Kasani: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Kasani herb

Kasani (Cichorium intybus)

Kasani, often known as chicory, is a popular coffee replacement with a variety of health benefits.(HR/1)

Kasani helps to relieve constipation by adding volume to the stool and increasing healthy bacteria in the intestines. Kasani’s Pitta balancing function, according to Ayurveda, helps to manage gall bladder stones by removing them from the body. Because of its antioxidant action, drinking 2-3 teaspoons of Kasani juice can help control liver problems associated to cell damage caused by free radicals. Kasani juice can help you eat more if you drink it on a regular basis since it improves your digestion.Kasani is also helpful for bones because it aids calcium absorption and strengthens bones. Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, it also aids in the management of osteoarthritis by lowering pain and inflammation. Kasani’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities can be utilised to treat a variety of skin conditions and inflammation. Kasani powder, when combined with coconut oil, may aid wound healing. A paste made from fresh Kasani leaves applied to the forehead may provide headache relief.

Kasani is also known as :- Cichorium intybus, Chicory, Succory, Blue sailor, Radicchio, Hinduba, Kasni, Chikory, Cikkari, Chikkari, Kachani, Kashini, Kasini, Kacini, Kasini-virai, Kasini-vittulu, Kaasni

Kasani is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Kasani:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Kasani (Cichorium intybus) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Liver disease : Kasani (Chicory) could be helpful in the treatment of liver problems. It lowers the level of increased liver enzymes in the body. It contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The damage to liver cells is reduced as a result of this. Chicory contains esculetin and cichotyboside, which have hepatoprotective properties. It’s also employed in the treatment of jaundice.
    Kasani (Chicory) is a beneficial herb that can be used as a liver tonic to treat liver problems such as enlargement, fatty liver, and jaundice. It works by bringing Pitta into balance. Kasani boosts metabolism through boosting digestive fire, which is the body’s major site of metabolism. Its Ushna (hot) potency is the reason for this. 1. Take a couple of teaspoons of Kasani juice. 2. To treat the symptoms of liver diseases, add the same amount of water and take it on an empty stomach.
  • Constipation : Constipation treatment with Kasani (Chicory) could be beneficial. Chicory inulin raises the number of bacteria in the stool. It aids in the digestion of food and facilitates the passage of faeces.
    When eaten on a regular basis, Kasani (Chicory) can aid with constipation. Because of its Ushna (hot) intensity, it stimulates the digestive fire, making it easier to digest meals. It also gives the stool more bulk and aids in stool expulsion. 1. Take a couple of teaspoons of Kasani juice. 2. To relieve constipation, mix with the same amount of water and drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Appetite stimulant : Chicory may be helpful in the treatment of appetite loss.
    When chicory is included in one’s everyday diet, it aids in the improvement of appetite. Agnimandya, according to Ayurveda, is the cause of loss of appetite (weak digestion). It is produced by the aggravation of the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, which causes food digestion to be inadequate. This results in insufficient gastric juice secretion in the stomach, leading in a loss of appetite. Chicory enhances appetite and accelerates digestion. This is owing to the characteristics of Laghu (light) and Ushna (heat). Tips: 1. Pour 2-3 teaspoons of Kasani juice into a glass. 2. To manage lack of appetite, mix with the same amount of water and drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Diarrhea : Kasani also soothes an upset stomach by aiding digestion and providing power to the liver, allowing meals to be digested more easily. Due to its Rechana (laxative) activity, Kasni is a natural laxative that treats chronic constipation and other digestive issues.
  • Gallbladder stones : Kasani (Chicory) could be helpful in the treatment of gallstones. Gallstones can be removed from the body with the help of kasani leaf juice.
    Kasani reduces the risk of gallbladder disease by regulating excessive Pitta discharges. This is because it has a Pitta-balancing effect. It also aids the liver’s optimal functioning by removing excess bile output. It lowers the chance of gallbladder stone when taken together. Tips: 1. Pour 2-3 teaspoons of Kasani juice into a glass. 2. To prevent the danger of gallbladder stones, mix in the same amount of water and drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Osteoarthritis : Kasani (Chicory) may help with the treatment of osteoarthritis. It contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It helps to relieve joint pain and inflammation. It also protects joints from future harm.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) : Kasani (Chicory) may be effective in the treatment of hypertension.
  • Skin disorders : Kasani has been shown to help with the treatment of skin irritation. It’s antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects are all excellent. It decreases the release of inflammatory mediators while also preventing infection.
  • Cancer : Kasani juice has been shown to help with cancer treatment.
  • Wound healing : Kasani (Chicory) promotes rapid wound healing, reduces swelling, and restores the skin’s natural texture. Kasani powder mixed with coconut oil aids in rapid healing and inflammation reduction. This is due to the fact that it has a Ropan (healing) property. Tips: a. Measure out 1/2-1 teaspoon of chicory powder, or as needed. b. Make a paste with it by combining it with water or coconut oil. c. Apply to the damaged region to help the wound heal quickly.
  • Headache : paste made from Kasani (Chicory) leaves applied to the forehead will help relieve headaches, especially those that begin in the temples and move to the centre of the head. This is because to Kasani’s Sita (cold) potency. It relieves a headache by removing Pitta aggravating elements. Tips: a. Take a few Kasani leaves (Chicory). c. Crush and mix with water to make a paste. b. Apply to the temples or the scalp. d. If you want to get rid of a headache, leave it for at least 1-2 hours.

