Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)
Beetroot, often known as ‘Beet’ or ‘Chukunder,’ is a root vegetable.(HR/1)
Due to the abundance of vital elements such as folate, potassium, iron, and vitamin C, it has recently acquired recognition as a superfood. Because of its anti-aging properties, beetroot is good for the skin. Its juice can be applied to the face for a more youthful appearance. Beetroot consumption in the form of raw salads on a regular basis may help manage anaemia by increasing the concentration of iron in the blood. Beetroot is also high in antioxidants, which aid in the proper functioning of the heart and, as a result, blood pressure regulation.It also has aphrodisiac effects, which assist men boost their sexual drive and treat erectile dysfunction. When you consume too much beetroot, your faeces or urine may turn red or pink in colour. Beetroot is also widely utilised in the food business as a colouring ingredient.
Beetroot is also known as :- Beta vulgaris, Palanki, Chukunder, Chakunder, Sensira, Neysisa, Sensirayi, Bitpalang, Shakharkand, Bipfruit, Garden Beet, Red beet, White sugar beet, Foliage beet, Leaf beet, Spinach beet, Salaq, Silikh, Chakundar
Beetroot is obtained from :- Plant
Uses and benefits of Beetroot:-
As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)
- Athletic performance : The presence of inorganic nitrates in beetroot may help athletes perform better. It improves the effectiveness of high-intensity exercise by lowering lung oxygen consumption.
Beetroot’s Guru (heavy) property aids with improving athletic performance. It also improves the body’s health and strength by increasing Kapha. Beetroot consumption on a regular basis boosts energy levels and aids athletic performance. Tips: 1. Take a couple of raw beets. 2. Wash them and cut them up into small pieces. 3. You can also add whatever vegetables you like. 4. Add half a lemon to it. 5. Season with salt to taste. 6. Eat it before or after meals. - Liver disease : Beetroot may help to prevent liver disease and damage. Betanin, a substance found in beetroot, increases the body’s production of antioxidant proteins. These proteins help to protect liver cells from oxidative damage.
- High triglycerides : Beetroot may help to reduce blood triglyceride levels. It’s because flavonoids and/or saponins are present.
An imbalance of Pachak Agni causes high cholesterol (digestive fire). Excess waste products, or Ama, are produced when tissue digestion is impaired (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This leads to the buildup of harmful cholesterol and the occlusion of blood arteries. Because of its Ushna (hot) potency, including beetroot in your diet helps to improve Agni (digestive). It also lowers Ama and aids in the management of elevated cholesterol levels in the body. Take 1-2 raw beetroots as a first step. 2. Wash them and cut them up into small pieces. 3. You can also add whatever vegetables you like. 4. Add half a lemon to it. 5. Season with salt to taste. 6. Eat it before or after meals. - Hypertension (high blood pressure) : Because of its high inorganic nitrate concentration, beetroot may help lower blood pressure. Nitric oxide is formed when nitrates are transformed into it, which widens blood vessels and regulates blood pressure.
- Anti-wrinkle : Wrinkles appear as a result of ageing, dry skin, and a lack of moisture in the skin. It appears owing to an exacerbated Vata, according to Ayurveda. Because of its Vata-balancing properties, beetroot aids in the prevention of wrinkles. It also helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the skin’s moisture content. Tips: a. Take 1-2 teaspoons of beetroot juice or as needed. b. Mix in the honey and apply to the face evenly. c. Set aside for 15-30 minutes to allow the flavours to meld. d. Rinse well under running water. e. To reduce fine lines and wrinkles, apply this medication 2-3 times each week.
- Anti-dandruff : According to Ayurveda, dandruff is a scalp ailment defined by flakes of dry skin that might be caused by an exacerbated Vata or Pitta dosha. Beetroot juice helps to control dandruff by balancing the Vata and Pitta doshas. Excessive dryness and itching on the scalp can be relieved by applying beetroot juice mixed with coconut oil to the scalp. Tips: a. Take 1-2 teaspoons of beetroot juice or as needed. b. Mix in some coconut oil and apply to the scalp. c. Let it sit for a couple of hours. d. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
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Precautions to be taken while using Beetroot:-
As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)(HR/3)
Special precautions to be taken while taking Beetroot:-
As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)(HR/4)
- Breastfeeding : In food proportions, beetroot is safe to consume. However, before taking Beetroot supplements while breastfeeding, you should see your doctor.
