Danti: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Danti herb

Danti (Baliospermum montanum)

Danti, also known as wild croton, is a valuable medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of diseases.(HR/1)

Danti’s powerful laxative properties make it useful for controlling constipation. It aids in the smooth passage of faeces by speeding up bowel motions. Due to its anthelmintic properties, it also aids in the expulsion of worms and parasites from the stomach. Due to its Bhedna (purgative) character and Krimighna (anti-worm) capability, using Danti root powder with jaggery helps manage constipation and intestinal worms. Due to its diuretic properties, Danti also increases urine production and aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. Due to its immunomodulatory properties, it increases the body’s natural defence mechanism in fighting foreign substances and boosts immunity.Danti’s anti-inflammatory properties may also aid with joint pain and inflammation. Danti root powder paste, according to Ayurveda, can be applied to joints to relieve pain due to its Vata balancing properties. Due to its Ropan (healing) characteristic, Danti root powder can also be applied to piles combined with honey to relieve discomfort and inflammation. Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, Danti aids in wound healing. Danti leaf juice can be administered to wounds to help speed up the healing process.Its antibacterial properties also help to keep wounds from becoming infected. Danti root should also be purified before usage, according to Ayurveda, to lessen its toxicity. The roots are coated with a paste of Pippali powder and honey before being cooked. The roots are then wrapped in grass (Kusha) and plastered in mud before being dried in the sun. Shodhana is the name given to this process.

Danti is also known as :- Baliospermum montanum, Wild Croton, Kadu Haralu, Dantti, Neervalam, Konda Amudamu

Danti is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Danti:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Danti (Baliospermum montanum) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Constipation : The Vata and Pitta doshas are exacerbated, resulting in constipation. This can be caused by eating junk food frequently, drinking too much coffee or tea, sleeping late at night, stress, or despair. Vata and Pitta are aggravated by all of these causes, resulting in constipation. Because of its Bhedna (purgative) properties, danti root powder can aid with constipation. It facilitates the removal of waste items.
  • Piles mass : In Ayurveda, piles are referred to as Arsh, and they are caused by a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. All three doshas, particularly Vata, are harmed as a result of this. Constipation is caused by an exacerbated Vata, which has a low digestive fire. This causes rectum veins to expand, resulting in pile formation. Danti root powder’s Bhedna (purgative) virtue aids in constipation relief. It also minimises the pile’s mass size.
  • Intestinal Worms : Danti aids in the eradication of intestinal worms. Worms are referred to as Krimi in Ayurveda. Worm growth is aided by low Agni levels (weak digestive fire). Taking Danti root powder improves the digestive fire and eliminates the optimum environment for worm growth. Its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) qualities account for this. Because of its Krimighna (anti-worm) characteristic, it aids in worm management.
  • Joint Pain : When administered to the affected area, Danti helps to relieve bone and joint pain. The bones and joints are considered a site of Vata in Ayurveda. Vata imbalance is the primary cause of joint pain. Due to its Vata-balancing properties, Danti root powder helps to alleviate joint pain.
  • Piles Mass : When used externally, danti root powder helps to reduce swelling and irritation in piles. This is owing to the fact that it has a Ropan (healing) property.

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Precautions to be taken while using Danti:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Danti (Baliospermum montanum)(HR/3)

  • Danti is found to be purgative and hydragogue in nature so it should be used carefully.
  • Danti contains certain constituents that may interfere with its medicinal property, so it should be used only after sodhana (processing).

Special precautions to be taken while taking Danti:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Danti (Baliospermum montanum)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Because there isn’t enough scientific proof, it’s best to avoid Danti during breastfeeding or visit your doctor first.
  • Patients with diabetes : Because there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s best to avoid Danti in diabetic people or visit your doctor first.
  • Patients with heart disease : Because there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s best to avoid Danti in heart patients or visit your doctor first.
  • Pregnancy : Because there isn’t enough scientific data, it’s best to avoid Danti during pregnancy or visit your doctor first.
  • Allergy : There isn’t enough scientific data to support the use of Danti in allergy treatment. As a result, it is best to avoid Danti or visit your doctor before using it.

How to take Danti:-

As per several scientific studies, Danti (Baliospermum montanum) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Danti Powder : Take one fourth teaspoon of Danti origin powder. Mix with Jaggery in two times the amount of Danti powder. Swallow it with water once a day after taking food.
  • Danti Root Powder : Take Danti root according to your requirement. Grind it to make powder. Take one fourth to half teaspoon of this Danti root powder. Mix with water or honey to make a paste. Apply on the affected area one to two times a day. Use this treatment to control heaps mass, pain and also swelling.

How much Danti should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Danti (Baliospermum montanum) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Danti Powder : One fourth teaspoon once or twice a day, or, Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Danti:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Danti (Baliospermum montanum)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Danti:-

Question. How to store Danti?

