Multani Mitti: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Multani Mitti herb

Multani Mitti (The only washerman)

Multani Mitti, often known as “Fuller’s earth,” is a natural skin and hair conditioner.(HR/1)

It has a whitish to yellowish hue, is odourless, and has no taste. It’s a natural treatment for acne, scars, oily skin, and dullness. Multani mitti’s absorbent properties aid to eliminate excess oil from the skin and prevent pimples. It also has a cleansing and cooling effect, which helps to remove debris from the skin. Due to its astringent and antibacterial properties, Multani mitti can be applied to the skin and blended with rose water to help treat acne.It also aids in scalp cleansing and dandruff management. Multani mitti adds lustre to hair and prevents hair loss when applied to it. You may also use it in conjunction with olive or coconut oil to boost hair volume. For oily skin, Multani mitti should be mixed with rosewater, whereas for dry skin, milk, honey, or curd should be used.

Multani Mitti is also known as :- Solum fullonum, Fuller’s Earth, Teenul Hind, Teenul Farsi, Floridine, Multan Clay, Gachni, Gile Multani, Gile Sheerazi, Gopi.

Multani Mitti is obtained from :- Metal & Mineral

Uses and benefits of Multani Mitti:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Multani Mitti (Solum fullonum) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Reduce oiliness : Multani mitti’s Ruksa (dry) and Sita (cool) characteristics assist to eliminate excessive oiliness and balance the pH level. Take 1 teaspoon of Multani mitti as a starting point. c. To make a smooth paste, add a few drops of rose water. c. Use it on the entire face and neck. d. Set aside for 10-15 minutes to dry. f. Rinse with plain water completely.
  • Acne and acne scar : Acne is caused by an exacerbated Pitta, according to Ayurveda. Multani mitti’s Sita (cool) and Ruksa (dry) characteristics assist to regulate exacerbated Pitta and eliminate excessive oiliness. Multani mitti’s Ropan (healing) characteristic also aids in the reduction of acne scars. Take 1 teaspoon of Multani mitti as a starting point. c. To make a smooth paste, add a few drops of rose water. c. Use it on the entire face and neck. d. Set aside for 10-15 minutes to dry. e. Using simple water, carefully clean the area.
  • Hyperpigmentation : Hyperpigmentation is produced by an overabundance of Pitta in the body, as well as exposure to heat or the sun. Multani mitti’s Ropan (healing) and Sita (cooling) properties aid in the reduction of tanning and pigmentation. Take 1 teaspoon of Multani mitti as a starting point. b. Stir with a little cold milk to make a smooth paste. c. Use it on the entire face and neck. d. Set aside for 10-15 minutes to dry. f. Rinse with plain water completely.
  • Hair Loss : When the Vata and Pitta doshas are out of equilibrium, hair loss occurs. Multani mitti’s Ropan (healing) and Sita (cooling) qualities may help balance both doshas and manage hair loss. a. Measure out 1-2 teaspoons of Multani mitti. c. To make a smooth paste, add milk or rose water. c. Apply to the hair and scalp. c. Set aside for 30 minutes before washing in lukewarm water. g. For best effects, repeat this cure 2-3 times each week.

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Precautions to be taken while using Multani Mitti:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Multani Mitti (Solum fullonum)(HR/3)

  • Avoid the use of Multani mitti to the chest if you have any respiratory disorder like asthma as Multani mitti has cold potency.
  • Use Multani mitti with milk, rose water or coconut oil while applying on the scalp.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Multani Mitti:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Multani Mitti (Solum fullonum)(HR/4)

  • Allergy : If your skin is hypersensitive, mix Multani mitti (Fuller’s earth) with milk or another hydrating product.
    If your skin is extremely dry, mix Multani mitti with glycerine or milk.

