Sandalwood: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Sandalwood herb

Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Sandalwood, also known as Svetchandan in Ayurveda, is also known as Srigandha.(HR/1)

It is one of the oldest and most valuable natural fragrance sources, having significant medical and commercial value. Sandalwood tea’s hepatoprotective properties aid in the management of liver and gallbladder issues. Sandalwood tea has also been shown to help with mental issues. Sandalwood oil has a number of skin benefits. Sandalwood oil applied topically to the face promotes skin cell proliferation. When used as a paste or oil, it is generally thought to be the greatest cure for headaches.Sandalwood oil inhalation also aids in the management of respiratory infections by lowering inflammation in the lung airways due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Sandalwood has a Sita (cold) property, according to Ayurveda, thus people who are sensitive to cold should take it under medical supervision. Sandalwood should also be consumed in moderation because it might induce stomach problems.

Sandalwood is also known as :- Santalum album, Srikhanda, Svetchandana, Sandale Avyaj, Chandan, Sukhad, Safed Chandan, Shrigandhamara, Shrigandha, Chand, Chandanam, Chandana maram, Sandanam, Ingam, Gandhapu Chekka, Manchi Gandham, Tella Chandanam, Sriga, Sandal Safed

Sandalwood is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Sandalwood:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Sandalwood (Santalum album) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Urinary tract infections : Sandalwood oil may aid in the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs). It contains an antibacterial activity that prevents bacteria from growing and multiplying in the urinary tract. It also has a diuretic effect, which aids in the removal of toxins from the body by increasing the frequency of urine production.
    Mutrakcchra is a wide term used in Ayurveda to indicate urinary tract infection. Mutra is the Sanskrit word for ooze, while krichra is the Sanskrit word for painful. Mutrakcchra is the name given to dysuria and painful urination. Sandalwood oil relieves the burning sensation associated with urinary tract infections. This is due to the Mutral (diuretic) and Sita (chill) qualities of the herb. It improves urine flow and alleviates UTI symptoms such as burning during urination. Useful hints for using Sandalwood oil in the treatment of urinary tract infections 1. Apply a few drops of sandalwood oil to your palms. 2. Combine one teaspoon of raw sugar with it. 3. Take it to receive immediate relief from UTI symptoms. 4. Before eating sandalwood oil, make sure it’s pure.
  • Sore throat : Although there is insufficient scientific data to support Sandalwood’s use in the treatment of sore mouth and throat. Gargling with diluted Sandalwood oil, on the other hand, may aid in the relief of a sore throat.
    condition characterised by a sore mouth and throat is caused by a Pitta dosha imbalance. Sandalwood oil’s Pitta balancing and Sita (cooling) characteristics aid to relieve painful mouth and throat. These substances aid in balancing the exacerbated Pitta dosha and reducing mouth and throat irritation. Useful hints for Sandalwood oil 1. Apply a few drops of Sandalwood oil on your palms. 2. Add water to dilute it. 3. Gargle with it once or twice a day to relieve sore mouth and throat symptoms.
  • Fever : Fever is a condition caused by an imbalance of Pitta dosha, which results in an increase in body temperature. Sandalwood can help manage fever by balancing Pitta dosha and reducing body heat through its Sita (cool) characteristics. Sandalwood oil for Fever: Uses and Recommendations 1. Apply a few drops of Sandalwood oil on your palms. 2. Combine one teaspoon of raw sugar with it. 3. Take it to receive immediate relief from fever symptoms. 4. Before ingesting Sandalwood oil, make sure it is pure.
    Sandalwood oil is used to treat fevers because of its antipyretic properties. It decreases fever by lowering body temperature.
  • Common cold symptoms : common cold is a condition caused by a Kapha dosha imbalance. This imbalance causes mucus to develop and accumulate in the respiratory tract, obstructing it. Sandalwood, despite being Sita (cool) in nature, aids in the management of common colds due to its Kapha balancing properties. Sandalwood oil, when inhaled or rubbed on the afflicted area, reduces mucus development in the respiratory tract and gives relief from the common cold. (A common cold is a condition caused by a Kapha dosha imbalance.) This imbalance causes mucus to develop and accumulate in the respiratory tract, obstructing it. Sandalwood, despite being Sita (cool) in nature, aids in the management of common colds due to its Kapha balancing properties. Sandalwood oil, when inhaled or rubbed on the afflicted area, reduces mucus development in the respiratory tract and gives relief from the common cold.
  • Cough : Sandalwood’s demulcent and calming qualities have been reported to help with dry cough management. It aids in the formation of a calming film on the respiratory passages’ mucous membrane. Its expectorant property aids in the secretion and evacuation of sputum from the respiratory passages, as well as easing breathing. Cough relief may be obtained by inhaling Sandalwood oil steam or applying a vapour rub containing Sandalwood to the chest.
    Cough is a condition that happens when the Kapha dosha is out of equilibrium. This imbalance causes mucus to build and accumulate in the respiratory tract, causing it to become obstructed. Despite its Sita (cool) nature, Sandalwood’s Kapha balancing property aids cough management. Sandalwood oil, when inhaled or rubbed on the afflicted area, reduces the development of mucus in the respiratory tract and relieves coughing. Sandalwood oil can be used to treat coughs in a variety of ways. 1. Add a few drops of Sandalwood oil to your palms or as needed. 2. Combine with olive or coconut oil to make a paste. 3. Rub or massage the chest gently once or twice a day to relieve cough symptoms.
  • airways (bronchitis) : Sandalwood oil’s anti-inflammatory properties may aid in Bronchitis. It helps to minimise inflammation in the respiratory tract. It also has an expectorant effect, promoting sputum secretion and evacuation from the respiratory tract. Sandalwood oil can be inhaled to help with breathing and respiratory issues.
  • Headache : Although there isn’t enough scientific data to support the usage of Sandalwood for headaches. Sandalwood oil or paste, on the other hand, has long been used to treat headaches.
    Headache is a symptom of the Pitta dosha being out of balance. Sandalwood’s Pitta balancing and Sita (cooling) characteristics aid to relieve headaches. It relieves headaches and has a cooling and soothing effect. Sandalwood Powder Useful Hints 1. Take 3-6 grammes of Sandalwood powder, or as needed. 2. Combine with a tiny amount of camphor. 3. Soak them in rosewater for a few minutes. 4. On relieve a headache, apply this paste to the forehead.
  • Anxiety : Because of its calming properties, sandalwood oil may be useful in the treatment of anxiety. It relaxes the central nervous system and alleviates anxiety symptoms.
    When used in aromatherapy, sandalwood oil helps to alleviate anxiety symptoms. It has a nice scent that has a calming and relaxing impact while also reducing anxiety symptoms. Anxiety and Sandalwood Oil: Useful Hints 1. Add a few drops of Sandalwood oil to your palms or as needed. 2. Use it in aromatherapy to alleviate anxious symptoms.

