Vidarikand: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Vidarikand herb

Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa)

Vidarikand, also known as Indian Kudzu, is a perennial herb.(HR/1)

This renewing herb’s tubers (roots) are primarily utilised as an immune booster and restorative tonic. Because of its spermatogenic function, Vidarikand roots serve to enhance the flow of mother’s milk and also raises the quality and quantity of sperm in males, increasing their count and motility. Vidarikand tubers are also used to treat chest pain, rheumatism, and fever. It’s best to take it with milk after meals to get the most out of it. Incorporating Vidarikand into your diet helps to renew your skin and give it a healthy glow.

Vidarikand is also known as :- Pueraria tuberosa, Bhumikushumanda, Bhedeleton, Bhuikumra, Vidarikanta, Bhonykoru, Eagio, Bhoikolu, Sakharvel, Vidarikanda, Nelagumbala Gudde, Nelagumbala, Gumadi belli, Nelagumbula, Mudakku, Bhuikohala, Ghodvel, Bhuiankakharu, Nilapoosani, Nelagummuda, Darigummadi, Kudzu, Vidarika.

Vidarikand is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Vidarikand:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Alcohol addiction : Because of its antioxidant characteristics, vidarikand aids in the reduction of alcohol use. It protects cells from cell damage by fighting free radicals (which are produced by alcohol). Heavy drinkers who use Vidarikand have been found to consume less alcohol, according to research.
    “Alcoholism refers to a drinking problem. It’s a chronic disorder in which a person can’t stop drinking alcohol frequently and excessively for medical or psychological causes. Alcoholism is referred to as Madatyaya in Ayurveda. Tridoshaja is used to treat all types of alcoholism, with the major dosha being treated first. Oja kshaya (weakened immunity) is a prominent complication of alcoholism. Alcoholism symptoms can be alleviated with Vidarikand. Because of its Rasayana and Vata-Pitta balancing characteristics, Vidarikand helps to enhance Oja while also balancing the aggravated dosha (if Vata-Pitta aggravated). Vidarikand can be used to reduce alcohol consumption in the following ways: 1. Take 2-3 mg of Vidarikand powder (or as prescribed by a physician). 2. Take it twice a day with lukewarm milk after eating.”
  • Angina (heart-related chest pain) : There is insufficient scientific data to support Vidarikand’s involvement in preventing chest pain during a technique known as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA).
  • Coronary artery disease : Vidarikand’s antioxidant properties may make it effective in the treatment of coronary heart disease. Free radicals are combated by the antioxidants in Vidarikand. This prevents blood clots from forming, which improves blood flow to the heart, lowering heart damage and, as a result, the risk of Coronary heart disease.
  • Diabetes mellitus (Type 1 & Type 2) : Vidarikand’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics may aid in the management of diabetes. It lowers blood sugar levels while also protecting pancreatic cells, resulting in increased insulin secretion and sensitivity.
    Vidarikand’s Rasayana (rejuvenating) virtue aids in maintaining regular blood sugar levels in the body. It protects pancreatic cells from injury and improves insulin secretion, which is hampered by the accumulation of Ama (toxic waste left over from incorrect digestion) in the body. 1. Take 2-3 mg of Vidarikand powder (or as advised by a physician) to treat diabetes. 2. Take it twice a day with a glass of lukewarm milk to help manage diabetes.
  • Diabetic kidney disease : Vidarikand is an antioxidant that helps to protect the kidneys from injury. Vidarikand’s antioxidant property eliminates free radicals from our bodies and increases oxygen exchange in kidney cells, which aids in the management of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage caused by diabetes).
  • Diabetic eye disease : There isn’t enough scientific data to support Vidarikand’s role in diabetic retinopathy.
  • Athletic performance : Because of its capacity to boost growth hormones, Vidarikand enhances physical strength. It also aids in the reduction of chest circumference, muscular strength, and body mass.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) : Vidarikand’s antioxidant properties may aid in the management of high blood pressure. Vidarikand’s antioxidant properties aid in the removal of free radicals from the body, preventing blood vessel damage. It can also help to lower blood pressure by increasing blood flow and expanding blood arteries.
  • Stroke : In the case of a stroke, there isn’t enough scientific data to support Vidarikand’s role.
  • Low back pain : Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Vidarikand in low back pain.
  • Menopausal symptoms : There isn’t enough scientific data to support Vidarikand’s use in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Vidarikand, on the other hand, may help minimise hot flashes and improve vaginal dryness, according to a study.
    “For women, menopause is a period of physical and mental transition. The body exhibits symptoms that are related to both physical and mental health. More significant symptoms, such as frequent hot flashes, persistent sleep disturbance, and moderate to severe mood swings, are indicators of underlying imbalances that, if left untreated, will remain and set the foundation for eventual disease. According to Ayurveda, certain persistent symptoms are caused by a buildup of toxins as well as a dosha imbalance, particularly Vata. Because of its Rasayana and Vata balancing properties, Vidarikand helps to alleviate the symptoms of Menopause by eliminating toxins and balancing Vata. Vidarikand can be used to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. 1. Take 2-3 mg of Vidarikand powder (or as prescribed by a physician). 2. Take it twice a day with lukewarm milk after meals.”
  • Heart attack : Vidarikand’s antioxidant properties aid to lower the risk of a heart attack. It also contains cardioprotective properties that help to prevent strokes. Vidarikand contains chemicals that cause blood vessels to relax and promote blood circulation in the arteries. This helps to enlarge blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure and, as a result, lowers the risk of heart attacks.
  • Influenza (flu) : In the case of the flu, there isn’t enough scientific data to support Vidarikand’s use.
    Vidarikand aids in the alleviation of flu symptoms. Flu or influenza is called as Vata Shleshmika Jwara in Ayurveda. The flu is a respiratory virus that affects the upper respiratory tract. According to Ayurveda, seasonal changes disrupt Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, resulting in illness. Vidarikand’s Rasayana (rejuvenating) characteristics aid in the reduction of flu symptoms and the prevention of seasonal changes. Vidarikand can be used to relieve the symptoms of the flu in the following ways: 1. Take 2-3 mg of Vidarikand powder (or as prescribed by a physician). 2. Take it twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.
  • Muscle pain : For the role of Vidarikand in Muscle Pain, there isn’t enough scientific proof.
    In everyday life, Vidarikand can help with muscle discomfort and weariness. Because of its Balya (strengthening) and Vata balancing characteristics, using Vidarikand powder reduces Muscle discomfort and relieves related symptoms. Vidarikand can be used to relieve muscle discomfort in the following ways: 1. Take 2-3 mg of Vidarikand powder (or as prescribed by a physician). 2. Take it twice a day with lukewarm milk after meals.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Acid reflux) : Vidarikand’s analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial characteristics aid in the management of stomach irritation (gastritis). It reduces the synthesis of certain inflammation-causing molecules, which helps to reduce discomfort and inflammation in the stomach. It also reduces acidity by inhibiting the generation of gastric acid in the stomach.
    “Normally, the stomach secretes acid, which is necessary for digestion. Acidity is a condition that occurs when the stomach produces an excessive amount of acid. The fundamental cause of acidity, according to Ayurveda, is an inflamed Pitta dosha. Gastritis is a condition that occurs when stomach acid causes inflammation of the stomach’s inner layer. Because of its Sita (chill) nature, Vidarikand helps to balance the increased Pitta and relieves the symptoms of gastritis. Because of its Rasayana properties, it also protects the stomach’s inner layer. Vidarikand can be used to relieve stomach irritation in the following ways: 1. Take 2-3 mg of Vidarikand powder (or as prescribed by a physician). 2. Take it twice a day with milk after meals.
  • Weight loss : Vidarikand’s anti-inflammatory qualities, according to one study, help to lower body fat and BMI. Vidarikand contains a compound that decreases the action of inflammatory genes that cause inflammation.
  • Wound healing : Vidarikand’s Ropan (healing) property aids in the speedy healing of wounds, reduces swelling, and restores the skin’s typical texture. Due to its Sita (cold) nature, it also relieves inflammation and gives a cooling effect. Tip for promoting wound healing with Vidarikand: a. Measure out 1-2 tablespoons of Vidarikand powder or as needed. b. Make a paste with the water or coconut oil. c. To facilitate wound healing, apply the paste to the affected region once or twice a day.

