Orange: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Orange herb

Orange (Citrus reticulata)

The orange, also known as “Santra” and “Narangi,” is a sweet, juicy fruit.(HR/1)

The fruit is high in vitamin C, making it an excellent immunity booster. Oranges are high in fibre and include a variety of critical nutrients that help to boost energy levels. Digestion is improved by drinking 1-2 glasses of orange juice before breakfast every day. Orange’s antioxidant activity helps to defend against diseases including liver disease, asthma, and high cholesterol levels. Orange juice applied to the scalp promotes hair growth and slows the onset of greying. Its antiviral properties also help to prevent dandruff.Due to its antioxidant properties, orange peel or essential oil might aid to slow down the ageing process of the skin. It hydrates, softens, and cleanses the skin, making it suitable for oily skin. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it also lowers inflammation in the affected area. Excessive eating of oranges can cause gastrointestinal discomfort as well as heartburn.

Orange is also known as :- Citrus reticulata, Kamla lebu, Narangi, Santra Kittle, Kamala, Koorg kudagu orange, Kamalapandu, Sumthira, Sohniamtra, Santara, Naranga, Nagaariga, Tvaksugandha, Mukhapriya, Tangerine

Orange is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Orange:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Orange (Citrus reticulata) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Cancer : Orange could be helpful in the treatment of cancer. Orange contains antioxidants, immunomodulators, and anticancer compounds called lutein and -cryptoxanthin. Orange causes malignant cells to die while protecting healthy cells. Orange consumption thus lowers the risk of developing breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, and skin tumours.
  • Liver disease : Hepatitis C may benefit from the consumption of oranges. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties are all found in oranges. Orange can assist people with hepatitis C virus infection minimise inflammation. Orange’s naringin and hesperidin inhibit lipid synthesis and release in the liver. In patients with hepatitis C virus infection, orange also lowers the level of increased liver enzymes.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome : Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may benefit from orange consumption (IBS). Fiber is abundant in oranges. The addition of orange to the stool bulks it up and aids in its passage.
    Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms can be managed with orange (IBS). Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is also known as Grahani in Ayurveda. An imbalance of Pachak Agni causes Grahani (digestive fire). Due to its Ushna (hot) potency, orange helps to increase Pachak Agni (digestive fire). This aids in the management of IBS symptoms. 1. Take 1-2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice. 2. Mix in some water and serve with breakfast.
  • Asthma : Asthma may benefit from the consumption of oranges. Orange has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Oranges include flavonoids, which help to reduce asthma symptoms. Orange can also help with asthmatic wheeze.
    Orange can help reduce asthma symptoms and provide relief from shortness of breath. The main doshas associated in asthma, according to Ayurveda, are Vata and Kapha. In the lungs, vitiated ‘Vata’ joins with disturbed ‘Kapha dosha,’ obstructing the respiratory path. Breathing becomes difficult as a result of this. Swas Roga is the name for this disorder (Asthma). Orange helps to balance the Vata-Kapha dosha, clear excess mucus from the lungs, and alleviate asthma symptoms. This is due to Orange’s Ushna (hot) potency. 1. Take 1-2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice. 2. Mix in some water and serve with breakfast.
  • Indigestion : There isn’t enough evidence to back up Orange’s role in indigestion.
    Indigestion is the result of an inadequate digestion process. Agnimandya is the main cause of indigestion (weak digestive fire). Due to its Ushna (hot) nature, Orange aids to increase digestive fire. It aids in the relief of indigestion and the easy digestion of food. 1. Take 1-2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice. 2. Mix in some water and serve with breakfast.
  • Atherosclerosis (plaque deposition inside the arteries) : The colour orange may help to lower the risk of atherosclerosis. Vitamin C is abundant in oranges. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It protects the blood arteries from lipid peroxidation and plaque formation.
  • Acne and Pimples : “In the case of skin disorders such as acne or pimples, orange or its peel is beneficial. Kapha aggravation, according to Ayurveda, causes increased sebum production and pore blockage. Both white and blackheads occur as a result of this. Another reason is Pitta aggravation, which results in red papules (bumps) and pus-filled inflammation. Acne and pimples can be reduced by applying orange peel paste to the affected region. This is due to its ability to balance the Kapha dosha. Due to its Kashaya (astringent) nature, it also aids in the removal of excess oil and the reduction of inflammation. Tip: a. Face mask with orange peel powder c. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon powdered orange peel. c. Make a thick paste with the equal amount of yoghurt. d. Apply it to the affected region and wait 20-30 minutes for it to take effect. g. Rinse it under cold water. f. Do this twice a week for clear, acne-free skin. OR a glass of orange juice a. Combine 2-3 teaspoons fresh orange juice with 1 to 2 teaspoons honey in a mixing bowl. b. Use it to apply on your face. d. After 15 minutes, wash it off with normal water. d. Do this twice a week for clear, acne-free skin.
  • Hair loss : When applied to the scalp, orange or its juice helps to reduce hair loss and encourage hair growth. This is owing to the fact that hair loss is mostly caused by an irritated Vata dosha in the body. By balancing Vata dosha, orange or its juice helps to prevent hair loss. It also encourages hair development and eliminates dryness. This is related to the qualities of Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing). Tip a. Take 1-2 tablespoons of orange juice or as needed. c. Pour in the same amount of water. c. Use it on both the scalp and the hair. c. Wash it with any mild shampoo after 20-30 minutes. b. Do this twice a week to keep hair from falling out and to condition it.