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Precautions to be taken while using Sandalwood:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Sandalwood (Santalum album)(HR/3)

  • It is advisable to ensure the quality of Sandalwood before using it for medicinal purposes as it might contain certain adulterants.
  • Sandalwood, when consumed in high doses, might lead to certain problems like gastrointestinal disturbances. So, it is advisable to consult a physician before using Sandalwood.
  • It is advisable to ensure the quality of Sandalwood before using it for medicinal purposes as it might contain certain adulterants.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Sandalwood:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Sandalwood (Santalum album)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Because there isn’t enough scientific data to support the usage of Sandalwood during breastfeeding. As a result, it is best to avoid using Sandalwood when breastfeeding.
  • Patients with kidney disease : Sandalwood should be avoided by those with kidney problems because it contains nephrotoxic properties. In such cases, it may induce further renal damage.
  • Pregnancy : Sandalwood should be avoided or discussed with a physician before being used during pregnancy.
  • Allergy : When exposed to sunlight, topical application of Sandalwood may produce skin sensitivities or hyperpigmentation.

How to take Sandalwood:-

As per several scientific studies, Sandalwood (Santalum album) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

How much Sandalwood should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Sandalwood (Santalum album) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

Side effects of Sandalwood:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Sandalwood (Santalum album)(HR/7)

  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Blood in urine
  • Itching
  • Dermatitis

Questions asked frequently Related to the Sandalwood:-

Question. Does Sandalwood powder expire?

Answer. Sandalwood powder has no expiration date. However, due to moisture, its colour and odour may change over time if not preserved properly.

Question. Can you consume Sandalwood oil?

Answer. Sandalwood oil can be eaten in controlled amounts. Sandalwood oil should, however, be used after consulting with a physician. Sandalwood oil’s cooling properties may aid in the treatment of conditions such as burning urine and cystitis.

Question. Is Sandalwood oil good for weight loss?

Answer. Sandalwood Oil has carminative qualities, therefore it may help with weight loss. It aids in the relief of flatulence and may assist to enhance the digestive tract as a whole. Stress is also one of the leading causes of weight gain. Sandalwood oil’s sedative effects provide a relaxing impact in stressful situations, which aids weight loss by preventing overeating.

Question. Is Sandalwood good for babies?

Answer. Sandalwood is safe for children and newborns. It can be utilised in a variety of children’s remedies. Sandalwood should not be used in youngsters without first consulting a physician.

Question. Is Sandalwood good for the body?

Answer. Sandalwood is beneficial to the body since it contains a variety of therapeutic characteristics. Because of its antidepressant qualities, it relaxes the mind and reduces tension and anxiety. It also contains sedative qualities, which aid in sustaining a peaceful sleep. Because of its expectorant properties, it can help with bronchitis, coughs, and sore throats.

Question. Is Sandalwood beneficial for fertility?

Answer. There isn’t enough scientific proof to back up Sandalwood’s reproductive benefits.

Question. Does Sandalwood helps in removing kidney stones?

Answer. Sandalwood’s diuretic properties may aid in the removal of kidney stones. It improves urine production and frequency, making it easier to remove kidney stones from the body.

Sandalwood’s Mutral (diuretic) property may be beneficial in the treatment of kidney stones. It aids in the production of urine, which facilitates the elimination of kidney stones by urine.

Question. Does Sandalwood whiten skin?

Answer. There isn’t enough scientific data to support Sandalwood’s use in skin whitening.

Question. Does Sandalwood darken the skin?

Answer. There isn’t enough scientific data to support Sandalwood’s effect in skin darkening. However, after using Sandalwood, some people may get scarring or hyperpigmentation when exposed to sunlight.

Question. Does Sandalwood cause hair loss?

Answer. There is little scientific evidence to support Sandalwood’s function in hair loss. Sandalwood oil, according to certain research, may aid in hair development by boosting the growth phase of hair follicles.


It is one of the oldest and most valuable natural fragrance sources, having significant medical and commercial value. Sandalwood tea’s hepatoprotective properties aid in the management of liver and gallbladder issues.

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