Dates: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Dates herb

Dates (Phoenix dactylifera)

Date palm is another name for dates, or the well-known khajur.(HR/1)

It is a delicious edible fruit that is high in carbs, potassium, manganese, and iron, as well as possessing a number of therapeutic benefits. Dates have a high fibre content, which aids digestion and prevents constipation. They also help to strengthen bones by containing minerals like calcium and magnesium. Dates are considered excellent for diabetes people when consumed in moderation since they have a low glycemic index, which means they do not produce a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. Due to their antioxidant properties, dates can also help with mental health and memory concerns.Dates contain antioxidants that help to give skin a smooth texture and prevent indications of ageing. Dates may help manage anaemia by increasing haemoglobin levels due to their high iron content. They aid in the maintenance of general health and vitality. Applying a paste of dates, milk, and honey on the skin helps to reduce wrinkles due to the high antioxidant content. Dates should not be consumed in excess, according to Ayurveda, because they are Guru (heavy) in nature and difficult to digest.

Dates is also known as :- Phoenix dactylifera, khaji, Date palm, khajur

Dates is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Dates:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Cough : Dates may be effective in cough management, despite the lack of sufficient scientific data.
    In Ayurveda, cough is referred to as a Kapha illness. The buildup of mucus in the respiratory tract is the most common cause. Due to its Kapha balancing properties, dates aid in the removal of accumulated mucus. Dates also aid in the improvement of immunity and the management of chronic coughs and colds. Take some dry Dates as a first step. 2. Soak them overnight in water. 3. Eat them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to help with cough and cold symptoms.
  • Wrinkles : Dates include phytohormones, which have antioxidant and anti-aging properties. They may help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
    Dates help to prevent wrinkles and slow down the ageing process. Wrinkles are caused by an exacerbated Vata, according to Ayurveda. Dates have a Vata-balancing effect, and putting a date paste to the skin can help reduce wrinkles. Because of its Snigdha (oily) character, it increases the moisture content in the skin. 1. Soak some seedless dates in milk for a few minutes. 2. Blend them together overnight to produce a thick paste with honey. 3. Apply it to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. 4. Rinse with cold water and dry with a soft cloth. 5. Do this once a week to keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay.

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Precautions to be taken while using Dates:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Dates (Phoenix dactylifera)(HR/3)

Special precautions to be taken while taking Dates:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Dates (Phoenix dactylifera)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Dates in food quantities are safe to consume. However, before consuming Dates supplements while breastfeeding, you should ask your doctor.
  • Pregnancy : Dates in food quantities are safe to consume. However, before consuming Dates supplements while pregnant, you should see your doctor.
  • Allergy : If your skin is hypersensitive, combine dates with rose water or honey.

How to take Dates:-

As per several scientific studies, Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Date Fruit : Take two to four items of Dates. Enjoy it as a snack whenever you feel like.
  • Dates Powder : Take one fourth to half teaspoon of Dates powder. Add milk to it. Swallow it preferably before taking food.
  • Dates Face Mask : Take some seedless days and soak in milk. Leave it over night as well as mix them to make a thick paste with honey. Apply this on the face and maintain for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash off with cold water and rub completely dry. Repeat when a week to regulate great lines and also wrinkles.

How much Dates should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Dates Powder : One fourth to half teaspoon twice a day

Side effects of Dates:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Dates (Phoenix dactylifera)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Dates:-

Question. Can you eat too many Dates?

Answer. Dates are nutritious, but eating too many of them might spike your blood sugar and calories.

When you eat too many dates, you may experience stomach issues such as gas or bloating. This is due to the fact that dates are Guru (heavy) and take time to digest. Due to its Madhur (sweet) quality, dates can also raise blood sugar levels and weight.

Question. Can I eat Dates with milk?

Answer. Dates are actually a kind of energy storage. It’s high in glucose, sucrose, and fructose. When combined with milk, it becomes more nutritionally efficient.

Yes, if your digestive fire (Agni) is in good shape, dates can be consumed with milk. Dates and milk, both of which contain Balya (tonic) qualities, will provide you energy and boost your stamina.

Question. How do you store Dates?

Answer. Dates have around a six-month shelf life. It will stay fresh for more than a year if put in an airtight container or airtight polybag and kept in the refrigerator.

Question. Do Dates go bad?

Answer. Dates do have the potential to go poorly. There are a few signals that you won’t be able to utilise them any longer. 1. The dates have formed moulds and are discoloured. 2. If there is a foul odour. 3. If bugs or mites are discovered in your dates.

Question. Does Dates raise your blood sugar level?

Answer. Dates are high in sugars that are easily digestible, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, as well as dietary fibre. However, it is not suggested to consume too much because it may raise your blood sugar and weight.

Because dates are Madhur (sweet) in taste and after Vipaka, eating too many of them can raise your blood sugar levels (after digestion). Including dates in your daily diet, or eating an excessive amount of them, can alter your blood sugar levels.

