Kalonji: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Kalonji herb

Kalonji (Nigella sativa)

In Ayurveda, Kalonji or Kalajeera is also known as Upakunci.(HR/1)

It has a distinct flavour and taste and is used in a variety of cuisines. Kalonji’s hypoglycemic (blood sugar reducing) activity keeps blood sugar levels in balance and is beneficial to diabetics. Due to its carminative properties, adding Kalonji seeds to food aids digestion and reduces gas and flatulence. Kalonji’s antioxidant action also aids in the maintenance of a healthy balance of good and bad cholesterol levels.It may also aid in weight loss by increasing the body’s metabolic rate. When consumed with milk, kalonji seed powder raises testosterone levels and improves sperm production in males. Kalonji is utilised for a variety of skin and hair disorders, including boils, eruptions, wrinkles, and hair loss, due to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Kalonji oil can be used topically to aid with eczema. Applying kalonji seed paste to the scalp may also aid hair development and reduce hair loss. Kalonji should be used with caution by persons taking anti-diabetic medications because it can produce a rapid reduction in blood sugar levels.

Kalonji is also known as :- Nigella sativa, Sthulajirala, Upakunci, Susavi, Mota Kalajira, Kalajira, Small Fennel, Nigella Seed, Kalonji jeeru, Kalounji , Mangaraila, Karijirige, Karinjirakam, Kalonji jire, Kalejire, Kalvanji, Karunjeerakam, Karunjiragam, Peddajilakarra, Kalongi

