Manjistha: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Manjistha herb

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)

Manjistha, also known as Indian Madder, is regarded as one of the most effective blood purifiers.(HR/1)

It is primarily used to break up blood flow bottlenecks and clear stagnant blood. Manjistha herb can be used to promote skin whitening both internally and topically. Because of its antioxidant properties, using Manjistha powder with honey or rose water (at least 2-3 times a week) helps treat acne and pimples by blocking the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, topical application of Manjistha oil and coconut oil lowers inflammation and skin rashes linked with acne. It also aids in the maintenance of lustrous and healthy hair.Because of its astringent properties, rinsing your eyes with Manjistha decoction may help manage excessive watery discharge. Because of its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, Ayurveda recommends consuming Manjistha powder after lunch and dinner to help manage diarrhoea. Regularly consuming Manjistha may be beneficial to diabetics because it decreases blood glucose levels. Manjistha’s Guru and Kashaya characteristics may produce constipation if used in excess. If you already have a digestive problem, it is recommended that you take Manjistha with hot water.

Manjistha is also known as :- Rubia cordifolia, Indian Madder, Manjishtha, Samanga, Vikasa, Yojanavalli, Jingi, Lohitalata, Bhandiri, Raktanga, Vastrabhushana, Kalameshi, Lata, Manjeeth, Manjitti, Tamravalli, Raktamanjishte, Manjetti, Phuvva, Runas

Manjistha is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Manjistha:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Skin disease : Manjistha is one of the most effective herbs for treating a variety of skin conditions. A Pitta dosha imbalance vitiates the blood and prevents it from operating normally. This results in skin issues such as redness. Manjistha aids in the purification of the blood and the treatment of all types of skin problems. This is owing to its Raktashodhak (blood cleanser) and Pitta balancing abilities. a. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Manjistha powder. b. Swallow it with honey or water after lunch and dinner to alleviate skin condition symptoms.
  • Diarrhea : “Manjistha is an excellent remedy for diarrhoea. In Ayurveda, diarrhoea is referred to as Atisar. It is caused by poor nutrition, contaminated water, pollutants, mental tension, and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). All of these variables contribute to the aggravation of Vata. This worsened Vata draws fluid into the gut from numerous body tissues and mixes it with the excrement. This causes loose, watery bowel movements or diarrhoea. Manjistha aids in the control of diarrhoea. Because of its Deepan (appetiser) Pachan (digestive) qualities, it promotes digestive fire. This thickens the stool and reduces the frequency of bowel movements. Because of its Kashaya (astringent) nature, Manjistha also helps to stop bleeding. Tips: a. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Manjistha powder. b. Swallow it with honey or water after lunch and dinner to alleviate diarrhoea symptoms.
  • Wound healing : Manjistha promotes rapid wound healing, reduces swelling, and restores the skin’s natural texture. A paste of Manjistha powder and coconut oil aids in rapid healing and inflammation reduction. Its Ropan (healing) and Pitta balancing capabilities contribute to this. a. Take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Manjistha powder, or as needed. b. Mix in the coconut oil to produce a paste. c. Use it to treat the affected region. d. Allow a minimum of 4-5 hours for wound healing.
  • Skin disease : When applied to the affected area, manjistha or its oil helps to reduce the symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema. Rough skin, blisters, inflammation, itching, and bleeding are some of the symptoms of eczema. Applying Manjistha or its oil to the affected area helps to reduce inflammation and stop bleeding. This is owing to the fact that it has a Ropan (healing) property. a. Take 2-5 drops of Manjistha oil or as needed. b. Combine the ingredients with the coconut oil. b. Use it once or twice a day on the afflicted area. c. Do this every day to get rid of skin illness symptoms.
  • Acne and Pimples : Acne and pimples are common in those with a Kapha-Pitta dosha skin type. Kapha aggravation, according to Ayurveda, promotes sebum production, which clogs pores. Both white and blackheads occur as a result of this. Pitta aggravation also results in red papules (bumps) and pus-filled inflammation. Manjistha aids in the balancing of Kapha and Pitta, which aids in the removal of blockages and inflammation. a. Take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Manjistha powder, or as needed. c. Make a paste with honey or rose water. c. Use it to treat the affected region. d. Give it a couple of hours. e. Rinse well under running water. f. Apply this cure 2-3 times each week for efficient acne and pimple alleviation.