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Precautions to be taken while using Kasani:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Kasani (Cichorium intybus)(HR/3)

  • Consult your Doctor while taking Kasani if you have gallstones.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Kasani:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Kasani (Cichorium intybus)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : If you’re breastfeeding and taking Kasani (Chicory), talk to your doctor.
  • Other Interaction : Kasani has sedative properties. As a result, it’s best to talk to your doctor before starting Kasani if you’re using sedatives.
  • Patients with diabetes : Kasani has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels. As a result, it’s generally a good idea to keep track of your blood sugar levels while using Kasani with antidiabetic medications.
  • Pregnancy : If you’re pregnant and taking Kasani (Chicory), talk to your doctor.
  • Allergy : If you have hypertensive skin, combine the Kasani leaf paste with coconut oil or water and apply it.

How to take Kasani:-

As per several scientific studies, Kasani (Cichorium intybus) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Kasani Juice : Take two to three teaspoon of Kasani juice. Add the very same amount of water and take it on an empty stomach once daily.
  • Kasani Churna : Take one fourth to half teaspoon of Kasani churna. Add honey or water as well as take it twice a day after taking lunch as well as dinner.
  • Kasani Capsule : Takeone to two capsule of Kasani. Swallow it with water twice a day after taking lunch and supper.
  • Kasani Ark : Take 6 to ten teaspoon of Kasani Ark (Chicory Distillate). Add the exact same amount of water to it and take it before lunch and dinner two times a day.
  • Kasani Powder : Take one fourth to one teaspoon Kasani (Chicory) powder. Make a paste with honey or water. Apply on the affected area once or twice a day.

How much Kasani should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Kasani (Cichorium intybus) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Kasani Juice : Two to three teaspoon once a day.
  • Kasani Churna : One fourth to half teaspoon twice a day.
  • Kasani Ark : Six to ten teaspoons twice a day.
  • Kasani Capsule : One to two capsules twice a day.
  • Kasani Powder : One fourth to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Kasani:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Kasani (Cichorium intybus)(HR/7)

  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Belching
  • Asthma

Questions asked frequently Related to the Kasani:-

Question. What are the chemical constituents of Kasani?

Answer. Chicory is another name for Kasani. Kasani is mostly composed of chicoric acid, as well as other phytocompounds such as inulin, coumarins, tannins, monomeric flavonoids, and sesquiterpene lactones. Kasani is a popular coffee substitute with a variety of nutritional, preventive, and medicinal benefits. Kasani is high in carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, soluble fibre, trace elements, and bioactive phenolic compounds, among other nutrients.

Question. In what forms of Kasani of available in the market?

Answer. Kasani is sold in a variety of forms, including capsules, arks, juice, and powder. Swadeshi organic, Hamdard, Dehlvi Naturals, and Axiom Ayurveda are some of the brands that sell these items. You have the option of selecting a product and a brand based on your preferences and needs.

Question. What is the shelf life of Kasani Powder?

Answer. Kasani powder has a shelf life of about 6 months. Keep it at room temperature in an airtight container.

Question. How to make Chicory (Kasani) coffee?

Answer. 1. Take some chicory roots and thoroughly wash them. 2. Chopped the roots into small pieces (about one inch). 3. Arrange the cut pieces on the baking dish and bake at 350°F until golden brown. 4. Remove the tray from the oven and set it aside to cool. 5. Grind the baked pieces and combine with coffee grounds. The ratio of chicory to coffee should be 1:2 or 2:3. 6. Boil the water and add two spoons of chicory powder to it, then let it steep for 10-15 minutes. 7. Pour it into a mug, and your coffee is ready to drink.

Question. Can Kasani be used in case of malaria?

Answer. Yes, Kasani is effective against malaria. Kasani contains anti-malarial lactucin and lactucopicrin. They stop the malaria parasite from multiplying.

Question. Can Kasani be used in diabetes?

Answer. Kasani is used to treat diabetes. Kasani aids in the improvement of insulin sensitivity. This aids in the reduction of high blood glucose levels. Kasani contains caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and chicoric acid, all of which have anti-diabetic properties. They help cells and tissues absorb glucose more efficiently. They also increase insulin production from the pancreas. Kasani also possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This lowers the chances of acquiring diabetes problems.