Kalonji is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Kalonji:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Kalonji (Nigella sativa) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Indigestion : Kalonji has been shown to help with dyspepsia. It has digestive, stomachic, and carminative characteristics due to the chemicals it contains.
    Kalonji can aid with indigestion. Indigestion, according to Ayurveda, is the result of an inadequate digestion process. Indigestion is caused by exacerbated Kapha, which leads to Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). Due to its Deepan (appetiser) function, Kalonji aids in the improvement of Agni (digestive) and aids in the digestion of food. 1. Use 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Drink it once or twice a day with warm milk to relieve indigestion.
  • Headache : Despite the lack of sufficient scientific data, Kalonji may be beneficial in the treatment of headaches.
  • Nasal congestion (blocked nose) : Kalonji may be used to treat nasal congestion, though there isn’t enough scientific data to back it up.
  • Influenza (flu) : Despite the lack of sufficient scientific data, Kalonji may be effective in the treatment of influenza.
  • Cough : Certain chemicals in Kalonji have antitussive (cough suppressant) and bronchodilatory effects. Kalonji has anti-inflammatory properties as well. Kalonji acts as a relaxant and suppresses the cough centre in the central nervous system due to these qualities.
    In Ayurveda, cough is referred to as Kapha problem, and it is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory system. Due to its Kapha balancing properties, Kalonji aids in the reduction of cough and the removal of stored mucus from the lungs. Tips: 1. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Take it twice a day with honey to relieve cough.
  • Inflammation of the airways (bronchitis) : Kalonji has a bioactive component that may help with bronchitis management. It decreases inflammation and the release of inflammatory chemicals, which may help with breathing.
    If you have coughing problems, such as bronchitis, Kalonji can help. Kasroga is the name given to this condition in Ayurveda, and it is caused by poor digestion. The accumulation of Ama (toxic leftovers in the body owing to faulty digestion) in the form of mucus in the lungs is caused by a poor diet and insufficient waste removal. Bronchitis results as a result of this. Kalonji can aid with digestion and Ama reduction. Its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) qualities account for this. Because of its Ushna (hot) nature, it also eliminates excess mucus formation. Tips: 1. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Take it twice a day with honey to relieve bronchitis symptoms.
  • Hay fever : Kalonji has anti-allergic properties because it includes chemicals that have an anti-histaminic impact. Kalonji inhibits the release of histamines, which may be beneficial in the treatment of allergies. It alleviates nasal congestion, itchy nose, sneezing fits, runny nose, and other Hay fever symptoms.
    perennial. Allergy rhinitis is classified as Vata-Kaphaj Pratishaya in Ayurveda. It is the outcome of poor digestion and a Vata-Kapha imbalance. Kalonji can help alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. This is due to its ability to balance Kapha and Vata. 1. Use 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Take it twice a day with honey to relieve allergic rhinitis symptoms.
  • Asthma : Antiasthmatic and spasmolytic effects are found in Kalonji. It allows asthmatic patients’ airways to relax and reduce inflammation, allowing them to breathe more easily. Kalonji has been shown to lessen asthmatic episodes and wheeze (a whistling sound produced by trouble breathing).
    Kalonji aids in the alleviation of asthma symptoms. The main doshas associated in asthma, according to Ayurveda, are Vata and Kapha. In the lungs, vitiated ‘Vata’ joins with disturbed ‘Kapha dosha,’ obstructing the respiratory path. Breathing becomes difficult as a result of this. Swas Roga or Asthma is the medical term for this ailment. Kalonji can assist to balance Vata-Kapha and clear mucus from the lungs. Asthma symptoms are relieved as a result of this. Tips: 1. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Eat it twice a day with honey. 3. Continue for at least 1-2 months to control asthma symptoms.
  • High cholesterol : Kalonji may be beneficial in the treatment of high cholesterol. It lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglyceride levels while raising high-density lipoprotein levels (HDL)
    An imbalance of Pachak Agni causes high cholesterol (digestive fire). Excess waste products, or Ama, are produced when tissue digestion is impaired (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This leads to the buildup of harmful cholesterol and the occlusion of blood arteries. Kalonj, as well as its oil, aids in the improvement of Agni (digestive fire) and the reduction of Ama. Its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) qualities account for this. Tips: 1. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Drink it with warm milk once or twice a day to keep your cholesterol in check.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) : Kalonji is a powerful antioxidant, heart depressant, diuretic, and calcium channel blocker. All of Kalonji’s characteristics are beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure.
  • Diabetes mellitus (Type 1 & Type 2) : Kalonji is high in antioxidants and has a low glycemic index. It produces an increase in blood insulin levels by increasing the proliferation of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Kalonji may be effective in the management of diabetes since it lowers blood glucose levels.
    Diabetes, also known as Madhumeha, is caused by a Vata imbalance and poor digestion. Impaired digestion causes an accumulation of Ama (toxic waste left in the body as a result of faulty digestion) in the pancreatic cells, impairing insulin activity. Kalonji soothes an irritated Vata and boosts the digestive fire. Because of its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, this decreases Ama. It boosts metabolism and keeps insulin levels in check. This aids in the control of blood glucose levels. Tips: 1. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Kalonji. 2. Take it twice a day with warm water. 3. Maintain a normal blood sugar level for 1-2 months.