How to take Multani Mitti:-

As per several scientific studies, Multani Mitti (Solum fullonum) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Multani Mitti with Milk : Take one teaspoon of Multani mitti. Add some milk to develop a paste. Apply all of it over the face and also neck. Let it completely dry for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash thoroughly with faucet water. Use this solution for two to three times a week for a clear and also smooth skin.
  • Multani Mitti with Rose water : Take one teaspoon of Multani mitti. Add rose water to create a paste. Apply everything over the face and also neck. Let it completely dry for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash thoroughly with faucet water. Use this remedy two to three times a week to control oil as well as acnes on the skin.
  • Multani Mitti with Glycerin : Take one teaspoon of Multani mitti. Add glycerin to develop a paste. Apply everything over the face as well as neck. Let it dry for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash extensively with faucet water. Use this solution for two to three times a week to eliminate dry as well as unequal skin tone.
  • Multani Mitti with Coconut or Olive oil : Take one teaspoon of Multani mittiAdd coconut or olive oil to create a paste. Apply all of it over the scalp. Let it rest for one to two hours. Wash with shampoo and also tap water. Use this treatment for two to three times a week to remove oily scalp and also improve the volume of hair.
  • Multani Mitti with Water : Take one teaspoon of Multani mitti. Add cold water to develop a paste. Apply it on the forehead. Let it completely dry for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash extensively with tap water. Use this remedy daily to eliminate migraine and to reduce stress.
  • For skin exfoliation and removal of excess oil : Take one tablespoon Multani mitti. Add one teaspoon rose water to make a coarse paste. Apply around face and also after ten to fifteen minutes wash with lukewarm water. Apply this paste two to three times a week for best outcomes.
  • For radiant, glowing skin : Take one teaspoon Multani mitti. Add one tablespoon of tomato juice to it. Add one teaspoon sandalwood powder. Add one fourth turmeric powder and also mix to get a smooth paste. Apply throughout face and allow it dry. Rinse the face pack off with lukewarm water.
  • For relief from acne and pimples : Take one teaspoon Multani mitti. Add one teaspoon neem powder. Add two teaspoons climbed water. Add four to five drops of lemon juice and also make a smooth paste. Apply on face and also let the face pack dry. Rinse the face pack off with warm water.
  • For de-tanning and skin lightening : Take one teaspoon Multani mitti. Add one tablespoon mashed papaya to make a smooth paste. Apply on face and leave it for regarding ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse the face pack off by lukewarm water.
  • For removal of whiteheads and blackheads. : Take one tablespoon Multani mitti. Add two coarsely ground almonds. Add half teaspoon rose water and also make a rugged mix. Apply on face and carefully massage on the locations influenced by whiteheads as well as blackheads. Rinse the face pack after ten to fifteen minutes making use of lukewarm water.

How much Multani Mitti should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Multani Mitti (Solum fullonum) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Multani mitti Powder : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Multani Mitti:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Multani Mitti (Solum fullonum)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Multani Mitti:-

Question. How can I use Multani mitti for dandruff?

Answer. 1. Measure 4 tablespoons Multani mitti into a bowl. 2. Mix together 6 tbsp. fenugreek seed powder. 3. Blend in 1 tablespoon lemon juice until smooth. 4. Apply the hair pack to the scalp and all the way down the hair shaft. 5. Set the pack aside for 30 minutes. 6. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water and a gentle shampoo. 7. For best effects, repeat at least once a week.

Question. Is it good to apply Multani mitti every day on oily skin?

Answer. Yes, Multani mitti is beneficial for oily skin since it has absorbent properties that help absorb excess oil and leave the face oil-free.

Question. How to use Multani Mitti for pimples?

Answer. “1.Multani mitti, Lemon juice, Honey, and Yoghurt face pack: This pack helps to decrease excess oil, acne marks, and nourish the skin. Apply a thin layer of paint and let it dry. Use cold water to clean. If you have extremely oily skin, you can use rose water. 2.Multani mitti and Neem water face pack: Neem has antimicrobial properties and aids in the reduction of pimples, while Multani mitti absorbs excess oil from the skin. If you have dry skin, you can also add yoghurt. Apply the pack for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. 3.Multani mitti, Orange peel, and Lemon juice face pack: In the shape of a scrub, this pack removes dead skin and cleanses the skin. Massage a tiny layer into the skin in a circular motion. It should be washed away with cold water. 4.Tomato juice, turmeric, papaya, aloe vera, and sandalwood are some other substances that go well with Multani mitti.”

Question. After applying Multani mitti, can I use any moisturizer?

Answer. That is dependent on the type of skin. If you have dry skin, mix Multani mitti with curd, honey, or milk before washing it off, or apply moisturiser afterward.