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Precautions to be taken while using Orange:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Orange (Citrus reticulata)(HR/3)

  • Orange should be avoided if you have acid reflux due to its Amla (sour) taste.
  • Use Orange cautiously if you have any gastrointestinal disorders as Oranges have been associated with intestinal obstructions.
  • Orange should be avoided if you have acid reflux or indigestion problems due to its Amla (sour) taste.
  • Orange fruit paste, juice and peel powder should be used with milk or honey if your skin is hypersensitive to Amla (sour) nature.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Orange:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Orange (Citrus reticulata)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : If you’re planning on eating oranges while breastfeeding, talk to your doctor first.
    1. Anti-inflammatory medications may be better absorbed if you eat oranges. As a result, it is generally recommended that you check your doctor before using Orange with anti-inflammatory medications. 2. Orange has been shown to improve the absorption of anti-hyperlipidemic drugs. As a result, it is generally recommended that you check your doctor before taking Orange with anti-hyperlipidemic medications. 3. Orange has been shown to reduce antibiotic absorption. As a result, if you’re using Orange alongside antibiotics, you should talk to your doctor first. 4. Orange may have a synergistic effect with cancer-fighting drugs. As a result, if you’re using Orange alongside anti-cancer medication, you should talk to your doctor beforehand.
  • Pregnancy : If you’re pregnant and want to eat oranges, talk to your doctor beforehand.

How to take Orange:-

As per several scientific studies, Orange (Citrus reticulata) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Orange Raw fruit : Take Orange fruiteaspooneel off appropriately and also eat. You can enjoy them preferably in the morning meal or after three to four hours of meals.
  • Orange Juice : Peel of the Orange fruit and placed it in the juicer. Separate the pulp from the juice making use of a strainer. Drink it preferably in the morning meal or after three to four hours of meals.
  • Orange Candy : You can consume Orange candies based on your liking as well as requirement.
  • Orange Bark Powder : Take half to one teaspoon of Orange bark powder. Add honey to it. Apply evenly in the affected skin. Let it rest for seven to ten minutes. Wash with faucet waterUse this solution two to three times a week to get rid of skin infections.
  • Orange peel powder : Take half to one teaspoon of Orange peel powder. Add rose water to it. Apply uniformly in the impacted skin. Let it sit for seven to ten minutes. Wash with tap water. Use this remedy two to three times a week to eliminate acne and blemishes.
  • Orange essential oil : Take four to five drops of Orange essential oil. Add coconut oil to it. Gently massage on the influenced area. Use this solution daily to do away with itching as well as ringworm.

How much Orange should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Orange (Citrus reticulata) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Orange Juice : One to two cup a day or as per your requirement.
  • Orange Candy : Four to eight candies a day or as per your requirement.
  • Orange Powder : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Orange Oil : Four to five drops or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Orange:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Orange (Citrus reticulata)(HR/7)

  • Bowel obstruction
  • Skin rashes

Questions asked frequently Related to the Orange:-

Question. What are the constituents of Orange?

Answer. Oranges’ pharmacological characteristics are due to their high content of carbohydrates, amino acids, flavonoids, tannins, phenolic compounds, and steroids.

Question. Can you eat Oranges on an empty stomach?

Answer. Yes, you can eat oranges on an empty stomach. This is because fruits containing citric acid, when consumed after meals, may change the food in the stomach. As a result, it’s best to have it before or 3-4 hours after a meal.

Question. How many Oranges should you have in a day?

Answer. You can eat up to three oranges every day. However, it is best to avoid them in the evening and if you have a sore throat, cough, or a cold. Oranges are high in calories due to the sugar content, so keep that in mind when eating them.

Question. How much sugar is present in an Orange?

Answer. It is common knowledge that 100 grammes of oranges contain around 9 grammes of sugar. So, if you have diabetes or are on a diet, keep an eye on your Orange intake.

Question. How do you extract Orange oil?

Answer. Orange peel oil is quite helpful and may be simply extracted from orange peels. 1. Remove the peel from the orange. 2. Finely grate the peel. 3. Allow it to dry for a couple of days. 4. Pour the vinegar or alcohol over the shredded dried orange peel. 5. Set aside for a couple of days. 6. The oil will be diffused into an acidic or alcoholic media.