  • Male infertility : Kalonji contains a variety of vital amino acids, vitamins A, B, and C, as well as minerals that may aid male fertility. It boosts testosterone levels in men and speeds up the sperm production process. As a result, Kalonji may be effective in treating male infertility by improving sperm production and motility.
    1. Use 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Drink it once or twice a day with warm milk. 3. Continue for at least a month to see whether your sperm function improves.
  • Epilepsy/Seizures : Antioxidant, anticonvulsant, and antiepileptic activities are all found in Kalonji. Kalonji oil protects against oxidative damage that can lead to seizures and also helps to prevent them. It may also aid in the management of antiepileptic medication side effects.
  • Menstrual pain : Despite the lack of sufficient scientific proof, Kalonji may be effective in the treatment of menstruation pain.
    Menstrual discomfort, also known as dysmenorrhea, is pain or cramping experienced during or before a menstrual cycle. Kasht-aartava is the Ayurvedic term for this condition. Aartava, or menstruation, is managed and ruled by Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda. As a result, controlling Vata in a woman is critical for managing dysmenorrhea. Because Kalonji has the ability to balance Vata, it can help with dysmenorrhea and menstrual pain. Tips: 1. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Take twice a day with honey. 3. To alleviate menstruation discomfort
  • Rheumatoid arthritis : Kalonji is a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunological herb. It manages Rheumatoid arthritis by inhibiting the release of inflammatory chemicals and reducing joint swelling and stiffness.
    “In Ayurveda, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is called as Aamavata. Amavata is a disorder in which the Vata dosha is vitiated and Ama accumulates in the joints. Amavata begins with a weakened digestive fire, resulting in an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). Vata transports this Ama to various sites, but instead of being absorbed, it accumulates in the joints. Kalonji’s Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics aid to balance digestive fire and lessen Aam. It also has a Vata-balancing effect, which helps to alleviate the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis, such as joint discomfort and swelling. Tips: 1. Take a quarter to half teaspoon of Kalonji powder. 2. Take it twice a day with mild hot water to help with Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Contraception : Kalonji has a significant antifertility effect, making it potentially effective for contraception.
  • Tonsilitis : Kalonji is an antiparasitic and antihelmintic herb. It may aid in the treatment of tonsillitis by suppressing the bacteria that cause the infection (Streptococcal bacteria). Because of its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic qualities, Kalonji may be beneficial in the treatment of Tonsillitis fever.
  • Immunity booster : Kalonji may be effective in activating the immune system to combat any alien microbes, despite the lack of scientific data.
  • Cancer : Certain bioactive chemicals in Kalonji have anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Kalonji seeds and oil have been linked to the death of cancer cells and the inhibition of cancer cells. It could also be beneficial in shielding cells from cancer-causing factors like radiation.
  • Disease of thyroid gland : Kalonji has been used to treat autoimmune thyroiditis (also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) as a herbal medication. It helps to reduce thyroid hormone synthesis as well as the amount of thyroid stimulating hormone in the blood. This action of Kalonji could be beneficial in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • Metabolic syndrome : Kalonji may be beneficial in the treatment of Metabolic Syndrome. Low blood sugar, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and total cholesterol may all benefit from kalonji and its oil.
  • Opioid withdrawal : Antibacterial, antiallergic, spasmolytic, and antinociceptive properties are all found in Kalonji. It also contains nutrients and amino acids that are good to opioid addicts. As a result, Kalonji could be beneficial in the treatment of opiate withdrawal. It may also be beneficial in the treatment of opiate addiction-related weakness and infections.
  • Increased breast milk production : Kalonji has a galactagogue effect, which means it can help stimulate the production of breast milk. It boosts the production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates milk production.
  • Eczema : Kalonji may be used to treat eczema, yet there isn’t enough scientific data to back it up.
    When applied to the affected area, kalonji oil helps to control eczema. Eczema is a skin ailment in which the skin becomes rough, blistering, inflamed, itchy, and bleeds. Due to its Ropan (healing) function, using Kalonji oil decreases inflammation and promotes rapid healing. Tips: 1. Add 2-5 drops of Kalonji oil to your palms or as needed. 2. Add the coconut oil and mix well. 3. Apply once a day to the afflicted region to relieve eczema symptoms.
  • Pain in breasts : Certain chemicals in Kalonji have analgesic properties. The use of Kalonji oil as a topical treatment for breast pain could be beneficial (mastalgia).
    Breast soreness can be relieved with kalonji oil. An imbalance of the Vata dosha, according to Ayurveda, is the primary cause of discomfort in any part of the body. Because of its Vata balancing properties, Kalonji oil may assist to lower the intensity of discomfort. Tips: 1. Add 2-5 drops of Kalonji oil to your palms or as needed. 2. Add the coconut oil and mix well. 3. To relieve breast pain, apply once a day to the affected area.

