Watermelon: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Watermelon herb

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)

Watermelon is a refreshing summer fruit that is high in nutrients and contains 92 percent water.(HR/1)

It moisturises and keeps the body cool throughout the hot summer months. Watermelon aids weight loss by making you feel full and reducing the desire to overeat due to its high water content. Premature ejaculation and libido loss are two sexual problems that it can help with in both men and women. Because of its high fibre content, watermelon consumption aids digestion. Because of its moisturising characteristics, watermelon is commonly utilised in the cosmetic industry to keep skin and hair healthy. Watermelon is thought to have a cooling effect and reduce dryness, which helps to control acne and pimples in Ayurveda.Watermelon pulp or juice, with its Sita (cooling) and Ropna (healing) characteristics, also protects against sunburn.

Watermelon is also known as :- Citrullus lanatus, Tarbuj, Kalingada, Kalingu, Phuti, Kakri, Tarmuj, Karigu, Kalling, Bacchaanga, Kalingad, Karbuj, Kharbuja, Tarbuja, Darbusini, Kummatikai, Thannimathai, Thannir Mathan, Kummattika, Puchakayi, Kallangadi, Kallachi, Karabooja, Kekkarike.

Watermelon is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Watermelon:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Sexual Dysfunction : “Men’s sexual dysfunction can manifest as a loss of libido, or a lack of desire to engage in sexual activity. It’s also possible to have a short erection time or have semen discharged shortly after a sexual activity. This is also known as “premature ejaculation” or “early discharge.” Watermelon consumption on a regular basis aids in the normal functioning of male sexual performance. This is owing to its aphrodisiac (Vajikarna) properties. Watermelon is also effective in the treatment of female libido loss. Tips: a. Chop about 1/2 to 1 cup of fresh watermelon fruit, or to taste. c. Take it after a small meal, ideally during the day. c. Maintaining a healthy sexual life will be easier as a result of this.”
  • Hyperacidity : “The term “hyperacidity” refers to a high level of acid in the stomach. An exacerbated Pitta weakens the digestive fire, resulting in incorrect food digestion and Ama formation. This Ama builds up in the digestive system, causing hyperacidity. Watermelon’s Sita (cool) feature helps to lower acid levels in the stomach when consumed on a regular basis. a. Take 1/2-1 cup of freshly squeezed watermelon juice. b. Drink it once or twice a day before eating to relieve hyperacidity.”
  • Burning sensation of urine : Urine burning is a common sign of a urinary infection or a lack of water consumption. Toxins are produced in the body when Pitta is exacerbated. Toxins build up in the urinary channels, causing a burning feeling. Watermelon can assist to relieve a burning sensation. Its Sita (cold) and Mutral (diuretic) qualities account for this. a. Take 1/2-1 cup of freshly squeezed watermelon juice. b. Drink it once or twice a day after a small meal. c. Do this every day to get rid of the burning sensation in your urine.
  • Acne and Pimples : Acne and pimples are common in those with a Kapha-Pitta dosha skin type. Kapha aggravation, according to Ayurveda, promotes sebum production, which clogs pores. Both white and blackheads occur as a result of this. Pitta aggravation also results in red papules (bumps) and pus-filled inflammation. Watermelon juice can be used to treat acne and pimples. It controls excessive sebum production, unclogs pores, and reduces inflammation. This is due to the fact that it is Ropan (healing) and Sita (cool). Tips: a. Mash a few watermelon chunks and apply on the face. c. Set aside for 10 to 15 minutes. d. Finally, rinse it with normal water. d. Do this twice a week to keep oil under control and prevent acne and pimples.
  • Sunburn : Watermelon can help you avoid becoming sunburned. Sunburn is caused by the Pitta dosha aggravation caused by prolonged exposure to the sun, according to Ayurveda. Due to its Sita (chill) and Ropan (healing) properties, using Watermelon pulp paste provides good cooling and reduces burning sensation. Tips: a. Mash a few watermelon chunks and apply on the face. c. Set aside for 10 to 15 minutes. d. Finally, rinse it with normal water. d. Do this twice a week to get rid of sunburn.

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Precautions to be taken while using Watermelon:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)(HR/3)

Special precautions to be taken while taking Watermelon:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)(HR/4)

  • Allergy : Watermelon juice has a cooling and anti-inflammatory impact when applied to the skin. Because of its Sita (cold) potency, this is the case. However, if someone has hypersensitive skin, it may induce an allergic reaction.

How to take Watermelon:-

As per several scientific studies, Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Watermelon Fresh juice : Take half to one mug of Watermelon fresh juice. Drink it before taking food once or twice a day to remove hyperacidity.
  • Watermelon fruit bowl : Take a fresh Watermelon. Remove the peel and also cut it right into small pieces. Have it in your breakfast or as a treat bowl.
  • Watermelon Juice : Cut a few pieces of Watermelon and placed it in a juicer. Strain the juice. Dip a cotton sphere in the Watermelon juice as well as apply on the skin. Let it dry for around fifteen minutes. Wash it off with normal water.
  • Watermelon pack for dry skin : Take one tablespoon Watermelon pulp. Add one teaspoon yogurt. Add two declines of coconut/sesame/almond oil. Mix well as well as apply the paste on face and neckKeep for around twenty minutes and afterwards wash off with normal water.