Question. Is Date good for diabetes?

Answer. Dates may be beneficial to diabetes. They include bioactive substances with anti-diabetic properties. Dates have a low glycemic index, which means they don’t cause significant blood glucose changes. This aids diabetics in maintaining their blood sugar levels.

Question. Is Date good for health?

Answer. Yes, dates are a nutrient-dense, low-glycemic-index food with numerous health benefits. Carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fibre, vitamin B, minerals, and antioxidants abound in dates. They include phytochemicals that may protect against a variety of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Question. Is Date good for heart?

Answer. Yes, dates may be good for your heart. Dates are high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, antilipidemic agents, and cardioprotective compounds. It aids in heart muscle strengthening and may protect against a variety of cardiovascular disorders.

Question. Is Date good for kidney?

Answer. Dates may be good to the kidneys. Melatonin, vitamin E, and ascorbic acid are antioxidants found in dates. Dates have a nephroprotective effect, lowering creatinine and urea levels.

Question. Is Date good for high blood pressure?

Answer. Dates can help manage high blood pressure because of their antihypertensive properties. They’re high in dietary fibre, salt, and potassium, which can assist hypertensive people lower their blood pressure.

Question. Are Dates good for constipation?

Answer. Yes, dates may be beneficial in the treatment of constipation. Sucrose and phenolic chemicals are abundant in dates. They increase intestinal transit time by stimulating gastrointestinal tract activity (Time taken for food to leave the stomach and travel through the intestines leading to excretion).

An exacerbated Vata Dosha leads to constipation. This can be caused by eating junk food frequently, drinking too much coffee or tea, sleeping late at night, stress, or despair. All of these variables increase Vata and produce constipation in the large intestine. Due to its Vata balancing and Rechana (laxative) qualities, dates aid in the relief of constipation. It provides volume to the faeces and aids in easier evacuation by removing excessive dryness from the bowel.

Question. Is Date good for sleep?

Answer. Yes, dates may help you sleep better. Dates have a sedative effect that can lengthen sleep and shorten the time it takes to get into deep sleep.

Question. Is Date good for sore throat?

Answer. Yes, dates may be beneficial in the treatment of a sore throat. This is owing to the astringent properties of some chemicals found in dates.

Yes, dates can help with a sore throat. Due to its Kashaya (astringent) and Kapha balancing characteristics, it has a calming effect and lowers cough.

Question. Are Dates good for lowering high cholesterol and high blood pressure levels?

Answer. Yes, dates have been shown to help decrease cholesterol levels. Dates are low in fat and cholesterol, and high in fibre. It aids in the reduction of plasma triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. Dates also contain a healthy amount of salt, which helps to lower the risk of high blood pressure.

Question. Is it good to eat Dates at night?

Answer. Yes, due to its sedative (sleep producing) impact, dates may assist to control insomnia and sleep disruptions at night.

Yes, due to its Snigdha (oily) quality, dates may help promote healthy sleep if consumed at night. Dates also have a Vata balancing function that aids in stress relief, which is a common cause of sleeplessness and is caused by an imbalanced Vata dosha.

Question. What is the role of Dates in strengthening the nervous system?

Answer. Dates are high in antioxidants, which help to protect cells from harm (neuroprotective). Dates’ neuroprotective properties aid in the treatment of neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease (HD), and dementia.

Due to its Balya (strength provider) property, dates may aid to strengthen the nervous system. It also nourishes the nerves, which become dry as a result of an imbalanced Vata dosha. This is owing to its balancing Snigdha (oily) and Vata characteristics.

Question. Do Dates help in weight gain?

Answer. There was no scientific proof to back up this claim. However, due to its high sugar content, consuming too many dates might induce gastrointestinal pain.

Yes, due to its Madhur (sweet) and Balya (strength provider) qualities, dates may aid in weight gain. This increases your weight by raising your energy level and nourishing the Rasa dhatu.

Question. Are Dates helpful for boosting brain health?

Answer. Yes, dates may aid in the improvement of brain health. Dates are high in antioxidants, which help to protect cells from harm (neuroprotective). Dates’ neuroprotective properties aid in the treatment of neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease (HD), and dementia.

Question. How much protein is there in Dates?

Answer. Fresh and dried dates have an average protein value of 1.50 and 2.14 g/100 g, respectively.

Question. Are Dates good for skin?

Answer. Yes, dates may be good for your skin. Antioxidant-rich dates provide anti-aging, regenerating, calming, and firming qualities. They may aid in the reduction of wrinkles and the improvement of skin health.

Question. Are Dates good for reducing aging?

Answer. Yes, dates may help to slow down the ageing process. Certain chemicals found in dates have antioxidizing, regenerative, and anti-aging properties.


It is a delicious edible fruit that is high in carbs, potassium, manganese, and iron, as well as possessing a number of therapeutic benefits. Dates have a high fibre content, which aids digestion and prevents constipation.

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