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Precautions to be taken while using Manjistha:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)(HR/3)

  • Consult your doctor before taking Manjistha if you have hyperacidity or gastritis.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Manjistha:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Before taking Manjistha while nursing, talk to your doctor.
  • Pregnancy : Before taking Manjistha while pregnant, talk to your doctor.
  • Allergy : If your skin is hypersensitive, mix Manjistha powder with rose water.

How to take Manjistha:-

As per several scientific studies, Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Manjistha Churna : Take one fourth to half teaspoon of Manjistha Churna. Swallow it with honey or water after taking lunch and also supper.
  • Manjistha Capsule : Take one to two capsule of Manjistha. Swallow it with water after taking lunch and dinner.
  • Manjistha Tablets : Take one to two tablet computers of Manjistha. Swallow it with water after taking lunch and supper.
  • Manjistha Powder : Take half to one teaspoon of Manjistha powder. Add rose water to it to make a paste. Apply it on the affected area. Wait for one to two hours. Wash extensively with faucet water. Use this solution two to three times a week for reliable remedy for skin issues such as dermatitis as well as eczema.
  • Manjistha Oil : Take two to five declines of Manjistha oil or as per your requirement. Mix with Coconut oil. Apply it on the affected location once or twice a day to eliminate the signs and symptoms of skin disease.

How much Manjistha should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Manjistha Churna : One fourth to half teaspoon twice a day.
  • Manjistha Capsule : One to two capsules twice a day.
  • Manjistha Powder : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Manjistha Oil : Two to five drops or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Manjistha:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Manjistha:-

Question. What forms of Manjistha are available in the market?

Answer. Manjistha is available in the following forms on the market: 1. The powder Capsule 2 3. Tablet computers They can be found in a variety of brands on the market. You can select a brand and product based on your preferences and needs.

Question. How to make Manjistha face pack at home?

Answer. The steps for producing Manjistha face pack at home are as follows: 1. Combine Manjistha powder and honey in a bowl. 2. Leave the pack on for 10 to 15 minutes. 3. Finally, rinse in lukewarm water. 4. Instead of honey, you can use Rakta chandan and rose water.

Question. Does Manjistha have a role in acne?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha can help with acne. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-androgen activities are all present. It stops acne-causing germs from multiplying. Manjistha’s rubimallin helps to minimise acne-related inflammation. It lowers testosterone levels in the body, which drive the sebaceous glands to create excessive oil. As a result, Manjistha has potent anti-acne properties.

Question. Is Manjistha good for the heart?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha is beneficial to the cardiovascular system. It may work as a calcium channel blocker to help with irregular heartbeat. It possesses anti-platelet, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help to reduce lipid peroxidation, which can harm blood vessels. Platelet aggregation is also reduced. Manjistha has a diuretic and vasodilator effect. As a result, it may be useful in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Yes, Manjistha is excellent for the heart because it helps to keep cholesterol levels in check. It boosts metabolism by lowering Ama levels (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This is owing to the fact that it is Ushna (hot). It also removes poisons from the bloodstream. This is due to the fact that it has the Raktashodhak (blood purifier) property.

Question. Is Manjistha good for the liver?

Answer. Manjistha is beneficial to the liver. It contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may help to avoid lipid peroxidation, which can harm liver cells. It lowers the blood level of increased liver enzymes. Manjistha may be useful in the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis.

Question. Is Manjistha good for diabetes?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha is beneficial to diabetics. This is owing to the fact that it has a hypoglycemic impact. It may aid in the reduction of blood glucose levels. Manjistha’s antioxidant properties also help to minimise the risk of diabetic complications.