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Precautions to be taken while using Vidarikand:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa)(HR/3)

  • Vidarikand might interfere with blood sugar levels during before and after surgery. So it is advisable to take Vidarikand at least 14 days before surgery.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Vidarikand:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa)(HR/4)

  • Allergy : According to certain research, using Vidarikand can trigger allergic responses.
    According to certain research, using Vidarikand can trigger allergic responses.
  • Breastfeeding : Because there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s best to avoid Vidarikand during breastfeeding or visit your doctor first.
  • Moderate Medicine Interaction : Vidarikand could have a mild interaction with birth control pills. Vidarikand has similar activity to oestrogen, which is a key component of birth control pills. When Vidarikand is combined with birth control pills, the effect of the tablets may be reduced. As a result, it’s best to talk to your doctor before taking Vidarikand alongside birth control pills.
  • Patients with diabetes : Vidarikand has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels. When taking Vidarikand alongside anti-diabetic medications, it’s best to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.
  • Patients with heart disease : Cardiovascular medications may interact with Vidarikand. As a result, it is typically recommended that you see your doctor before taking Vidarikand alongside cardiovascular medications.
  • Patients with liver disease : Vidarikand has been linked to liver damage and the worsening of hepatitis. As a result, patients with liver disorders should seek medical advice before taking Vidarikand.
  • Pregnancy : Because there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s best to avoid Vidarikand during pregnancy or visit your doctor first.
  • severe medicine interaction : Vidarikand reduces blood clotting, making it worsen blood clotting diseases and interfering with drugs used to treat bleeding and blood clotting problems.

