneficial in the treatment of mental diseases such as anxiety, depression, and insanity. Brahmi has been shown to help with mental wellness, intelligence, and memory.
    Brahmi aids in the reduction of symptoms associated with mental illnesses such as anxiety and sadness. According to Ayurveda, Vata governs the neurological system, and Vata imbalance leads to mental disorders. Brahmi aids in the regulation of mental disorder symptoms by balancing Vata. Because of its Medhya (increase intelligence) feature, Brahmi also helps to maintain healthy brain function.
  • Sunburn : Brahmi is beneficial in the treatment of sunburn. Sunburn is caused by the aggravation of Pitta dosha owing to prolonged exposure to the sun, according to Ayurveda. Brahmi oil has a great cooling impact and helps to relieve the burning sensation. Because of its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) properties, this is the case. Tips: Brahmi oil is a type of brahmi that is native to India. i. Add 2-4 drops of Brahmi oil to your palms or as needed. ii. Add coconut oil to the mix. iii. Apply once or twice a day to the sunburned region to gain rapid relief.
    Powdered Brahmi i. Take a teaspoon or two of Brahmi powder. ii. Make a paste with the rose water. iii. Apply it to the sunburned region to speed up the healing process.
  • Hair loss : When applied to the scalp, Brahmi oil helps to reduce hair loss and encourage hair growth. This is owing to the fact that hair loss is mostly caused by an irritated Vata dosha in the body. Brahmi oil helps to prevent hair loss by regulating the Vata dosha. It also aids in the removal of excessive dryness. This is related to the qualities of Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing).
  • Headache : massage on the head using Brahmi leaf paste or oil relieves headaches, especially those that begin in the temples and progress to the middle area of the head. This is due to Brahmi’s Sita (cold) potency. It relieves headaches by removing Pitta aggravating elements. 1. Make a paste using 1-2 teaspoons of fresh Brahmi leaves. 2. Combine the ingredients in a bowl with some water and apply to the forehead. 3. Set aside for a minimum of 1-2 hours. 4. Rinse it thoroughly with normal water. 5. Do this once or twice a day to relieve headache pain.

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Precautions to be taken while using Brahmi:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)(HR/3)

Special precautions to be taken while taking Brahmi:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)(HR/4)

  • Other Interaction : Brahmi has been shown to raise thyroid hormone levels. As a result, if you’re using Brahmi alongside thyroid medication, you should keep an eye on your TSH level. Sedatives may interact with Brahmi. As a result, if you’re taking Brahmi alongside sedatives, you should talk to your doctor first. Brahmi has the potential to affect liver function. As a result, if you’re taking Brahmi alongside hepatoprotective medicines, you should keep an eye on your liver function.
    Brahmi has been shown to stimulate gastric and intestinal secretions. If you have stomach ulcers, it is typically recommended that you consult your doctor before using Brahmi. Brahmi has been shown to promote pulmonary fluid output. If you have asthma or emphysema, you should always see your doctor before using Brahmi.
  • Patients with heart disease : Brahmi has been shown to lower heart rate. As a result, it is generally recommended that you monitor your heart rate while taking Brahmi.
  • Allergy : If you are allergic to Brahmi, avoid using it or visit a doctor before taking it. If your skin is hypersensitive, mix a paste or powder of Brahmi leaves with milk or honey. Before applying Brahmi oil to the skin or scalp, it should be diluted with coconut oil.

How to take Brahmi:-

As per several scientific studies, Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Brahmi Fresh Juice : Take two to four teaspoons of Brahmi fresh juice. Add equivalent amount of water to it and consume alcohol daily before food.
  • Brahmi Churna : Take one fourth to half teaspoon Brahmi churna. Swallow it with honey prior to or after lunch and also supper.
  • Brahmi Capsule : Take one to two Brahmi capsule. Swallow it with milk prior to or after lunch and dinner.
  • Brahmi Tablet : Take one to two Brahmi tablet. Swallow it milk prior to or after lunch and dinner.
  • Brahmi Cold Infusion : Take three to four teaspoons Brahmi cold infusion. Add water or honey and also drink before lunch and also supper.
  • Brahmi Paste with Rose Water : Take half to one teaspoon of Brahmi fresh paste. Mix it with increased water as well as use on the face. Let it sit for 4 to 6 minutesWash extensively with simple water. Use this solution one to three times a week.
  • Brahmi Oil : Take half to one teaspoon of Brahmi oil. Massage carefully on the scalp and also hair. Repeat this one to three times a week.

How much Brahmi should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Brahmi Juice : Two to four teaspoons once a day, or, One to two teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Brahmi Churna : One fourth to half teaspoon twice a day.
  • Brahmi Capsule : One to two capsules twice a day.
  • Brahmi Tablet : One to two tablets twice a day.
  • Brahmi Infusion : Three to four teaspoons once or twice a day.
  • Brahmi Oil : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Brahmi Paste : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Brahmi Powder : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Brahmi:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)(HR/7)

  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Thirst
  • Palpitations

Questions asked frequently Related to the Brahmi:-

Question. What are the chemical constituents of Brahmi?

Answer. Brahmine and Saponins such as Bacposide A and B are major alkaloids in Brahmi that boost nootropic activity (agents that enhance memory, creativity and motivation). As a result, Brahmi is an excellent brain tonic.

Question. What are the various forms of Brahmi that are available in the market?

Answer. There are six different types of Brahmi available on the market: 1. oil, 2. juice, 3. powder (churna), 4. tablet, 5. capsule, and 6. sharbat.

Question. Can I take Brahmi on an empty stomach?

Answer. Yes, you can take Brahmi on an empty stomach. It’s even preferable to take Brahmi on an empty stomach because it improves absorption.

Question. Can Brahmi be taken with milk?

Answer. Brahmi can be consumed with milk. When Brahmi is added to milk, it becomes a brain tonic. This is owing to the fact that it has a cooling effect.

Question. Can Brahmi and Ashwagandha taken together?

Answer. Yes, you can take Brahmi and Ashwagandha together. This combination has been shown to increase brain activity.

Yes, Brahmi and Ashwagandha can be taken together because they both aid to maintain healthy brain function if your digestive system is in good shape; otherwise, they may aggravate your digestive issues.

Question. Is Brahmi good for hair?

Answer. Brahmi’s Rasayana (rejuvenating) qualities aid to reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. Brahmi also contains Sita (cold) potency, which helps to balance Pitta, which is the primary cause of hair problems.


Brahmi tea, created by steeping Brahmi leaves, aids in the treatment of colds, chest congestion, and bronchitis by removing mucus from the airways, making breathing easier. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help to relieve discomfort and inflammation in the throat and respiratory tract.

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