Yes, Manjistha aids in the control of excessive blood sugar levels. This is due to the Tikta (bitter) flavour. Owing to its Ushna (hot) nature, it also helps to boost metabolism by lowering Ama (toxic residues in the body due to incorrect digestion). Apart from that, Manjisth helps manage blood sugar levels by correcting insulin’s reduced function.

Question. Does eating Manjistha cause constipation?

Answer. Due to its Guru (heavy) and Kashaya (astringent) qualities, Manjistha can produce constipation. If you already have digestive issues, it is best to take Manjistha with hot water.

Question. Is Manjistha safe for diabetics?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha is safe for diabetics because it aids in the control of excessive blood sugar levels. This is because of the Tikta (bitter) flavour.

Question. Does Manjistha help in relieving pain?

Answer. Because of the presence of certain elements, Manjistha possesses analgesic or pain-relieving properties. Manjistha roots may assist to reduce pain, although the particular mechanism of action is unknown.

Yes, Manjistha may aid in the relief of discomfort associated with an aggravated Vata dosha. Manjistha has an Ushna (hot) quality that helps to calm Vata and relieve pain. Tip 1: Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Manjistha powder. 2. After lunch and dinner, take it with a glass of warm water.

Question. Is Manjistha beneficial in treating psoriasis?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha can help you manage your psoriasis symptoms. Psoriasis is a skin condition marked by scaly, dry patches on the skin, as well as inflammation. Manjistha’s dry root can assist alleviate these problems. Its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant qualities can help to relieve itching.

Manjistha is a powerful plant for treating skin conditions like psoriasis. Its Raktashodhak (blood cleanser) and Pitta balancing capabilities are responsible for this. It purifies the blood and balances the Pitta dosha, which are two of the main causes of skin disorders like psoriasis. Tip 1: Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Manjistha powder. 2. After meal and dinner, drink warm water and swallow it.

Question. Does Manjistha protect against kidney stones?

Answer. Yes, the roots of Manjistha can help to reduce the danger of kidney stones. Manjistha roots function by lowering calcium and oxalate levels in the kidneys and inhibiting the formation of urinary stones. The roots’ antioxidant and kidney-protective properties are responsible for this.

“Yes, Manjistha may aid in the prevention of kidney stones. Kidney stones are referred to as Mutrashmari in Ayurveda.” “The Vata-Kapha disease “mutrashmari” (renal calculi) creates Sanga (obstruction) in the Mutravaha Srotas (urinary system). Manjistha has an Ushna (hot) quality that helps to balance Vata and Kapha and prevents stones from forming. Tip 1: Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Manjistha powder. 2. To avoid the formation of kidney stones, drink warm water after lunch and dinner.”

Question. Does Manjistha help boost immune system?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha aids in the immune system’s enhancement. This is due to Manjistha’s antioxidant properties, which aid in reducing oxidative stress and preventing cell damage. This also helps to boost the body’s immunity.

Question. Is Manjistha beneficial in treating stomach worms?

Answer. Because of the presence of certain chemical elements, the root extract of Manjistha is effective in suppressing stomach worms. The actual method of action, however, is unknown.

Question. What are the benefits of Manjistha for jaundice?

Answer. Because of its hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) properties, manjistha is useful in the treatment of jaundice. Hepatitis is commonly related with jaundice, and studies have indicated that Manjistha possesses anti-hepatitis B activity. It also protects the liver and restores bile function.

Manjistha is a useful plant for maintaining healthy liver function. This is because it aids in the improvement of digestive fire, which facilitates digestion and lessens the burden on the liver. Manjistha also has the properties of Raktashodhak (blood purifier) and Pitta balance, which aid in blood purification and liver function improvement. Tip 1: Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Manjistha powder. 2. To promote liver function, drink warm water after lunch and dinner.