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Precautions to be taken while using Kalonji:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Kalonji (Nigella sativa)(HR/3)

  • Kalonji may increase the risk of bleeding. So, it is generally advised to consult your doctor while taking Kalonji with anticoagulants.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Kalonji:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Kalonji (Nigella sativa)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Kalonji can be consumed in food amounts without causing harm. However, before taking Kalonji pills while breastfeeding, you should check your doctor.
  • Patients with diabetes : Kalonji has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels. As a result, while using Kalonji with antidiabetic medications, it is typically recommended that you monitor your blood sugar.
  • Patients with heart disease : Kalonji has been shown to reduce blood pressure. As a result, if you’re taking Kalonji alongside antihypertensive medication, you should keep an eye on your blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy : Kalonji can be consumed in food amounts without causing harm. However, before taking Kalonji pills while pregnant, you should check your doctor.
  • Allergy : Due to its Ushna (hot)potency, kalonji paste or oil should be applied to the skin with rose water or coconut oil.

How to take Kalonji:-

As per several scientific studies, Kalonji (Nigella sativa) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Kalonji Powder : Take one fourth to half teaspoon of Kalonji churna. Swallow it with water or honey after taking lunch as well as supper.
  • Kalonji Capsule : Take one to two pill of Kalonji capsule. Swallow it with water after taking lunch and also dinner.
  • Kalonji Oil : Take one fourth to half teaspoon of Kalonji oil. Take it with cozy water daily after taking food. Check the tag of Kalonji oil container before making use of internally, or, Take two to five drops of Kalonji oil or based on your requirement. Mix with coconut oil to it. Apply on the damaged area once daily or thrice a week.
  • Kalonji Paste : Take half to one teaspoon paste of Kalonji. Add climbed water to it. Apply on the damaged location daily or thrice a week.

How much Kalonji should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Kalonji (Nigella sativa) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Kalonji Powder : One fourth to half teaspoon twice a day.
  • Kalonji Capsule : One to two capsules twice a day.
  • Kalonji Oil : One fourth to half teaspoon once or twice a day, or, Two to five drops or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Kalonji:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Kalonji (Nigella sativa)(HR/7)

  • Allergy
  • Stomach upset
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Seizures

Questions asked frequently Related to the Kalonji:-

Question. Is Kalonji and black seed the same?

Answer. Yes, Kalonji and Black Seed are the same thing. In English, Kalonji is known as Black Seed.

Question. Can I eat Kalonji during pregnancy?

Answer. In meal amounts, kalonji appears to be safe during pregnancy. Kalonji, on the other hand, can halt or stop the uterus from contracting.

Question. What is Kalonji oil?

Answer. Kalonji oil is derived from the seeds of this plant and is used to make a variety of medications. It has been used to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions.

Question. Can Kalonji seeds be eaten raw?

Answer. Yes, you can eat them uncooked. If you don’t like the taste, try mixing them with honey or water. It’s also a common ingredient in a variety of recipes and cuisines.

Yes, Kalonji seeds can be eaten raw because they aid with digestion. Its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) qualities account for this. Honey can be used to mask the Tikta (bitter) flavour of Kalonji.

Question. Does Kalonji cause constipation?

Answer. No, Kalonji will not make you constipated. Kalonji has been shown to have substantial gastroprotective properties in studies. This is because it has some unique ingredients. It protects our stomach from ulcers, regulates bowel movements, and contains anti-secretory and antioxidant properties.

By lowering the level of Ama, Kalonji aids in the treatment of constipation (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). Kalonji’s Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics aid to maintain gut motility.

Question. Can Kalonji trigger a migraine?

Answer. If you take too much kalonji, you might get a migraine. This is due to the Ushna (hot) potency of Kalonji. It can cause an elevation in the Pitta dosha in the body, which can lead to migraines. If you have a history of migraines, you should use Kalonji in smaller doses.

Question. Is Kalonji good for heart?