How much Watermelon should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

Side effects of Watermelon:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Watermelon:-

Question. Can we eat Watermelon on an empty stomach?

Answer. Yes, you can eat watermelon on an empty stomach. When watermelon is ingested on an empty stomach, the body absorbs all of the necessary nutrients.

Watermelon eaten on an empty stomach can assist to relieve hyperacidity.

Question. What happens when you eat Watermelon seeds?

Answer. When watermelon seeds are ingested, there are no negative side effects. Excessive consumption, on the other hand, must be avoided.

Question. Can I eat Watermelon daily?

Answer. Watermelon consumption in moderation is not dangerous. A big amount, on the other hand, can cause an increase in lycopene and potassium levels in the body. Nausea, indigestion, diarrhoea, and bloating are all possible side effects.

Question. Can we eat Watermelon after milk?

Answer. It is typically recommended to avoid eating watermelon with milk because it can create excessive gas production and discomfort.

Watermelon should not be consumed after consuming milk. This is due to the fact that watermelon is Guru (heavy) and takes time to digest. Milk has a Kapha-stimulating effect, which can make digestion harder, resulting in gas or indigestion.

Question. Is there a lot of sugar in Watermelon?

Answer. Watermelon has a sweet taste and includes fruit sugar. It is, however, low in sugar. Watermelon has a low glycemic index, which means it won’t spike your blood sugar levels when you consume it.

Question. How to use Watermelon to get a glowing skin?

Answer. Watermelon is high in vitamin C, which keeps the skin looking young, healthy, and radiant. Its antioxidant properties aid in the battle against free radicals, the prevention of cell damage, and the regulation of skin ageing. Tips: 1. Take the watermelon pulp. 2. Use it as a mask on your face. 3. Leave it to sit for 5–10 minutes. 4. Finally, give it a good rinsing with cool water.

Pitta dosha imbalance is the most common cause of dull skin. Watermelon has the ability to balance Pitta dosha, which aids in the maintenance of healthy skin.

Question. Does Watermelon help in weight loss?

Answer. The weight of a watermelon does not change significantly. This is because to the fact that watermelon is 92 percent water and Guru (heavy) in nature. It produces a feeling of fullness when taken before food. This will keep you from overeating and so help you keep your weight in check.

Question. Can we eat Watermelon at night?

Answer. Watermelon can be consumed at any time of day, however it is best avoided at night. This is because to the fact that Watermelon possesses Guru (heavy) properties. As a result, if taken late at night, it takes longer to digest and may induce stomach trouble.

Question. Is Watermelon good for diabetes?

Answer. Yes, watermelon is excellent for diabetes since it contains lycopene, a chemical component. Lycopene suppresses an enzyme that raises blood sugar levels. This aids in the prevention of hyperglycemia.

Question. Is Watermelon good for eyes?

Answer. Watermelon is healthy for the eyes, especially if you have macular degeneration. It develops as the macula layer of the retina thins, causing in a gradual loss of vision. The emergence of yellow dots is one of the signs. Watermelon is high in carotenoids, which aid to boost vitamin A levels and lower the risk of macular degeneration in the retina.

Question. Is Watermelon or its seeds good for the heart?

Answer. Lycopene, a chemical component found in watermelon, is abundant. Because of its antioxidant action, dietary lycopene has cardioprotective properties. Lycopene lowers cholesterol production while increasing low-density lipid excretion. This aids in the reduction of high cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

Question. Does Watermelon help in hair growth?

Answer. Yes, the presence of vitamin C in watermelon aids hair development. Watermelon supplies sufficient iron to red blood cells and transports oxygen to the hair when consumed. As a result, it supports hair health.

Pitta dosha imbalance is the most common cause of hair problems. Watermelon has the ability to balance Pitta dosha, which aids in hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Question. What happens if you eat too much Watermelon?

Answer. Because of the presence of specific elements (Lycopene) in watermelon, eating too much of it might cause health problems such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and gas buildup. Watermelon is also high in potassium, which can interfere with proper heartbeat and even cause a heart attack. It can also have a negative impact on kidney function.

Question. What happens if elderly people eat too much watermelon?

Answer. Excessive consumption of watermelon may create digestive issues in the elderly, as the digestive system weakens with age. In the case of older people, it is normally suggested to consult a doctor before consuming watermelon.

Question. What are the benefits of eating Watermelon during pregnancy?

Answer. Watermelon is safe to eat during pregnancy since it soothes heartburn. Watermelon aids in the management of dehydration and muscle spasms due to its high water content and other fruit sugars. Watermelon’s antioxidants also aid in improving the immune system’s reaction to illnesses.

Question. Is Watermelon good for skin?

Answer. Watermelon may be helpful for the skin, despite the lack of scientific data. Because of its antioxidant properties, applying watermelon juice to the skin may aid in the removal of blemishes.

Question. Is Watermelon good for pimples?

Answer. Watermelon may help with pimples, yet there isn’t enough scientific data to back it up. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities contribute to this.


It moisturises and keeps the body cool throughout the hot summer months. Watermelon aids weight loss by making you feel full and reducing the desire to overeat due to its high water content.

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