Question. Is Manjistha useful for urinary diseases?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha can help prevent urinary problems such as uterine bleeding, urine discharge, and stones. This is attributed to its wound-healing, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its antibacterial properties, it is also effective in the event of urinary infections.

Question. What are the benefits of Manjistha for rheumatoid arthritis?

Answer. Manjistha may aid in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. This is owing to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Manjistha contains chemicals that block the function of an inflammatory protein. This relieves rheumatoid arthritis-related joint pain and edoema.

Manjistha is a powerful plant for treating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. It has an Ushna (hot) character, which aids in the reduction of Ama (toxic leftovers in the body owing to incorrect digestion), which worsens rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Tip 1: Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Manjistha powder. 2. To relieve diarrhoea symptoms, drink warm water after eating lunch and dinner.

Question. Does Manjistha provide relief from filariasis?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha’s ovicidal properties aid in the destruction of filariasis mosquito eggs. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, which assist to relieve irritation.

Question. Is Manjistha beneficial for epilepsy?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha contains anticonvulsant properties, making it useful in the treatment of epilepsy. Manjistha works as an anticonvulsant by regulating specific substances in the brain that cause seizures and epilepsy.

Question. Does Manjistha have a role in acne?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha can help with acne. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities are all present. It stops acne-causing germs from multiplying. It helps to minimise acne-related irritation. When applied to the skin, Manjistha has a strong anti-acne effect. Tips: 1. Combine Manjistha root powder and ghee in a mixing bowl. 2. Apply to the afflicted region with a cotton swab. 1. Take the entire Manjistha plant pulp. 2. Add honey to the mixture. 3. Apply directly to the affected area.

Question. Does Manjistha have a role in wound healing?

Answer. Yes, Manjistha aids in the healing of wounds. It aids in the healing of wounds. It promotes the growth of new skin cells. Manjistha is also antimicrobial, which helps to prevent skin infections and aid wound healing.

Question. Is Manjistha safe for the skin?

Answer. Manjistha is beneficial to the skin. Glycosides included in Manjistha help to enhance skin tone and lighten dark spots. It makes your skin sparkle and functions as a natural blood purifier.

Question. How to use Manjistha powder on face?

Answer. Manjistha’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant characteristics aid in the treatment of a variety of skin conditions such as acne, infections, and wounds. When combined with honey, it also aids in the improvement of skin complexion and the reduction of black spots.

Question. What are the benefits of Manjistha powder for hair?

Answer. Manjistha root powder is used as a hair colouring agent as well as in medicinal oil. It also works as a hair root tonic.

Manjistha root powder is used as a hair colouring agent as well as in medicinal oil. It also works as a hair root tonic. Manjistha is a great way to increase the health of your hair. Manjistha powder can be used to treat hair issues such as greying. The natural colour of the hair is enhanced by using Manjistha powder. Manjistha oil is useful for preventing hair loss. It treats dandruff and hence prevents hair fall by removing excessive dryness. 1. Apply 2-5 drops of Manjistha oil to your palms or as needed. 2. Combine the coconut oil and the other ingredients. 3. Use it three times a week on your hair and scalp. 4. Do this once a week to keep dandruff at bay and hair fall under control.

Question. Is Manjistha beneficial for eye diseases?

Answer. Due to its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing characteristics, Manjistha is effective in eye illnesses such as conjunctivitis, burning eyes, watery eyes, and cataract. It’s utilised in the making of kohl or kajal because of this feature.

Yes, when Manjistha Kwath (decoction) is dusted over eyes, it helps with eye disorders like watery eyes. This is due to its astringent (Kashya) quality, which aids in the regulation of excessive watery discharge from the eyes. Tip 1: Boil Manjistha powder with four times the amount of water at home to make Manjistha Kwath. 2. Strain it when the quantity has been reduced to one-fourth. 3. Allow to cool to room temperature. 4. Apply this Kwath once a day to your eyes.


It is primarily used to break up blood flow bottlenecks and clear stagnant blood. Manjistha herb can be used to promote skin whitening both internally and topically.

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