How to take Vidarikand:-

As per several scientific studies, Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Vidarikand Powder : Take two to threegm of Vidarikand powder or as guided by the doctor. Swallow it with lukewarm milk after taking food two times a day, or, Take half to one teaspoon of Vidarikand powder. Add honey to it and also apply equally on the face as well as neck. Let it sit for 5 to eight minutes. Wash thoroughly with tap water. Use this remedy one to two times a week to enhance your skin complexion.
  • Vidarikand Capsule : Take one pill or as directed by the doctor. Swallow it with milk or water two times a day after taking food.
  • Vidarikand Tablet : Take one tablet computer a day as routed by the doctor. Swallow it with milk or water two times a day after taking food.
  • Vidarikand Paste : Take half to one teaspoon of Vidarikand powder. Mix it with some water to make a paste. Apply the paste on the impacted area. Let it sit for one to two hours. Use this remedy once daily to get rid of pain as well as swelling.

How much Vidarikand should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Vidarikand Powder : Two to threegm twice a day or as directed by the doctor, or, Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Vidarikand Capsule : One capsule twice a day or as directed by the doctor.
  • Vidarikand Tablet : One tablet twice a day or as directed by the doctor.

Side effects of Vidarikand:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa)(HR/7)

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Skin Itchiness

Questions asked frequently Related to the Vidarikand:-

Question. Does Vidarikand prevents atheroma formation?

Answer. The fatty buildup in the arteries is known as atheroma. Vidarikand’s clotting action reduces the buildup of fatty acids in arteries.

Question. Is Vidarikand beneficial in improving sexual performance?

Answer. Because of its aphrodisiac properties, Vidarikand is thought to help improve sexual performance. It helps boost sperm production by increasing testosterone levels in men.

Vidarikand helps to promote sexual health and reduces the symptoms of sexual weakness. Sexual dysfunction in men can manifest as a loss of libido, or a lack of desire to engage in sexual activity, a shorter erection period, or less semen expelled after sexual activity (also known as “early discharge” or “premature ejaculation”). Vidarikand’s Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) property aids in the maintenance of a healthy sexual life and minimises the symptoms of sexual weakness such as erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation.

Question. Is the topical use of Vidarikand beneficial for joint and muscle pain?

Answer. There isn’t enough scientific data to support Vidarikand’s role in joint discomfort and edoema. Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities, on the other hand, may help manage pain and inflammation.

Question. Is Vidarikand useful in cuts and wounds?

Answer. Vidarikand can help with cuts and wounds. Because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, Vidarikand root paste may aid in wound management. It aids in the relief of pain and inflammation caused by cuts and wounds.

Question. What precaution should be taken with oral use of Vidarikand?

Answer. According to studies, if Vidarikand is taken in the wrong doses, it might induce stomach distress, vaginal dryness, and dizziness. As a result, before taking Vidarikand orally, you should visit your doctor.

Because to its Guru (heavy) character, Vidarikand takes a long time to digest. Vidarikand can induce gastrointestinal troubles such as heaviness in the abdomen if someone has poor digestion.

Question. What precautions should be taken by diabetic patients while taking Vidarikand?

Answer. Diabetes drugs are used to lower blood sugar levels, and Vidarikand has the same effect. Taking Vidarikand with diabetic medications may cause blood sugar levels to drop too low, which can be dangerous to one’s health. As a result, diabetics should use Vidarikand as directed by their physician.

Question. What precautions should be taken by females while using Vidarikand?

Answer. Vidarikand has estrogen-like effects (female sex hormone). Vidarikand may exacerbate the symptoms of hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroid in women. In such instances, it is best to seek medical advice before taking Vidarikand.

Question. Is Vidarikand good for swollen joints?

Answer. Yes, Vidarikand may be beneficial in the treatment of swollen joints. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it aids in the reduction of joint discomfort and inflammation. Tips to use Vidarikand to obtain relief from swollen joints: 1. Peel Vidarikand’s tuberous roots. 2. Make a soft, moist lump out of them. 3. Apply to inflamed joints to relieve pain.


This renewing herb’s tubers (roots) are primarily utilised as an immune booster and restorative tonic. Because of its spermatogenic function, Vidarikand roots serve to enhance the flow of mother’s milk and also raises the quality and quantity of sperm in males, increasing their count and motility.

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