Yes, you can apply moisturiser after Multani mitti to hydrate your skin if you have dry skin, and if you have oily skin, you can skip the moisturiser and just use rose water instead.

Question. Is Multani Mitti and Sandalwood Wood Good for Skin?

Answer. Multani mitti (Fuller’s earth) and sandalwood are beneficial to the skin because Multani mitti eliminates excess oil and grime, avoiding acne. Multani mitti’s antibacterial characteristics aid in the treatment of skin infections, while its relaxing effect is beneficial for sunburns. Sandalwood has a brightening and cooling impact on the skin. Multani mitti and sandalwood can be combined in a face pack or scrub to enhance their combined effects.

Question. Can I use Multani not for sunburns?

Answer. Because of its cooling properties, Multani mitti (Fuller’s earth) can be used to treat sunburns. It can also be used to remove tan and brighten the skin.

Multani mitti is a powerful adsorbent rich in minerals that can be used as a dry shampoo to eliminate excess oil from the hair. Tips for dry hair: 1. Mix 4 teaspoons Multani mitti in a bowl. 2. Stir in half a cup of plain yoghurt. 3. Add half a lemon’s juice. 4. Make a smooth paste with 2 tablespoons honey. 5. Apply to your scalp and hair all the way down to the ends. 6. Apply the hair pack to your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. 7. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water and a light shampoo. 8. For best results, apply this paste 1-2 times per week.

Question. Can Multani not get you wrinkles?

Answer. Although there isn’t enough evidence, Multani mitti may dry up your skin if you use it on a daily basis and have dry skin.

Question. Isn’t Multani good for dry skin?

Answer. Multani mitti is beneficial to all skin types since it softens the skin, promotes blood circulation, and removes dark spots, blemishes, and other imperfections.Multani mitti absorbs excess oil from the skin thanks to its absorbent characteristics. If you already have dry skin, it’s best to combine it with yoghurt, honey, or milk.

All skin types can benefit from Multani mitti. It is recommended for oily skin because of its Grahi (absorbent) and Ruksha (dry) characteristics, which absorb excess oil from the skin. If you want to use it on dry skin, balance its Ruksha (dry) property with yoghurt, honey, milk, or glycerine.

Question. Can Multani not help fade blemishes?

Answer. Multani mitti may help erase acne and pimples because it has certain elements that have absorbent, astringent, and skin-clearing effects. It aids in the softening and smoothing of the skin. It also gives the skin a healthy glow and helps to close pores.

Question. Can Multani mitti be used to remove blackheads and whiteheads?

Answer. Multani mitti may assist to reduce blackheads and whiteheads due to its skin cleaning characteristics.

Question. Does Multani mitti help improve blood circulation?

Answer. Yes, Multani mitti face pack stimulates the skin and promotes blood circulation when properly applied and rubbed.

Question. Does Multani mitti help provide relief from heat?

Answer. Multani mitti does provide heat relief because to the inclusion of kaolin, a type of clay. It has a cooling impact on the skin, which may help to relieve rashes, prickly heat, and sunburn.

Heat is a condition that occurs when the Pitta dosha is inflamed. Due to its Pitta balancing and Sita (cool) properties, Multani mitti provides relief from heat.

Question. Does Multani mitti work as an antiseptic?

Answer. Multani mitti could be used as an antiseptic. Its antibacterial and antifungal capabilities are the reason for this.

Question. What can Multani mitti soap be used for?

Answer. Multani mitti soap’s absorbent, clarifying, antibacterial, antifungal, and astringent characteristics may help treat acne, greasy skin, whiteheads, blackheads, sunburn, and rashes.

Question. Can Multani not be used to enhance skin fairness?

Answer. By eradicating acne, whiteheads, and blackheads, Multani mitti helps to clarify and cleanse the skin. It also aids in the reduction of open pores on the skin, promotes blood circulation, and gives the face a healthy glow. All of these variables may contribute to improved skin fairness.

Due to an imbalanced Pitta dosha, skin becomes dull and lacks radiance. When the skin is exposed to the sun over an extended period of time, this occurs. Because of its Pitta balancing, Sita (cooling), and Ropana (healing) characteristics, Multani mitti helps retain a natural radiance and fairness of your skin.


It has a whitish to yellowish hue, is odourless, and has no taste. It’s a natural treatment for acne, scars, oily skin, and dullness.

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