Question. How does Orange peel whiten teeth?

Answer. D-limonene, a component found in oranges, is responsible for tooth whitening. 1. Remove the peel from the orange. 2. Gently rub the teeth with the white portion of the peel. 3. Brush your teeth on a regular basis after that.

Question. Is eating Orange seeds harmful?

Answer. Eating orange seeds is not hazardous; in fact, when chewed properly, it will add fibre to your diet. They’ll also be easily expelled from your body when you defecate.

Question. Is Orange acidic?

Answer. Yes, oranges are acidic in nature and contain a lot of citric acid. The pH of oranges is similarly about 3.5. This, on the other hand, makes it a good antioxidant.

Question. Is Orange bad for diabetes?

Answer. Although oranges have a significant level of citric acid and antioxidant capabilities, they also have a high sugar content when compared to other fruits. If you’re diabetic, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels while eating oranges.

Question. What are the health benefits of eating Oranges during pregnancy?

Answer. Oranges are healthy to eat during pregnancy since they provide a variety of health benefits. Oranges have a high vitamin C content, which aids in iron absorption in the body. Orange juice is high in calcium, which is beneficial to expectant mothers. Oranges are also high in fibre, which aids in the prevention of constipation by bulking up the stool and making it easier to pass. They also include folic acid, which aids in a baby’s growth and prevents birth defects.

Question. How can Orange oil kill fleas?

Answer. Fleas, fire ants, and houseflies are all killed by orange peel oil, which contains 90-95 percent limonene.

Question. What are the benefits of drinking blood Orange juice?

Answer. Consumption of blood orange juice significantly raises antioxidant and vitamin C levels in the body, which aid in the fight against free radicals and inflammation. This promotes immunity by boosting the body’s natural defence system.

Question. Is Orange beneficial for weight loss?

Answer. Yes, orange can help you lose weight by improving your lipid metabolism. It’s also high in fibre, which aids weight loss by improving digestion.

Yes, Orange may help with weight loss because obesity is caused by poor digestion, which leads to the development and buildup of toxins in the body in the form of Ama or extra fat. Orange’s Ushna (hot) property aids digestion and prevents the production or accumulation of toxins, hence assisting in the maintenance of a healthy body weight.

Question. Does Orange juice promote skin whitening?

Answer. There is insufficient scientific data to support the use of orange juice for skin lightening.

Orange juice may not be as effective for skin as orange peel paste, but due to its Kashaya (astringent) feature, orange peel paste can be applied to the skin for skin whitening. It aids in the removal of toxins from the skin, resulting in naturally bright skin.

Question. What are the uses and benefits of Orange essential oil?

Answer. Orange essential oil is utilised in a variety of items, including cosmetics, medical formulations, beverages, and meals, as well as for aromatherapy and flavouring. It’s also utilised as a fragrance ingredient. Because of its antimicrobial properties, it may be beneficial for acne and other skin disorders. Orange essential oil is also germicidal, making it a valuable element in a variety of disinfectants. It also helps to fight free radical damage thanks to its antioxidant properties, which help to slow down the ageing process of the skin.

Question. Are Oranges good for high blood pressure?

Answer. Yes, oranges can help lower blood pressure by containing a compound called hesperidin, which relaxes restricted blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Oranges are high in potassium, which aids in blood pressure reduction.

Yes, orange juice may help to control high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a disorder caused by a Vata dosha imbalance in the body. Because orange has a Vata balancing quality, it aids in the normal blood flow in blood vessels, hence lowering blood pressure.

Question. Is orange peel toxic?

Answer. No, the peel of an orange is not poisonous. The peel’s components, like as flavonoids, terpenoids like limonene and linalool, and volatile oils, however, make it bitter and unpleasant to ingest.

Question. Is Orange peel safe for skin?

Answer. Orange peel is, in fact, skin-friendly. In reality, it has a number of skin benefits, including aiding in the treatment of psoriasis, acne, pimples, and other skin problems.

Question. Does Orange have a role in skin aging?

Answer. Orange does play a part in skin ageing. Skin drooping and wrinkle development are common symptoms of ageing. Collagen and elastin proteins are broken down, causing this. Orange is a powerful antioxidant and anti-enzymatic. The enzymes collagenase and elastase, which break down collagen and elastin, are inhibited by orange. As a result, orange helps to prevent skin ageing and wrinkles.

Question. What are the Health Benefits of Orange?

Answer. Dandruff is a type of dandruff. 2. A ringworm infection Itching, itching, itching, itching, itching, itching, itching, itching


The fruit is high in vitamin C, making it an excellent immunity booster. Oranges are high in fibre and include a variety of critical nutrients that help to boost energy levels.

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