- kidney disease : If you have kidney illness, talk to your doctor before using Beetroot.
- Pregnancy : In food proportions, beetroot is safe to consume. However, before taking Beetroot supplements during pregnancy, you should see your doctor.
How to take Beetroot:-
As per several scientific studies, Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)
- Beetroot Salad : Take one to two raw BeetrootsWash as well as cut them in items of your preferred form as well as sizeYou can likewise add your favored veggies to it. Squeeze half lemon to it. Sprinkle salt to taste. Have it with or before dishes.
- Beetroot Juice : Take half to one cup of Beetroot juice. Add orange or pomegranate juice to itDrink it ideally in the morning meal, or, Take one to two teaspoon of juice of Beetroot or leaves. Add honey to it and use uniformly on the face. Let it rest for fifteen minutes. Wash extensively with faucet water. Use this treatment two to three times a week to manage creases as well as acnes.
- Beetroot Capsule : Take one to two capsules of BeetrootSwallow it with water preferably after meals two times a day.
- Beetroot Powder : Take half to one teaspoon of Beetroot powder. Swallow it with water or honey preferably after meals twice a day, or, Take one to two teaspoon of Beetroot powder. Add honey to it. Apply on the impacted area. Let it rest for twenty to three0 minutes. Wash with faucet water. Use this treatment two to three times a week to eliminate swelling.
- Beetroot Oil : Take four to five drops of Beetroot oil. Add Sesame oil to it. Massage uniformly on the impacted area. Use this treatment one to two times a day to get rid of pain.
How much Beetroot should be taken:-
As per several scientific studies, Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)
- Beetroot Juice : Half to one cup or as per your requirement, or, One to two teaspoon or as per your requirement.
- Beetroot Capsule : One to two capsule of beetroots twice a day.
- Beetroot Powder : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement, or, One to two teaspoon or as per your requirement.
- Beetroot Oil : Four to five drops or as per your requirement.
Side effects of Beetroot:-
As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)(HR/7)
- There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.
Questions asked frequently Related to the Beetroot:-
Question. Can we eat Beetroot raw?
Answer. It is preferable to consume raw beetroot rather than cooked beetroot. Raw beetroot has a considerably sweeter flavour and more nutrients than cooked beetroot.
Yes, you can eat raw beets. If you have a weak Agni (digestive fire), however, you should take it cooked. This is owing to its Guru (heavy) nature, which takes time to digest when raw.
Question. Can we drink Beetroot juice on empty stomach?
Answer. On an empty stomach, beet juice can be consumed. It has a distinctive flavour. It can be consumed straight or mixed with orange or pomegranate juice.
Yes, after diluting with other fruit juice or water, beetroot juice can be consumed on an empty stomach. Because of its Guru (heavy) nature, it is highly concentrated and takes time to digest.
Question. What does Beetroot juice do?
Answer. Beetroot is high in nitrates, which are natural compounds. Nitrates in the body convert to nitric oxide, which enhances blood flow and controls blood pressure. Beetroot juice can also aid with stamina.
Question. Is Beetroot a Superfood?
Answer. Yes. Beets are regarded as a superfood. Potassium, betaine, magnesium, folate, vitamin C, and nitrates are all abundant in it.
Question. Can Beetroot leaves be eaten?
Answer. Yes, you may eat the leaves of a beet. They can be cooked, sauteed, and added to soups, as well as eaten raw.
The leaves of beets can be eaten. They have diuretic and laxative properties. It also aids in the relief of edoema and headaches.
Question. Is Beetroot good for diabetic patients?
Answer. Yes, beetroot has a lot of bioactive compounds in it. It may reduce the quantity of blood glucose in the blood after meals by reducing sugar digestion and absorption. It may also promote insulin secretion.
Yes, beetroot is beneficial to diabetics. Diabetes, also known as Madhumeha, is caused by a Vata imbalance and poor digestion. Impaired digestion causes an accumulation of Ama (toxic waste left in the body as a result of faulty digestion) in the pancreatic cells, impairing insulin activity. Beetroot’s Ushna (hot) potency aids in the removal of Ama and the regulation of exacerbated Vata. This aids in the management of elevated blood sugar levels.
Question. Is Beetroot good for thyroid?