Answer. Yes, Kalonji may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Kalonji includes polyphenols with strong cardioprotective properties. It may be beneficial in decreasing blood pressure and an accelerated heart rate. Kalonji’s antioxidant properties may potentially be beneficial in protecting cardiac muscles from oxidative damage.

Question. Is Kalonji good for hypothyroid?

Answer. Despite the lack of sufficient scientific data, Kalonji may be effective in the treatment of hypothyroidism. Kalonji oil possesses antioxidant properties, which may help to preserve thyroid follicles from oxidative damage.

Question. How to use Kalonji for weight loss?

Answer. Because of its high fibre content, Kalonji aids in weight loss. It works by controlling specific neurotransmitters in the brain to help suppress hunger. This aids with weight management. 1. In a glass of lukewarm water, squeeze some lemon juice. 2. Drink this water and swallow some Kalonji seeds.

Weight gain is a symptom of a weakened or impaired digestive system. As a result, the body accumulates an excessive amount of fat. Kalonji’s Deepana (appetiser) and Pachana (digestion) qualities aid in the management of this ailment. It aids in the digestion of fat and boosts metabolism, resulting in weight loss.

Question. Can Kalonji help to fight acne?

Answer. Yes, Kalonji’s antimicrobial properties may help reduce acne. It inhibits the growth of germs that cause acne. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it also lowers discomfort and swelling around pimples. Apart from that, the antioxidants in Kalonji aid to neutralise free radicals and speed up the healing process of acne breakouts.

Because of its Rooksha (dry) quality, Kalonji can help with acne. It aids in the removal of excess oil from the skin. It also has Lekhana (scraping) and Shothhar (anti-inflammatory) characteristics, which help to alleviate acne-related swelling.

Question. Is Kalonji good for hair?

Answer. Yes, Kalonji may be beneficial to hair. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of kalonji seed and oil It strengthens hair follicles, reduces hair fall, and encourages hair growth. It also adds shine to hair and helps to maintain damaged hair.

When applied directly to the scalp as a paste or oil, Kalonji can help with hair problems. It aids in the prevention of hair loss and the promotion of hair growth. This is owing to the fact that hair loss is mostly caused by an irritated Vata dosha in the body. By balancing the Vata dosha, Kalonji helps to prevent hair loss. It also encourages hair development and eliminates dryness.

Question. Is Kalonji good for skin problems?

Answer. Yes, Kalonji may be beneficial to one’s skin. It possesses antibacterial and antioxidant effects. Kalonji is said to help with eczema, boils, wrinkles, and skin eruptions.

Kalonji oil aids in the treatment of acne and the reduction of blemishes. This is owing to the fact that it is Ropan (healing). It efficiently minimises acne scarring and irritation.

Question. Is Kalonji oil good for baldness?

Answer. Yes, Kalonji may be beneficial in the treatment of baldness. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of kalonji seed and oil It strengthens hair follicles, reduces hair fall, and encourages hair growth.

Question. Is Kalonji oil good for eyes?

Answer. Kalonji oil may be used to treat eye problems, yet there isn’t enough scientific data to back it up.

Question. Is Kalonji oil good for joint pain?

Answer. When applied to the problematic area, kalonji oil helps to relieve bone and joint pain. The bones and joints are considered a Vata location in the body, according to Ayurveda. Vata imbalance is the primary cause of joint pain. Due to its Vata balancing properties, using Kalonji oil helps to alleviate joint pain.

Question. Is Kalonji oil good for psoriasis?

Answer. Yes, Kalonji may be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. Kalonji seeds have anti-inflammatory and anti-psoriatic effects. It aids in the relief of psoriasis-related swelling and irritation.

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the skin to become dry, red, scaly, and flaky. Kalonji oil can aid with psoriasis by reducing dryness and speeding up the healing of scaly spots. This is related to the qualities of Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing).

Question. Is Kalonji oil good for back pain?

Answer. Kalonji may be used to treat back pain, even though there isn’t adequate scientific data.

Question. HR95

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