Question. Is Kasani good for bones?

Answer. Kasani is beneficial to the bones. It aids calcium absorption while also strengthening the bones. It also lowers your risk of acquiring osteoporosis.

Question. Can Kasani cause gas?

Answer. Kasani, on the other hand, does not cause gas. Because of its Ushna (hot) nature, it enhances digestive fire and minimises the risk of gas development.

Question. Can we use Kasani for kidney disorders?

Answer. Kasani can be used to treat kidney problems such kidney stones. It inhibits calcium binding, which lowers the development of crystals. Due to its diuretic effect, it aids in the elimination of crystals by increasing urine production. Because of its antioxidant properties, it also protects Kidney cells from free radical damage.

Kasani may be used to treat kidney problems such as renal stones, urine retention, and urine burning. Kidney diseases are most commonly caused by a Vata or Kapha dosha imbalance, which can lead to the creation or accumulation of toxins in the body. Kasani helps to control renal problems by boosting urine production and removing toxins from the body thanks to its Mutral (diuretic) function.

Question. What are the benefits of Chicory(Kasani) coffee?

Answer. Kasani (Chicory) coffee has a lot of health benefits. Chicory coffee, derived from the roots of the Kasani plant, contains antibacterial and antifungal qualities, making it useful for treating infections. Its hepatoprotective and antioxidant characteristics aid in the management of liver illnesses such as jaundice and fatty liver disease. Kasani coffee can help with diabetes management by increasing insulin production and lowering blood glucose levels.

Question. Can we use Kasani in cough syrups?

Answer. Although there isn’t enough scientific proof to back up Kasani’s use in cough syrup. It may, however, aid with coughing.

Cough is caused by a Kapha dosha imbalance, which causes the development and accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. Kasani, when used as an ingredient in cough syrups, helps to regulate cough by balancing the Kapha dosha. It also has an Ushna (hot) character, which aids in the loosening and removal of cough from the respiratory tract.

Question. Is Kasani good for weight loss?

Answer. Weight gain, according to Ayurveda, is a condition caused by weak or poor digestion. It causes the body to produce and store toxins in the form of Ama (toxin that persists in the body due to inadequate digestion). Due to its Ushna (hot) character and Pachak (digestion) capabilities, Kasani aids in weight management by increasing metabolism and digestion. Tips 1. Measure 14 to 12 teaspoon Kasani churna. 2. Toss with some honey or water. 3. Eat it after lunch and dinner twice a day.

Question. Does Kasani boosts immunity?

Answer. Yes, due to the presence of antioxidant-like compounds in Kasani, it may help to boost immunity. Kasani contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect cells from harm. It promotes immunity and enhances the immune system.

Question. What are the benefits of Kasani in Jaundice?

Answer. Yes, Kasani’s antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties may aid in the treatment of jaundice (a liver condition). It protects liver cells from free radical damage and aids in the maintenance of bilirubin levels required for optimal liver function.

Jaundice is caused by a Pitta dosha imbalance, and it can cause internal weakness as well as digestive problems. Kasani’s Pitta balancing and Ushna (hot) characteristics aid in the treatment of jaundice and enhance digestion. Due to its Balya (strength supplier) function, it also delivers internal strength to the body.

Question. Is Chicory good for the teeth?

Answer. Yes, chicory is beneficial to one’s dental health. It stops oral pathogens from growing. It prevents the production of bacterial biofilms on the teeth. Cavities are less likely as a result of this. It alleviates the discomfort and inflammation associated with periodontal disease.

Question. Does Chicory have a role in wound healing?

Answer. Chicory does play a role in wound healing. Chicory contains a substance called -sitosterol, which has antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities. It protects the wound from infection and aids in the synthesis of collagen protein. This aids in the healing of wounds.

Question. Does Kasani cause skin irritation?

Answer. Kasani does not irritate the skin in any way. In the event of hypertensive skin, the Kasani leaf paste should be mixed with oil or water before application.

Question. Is Kasani helpful in eye problems?

Answer. Yes, Kasani may help with a variety of eye issues, including inflamed eyes, allergies, and infections. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy characteristics aid in the management of inflammation. It also contains antifungal and antibacterial characteristics, which could be useful in bacterial and fungal infections.

An imbalanced Pitta dosha is the most common cause of eye disorders such as inflammation or irritation. Kasani’s Pitta balancing property helps to manage the symptoms of eye disorders and gives comfort.


Kasani helps to relieve constipation by adding volume to the stool and increasing healthy bacteria in the intestines. Kasani’s Pitta balancing function, according to Ayurveda, helps to manage gall bladder stones by removing them from the body.

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