Answer. Yes, the thyroid gland may benefit from beetroot. Thyroid hormone production is reduced when there is a lack of iodine in the body. Because beetroot is high in iodine, it may help with thyroid issues.
Question. Is Beetroot good for weight loss?
Answer. Obesity may be caused by an increase in oxidative stress and inflammation. Beetroot has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As a result, beetroot may be beneficial in weight reduction control.
Yes, beetroot can help you lose weight. Beetroot is a Guru (heavy) vegetable that takes a long time to digest. This provides you a sense of fullness and keeps you from overeating.
Question. Is Beetroot good for anemia?
Answer. Yes, beetroot boosts haemoglobin production and is helpful in the treatment of iron deficiency and anaemia. This is due to Beetroot’s high iron and folic acid content.
Question. Does Beetroot cause red urine?
Answer. Betalains are a functional group found in considerable quantities in beetroot. When you eat beetroot, your urine turns crimson in colour.
Question. Does Beetroot cause red stools?
Answer. Yes, when you consume beetroot, your faeces may turn red. This is due to the presence of a natural dye called “Betalains.” On metabolism, this dye gives the faeces a crimson colour.
Question. Can Beetroot juice cause constipation?
Answer. Beetroot, on the other hand, is an excellent strategy to prevent and relieve constipation. This is because to its laxative (Rechana) properties. Beetroot is also abundant in fibre, which adds weight to the stool and facilitates ejection.
Question. What are the health benefits of Beetroot salad?
Answer. In salads, beetroot is a common element. It can be eaten raw by cutting, shredding, or mixing it with other vegetables. It’s also good cooked with some vinegar and olive oil. It is high in fibre and aids in constipation relief. Its high iron concentration helps to prevent and treat anaemia. Beetroot boosts sex desire, decreases cholesterol, and aids kidney problems.
Beetroot aids in the management of illnesses such as iron deficiency in the body, which is often caused by a Pitta dosha imbalance. This is because it has a Pitta-balancing effect. It aids in the prevention of anaemia as well as the improvement of energy levels in the body. Tips: 1. Take a couple of raw beets. 2. Wash them and cut them into the shape and size you want. 3. You can also add whatever vegetables you like. 4. Add 12 lemon juice to it. 5. Season with salt to taste. 6. Eat it before or after meals.
Question. What are the benefits of Beetroot juice for the skin?
Answer. Because of its antioxidant properties, beetroot has a variety of skin benefits. It fights free radicals in the skin and slows down the ageing process. It also inhibits cell proliferation, which lowers the chance of skin cancer. Beetroot can also be used to treat boils, skin irritation, and pimple and pustule outbreaks.
Beetroot juice aids in the prevention of ageing and the treatment of boils and skin inflammation. This is usually caused by a Pitta dosha imbalance. Due to its Pitta balancing and Ropan (healing) characteristics, beetroot juice can assist to alleviate these symptoms.
Question. Is Beetroot soup good for health?
Answer. Yes, beetroot soup is beneficial to one’s health because it serves as a tasty starter and aids in digestion. It relieves constipation and aids in the treatment of indigestion since it is high in fibre. It also aids in the correct operation of the heart and kidneys.
Yes, Beetroot Soup is beneficial to one’s health because of its Ushna (hot) and Pitta balancing capabilities, which aid in the improvement of Agni (digestive fire). This aids in better digestion in general.
Question. Is Beetroot beneficial for a pregnant woman?
Answer. Yes, beetroot is good for pregnant women since it includes folic acid, which aids in foetal growth when eaten as a salad. Beetroot has a compound that aids in the reduction of blood pressure in hypertensive pregnant women.
Question. Is Beetroot good for hair?
Answer. Yes, the presence of carotenoids in beetroot may be advantageous to hair. Hair quality, thickness, gloss, and growth are all improved.
Question. Is Beetroot good for acne?
Answer. Beetroot does have antibacterial properties. It stops the bacteria that causes acne and other skin problems from growing.
Question. Can Beetroot be used as hair dye?
Answer. Yes, beetroot may be used to give your hair a lovely red hue. This is because Betalains, a pigment that imparts the natural colour, is present.
Due to the abundance of vital elements such as folate, potassium, iron, and vitamin C, it has recently acquired recognition as a superfood. Because of its anti-aging properties, beetroot is good for the skin.