Answer. Danti should be kept out of the reach of children and kept in an airtight glass container. It should be kept away from direct sunlight and heat.

Question. Which parts of Danti provide medicinal importance?

Answer. Danti’s roots and seeds are thought to have therapeutic properties. Before using, the root should be cleansed, dried, and powdered.

Question. Is Danti good for rheumatism?

Answer. Danti aids in the relief of rheumatism symptoms such as joint pain and swelling. Rheumatism, according to Ayurveda, begins with a weakened digestive fire, which leads to an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This Ama is delivered to various sites by Vata, but instead of being absorbed, it builds up in the joints, causing rheumatism. Danti’s Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics aid in the reduction of Ama and provide relief from rheumatic symptoms.

Question. What are the benefits of Danti for Constipation?

Answer. Danti’s powerful laxative properties may help reduce constipation. It aids in the easy excretion of faeces by speeding up the bowel process.

Question. Is Danti good for infections?

Answer. Because of its antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities, Danti may be effective in the treatment of infections. It aids in the death of microorganisms and the inhibition of infection-causing bacteria’s development.

Question. Is Danti good for skin allergy?

Answer. Yes, by reducing histamine release, Danti aids in the management of allergic skin reactions. It enhances the immune system while lowering the levels of certain allergy-causing chemical compounds in the body.

Question. Does Danti helps in improving the immune system?

Answer. Yes, Danti’s immunomodulatory effect aids in the improvement of the immune system. It keeps the body safe by filtering out dangerous foreign particles. This enhances the immune system by increasing the function of specific cells that give resistance against infections.

Question. Does Danti show diuretic property?

Answer. Danti does have a diuretic effect. By boosting urine output, it aids in the promotion of diuresis. This lowers the chances of kidney stones forming.

Question. What are the benefits of Danti for cancer?

Answer. Danti is thought to be beneficial to cancer patients because it slows the growth of cancer cells, eventually destroying them.

Question. Does Danti help in inflammation?

Answer. Yes, Danti’s anti-inflammatory effects aid in the reduction of inflammation. It prevents the synthesis of some molecules that cause inflammation, such as nitric oxide (NO) gas.

Question. How Danti helps to control parasitic worm infections?

Answer. Danti’s anthelmintic properties may help to reduce the danger of worm infestations. It inhibits parasite activity and aids in their elimination from the body.

Question. Can I take Danti root or seed powder without consulting a doctor?

Answer. No, you should only use Danti root or seed powder after speaking with a doctor. This is due to the fact that Danti, particularly the seeds, have a powerful laxative effect. It can wreak havoc on your gut and create serious gastrointestinal issues.

Question. Can Danti cause harm to joints?

Answer. Danti, according to Ayurveda, has Vikashiguna, which means that if taken in excess, it might separate the union between joints or tissues.

Question. Can Danti cause diarrhea?

Answer. Yes, because Danti is a strong laxative and hydragogue, it can produce diarrhoea or loose stools in high doses.

Question. Is Danti toxic in nature?

Answer. Danti is not harmful or poisonous by nature, but it must be treated (known in Ayurveda as shodhana) before being consumed.

Question. Is Danti beneficial for dental problems?

Answer. There isn’t enough scientific data to support the usage of Danti in dental problems.

Yes, Danti may be utilised to treat dental issues such as gum irritation or infection, which is usually caused by a Pitta dosha imbalance. Danti’s Pitta-balancing and Sothhar (anti-inflammatory) characteristics aid in rapid healing and the prevention of subsequent tooth issues. Tip: Chewing a few Danti leaves can aid with a variety of issues, including poor breath.

Question. Can Danti be used in abdominal problems?

Answer. Although there is insufficient scientific evidence to support the use of Danti for abdominal disorders, it may be used.

Yes, Danti can help with digestive issues like weak or poor digestion, a lack of appetite, or gas buildup. An imbalance of Pitta dosha causes these symptoms. Danti’s Ushna (hot) and Pitta balancing characteristics assist to increase appetite, promote digestion, and relieve stomach discomfort.

Question. Is Danti helpful in Jaundice management?

Answer. Although there is insufficient scientific evidence to support the use of Danti in the treatment of jaundice, it may be used in the treatment of jaundice.

Yes, Danti may be beneficial in the treatment of jaundice, which is caused by an imbalanced Pitta dosha and manifests as a rise in body temperature, skin discoloration, and sluggish or poor digestion. Danti’s Pitta balancing and Ushna (hot) characteristics aid digestion while also reducing the symptoms of jaundice. helps to alleviate the symptoms of jaundice It aids in digestion and hence provides relaxation.

Question. Does Danti help in joint pain?

Answer. When administered to the problematic area, danti seed oil may help to relieve joint discomfort. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities account for this. These qualities aid in the reduction of joint discomfort and swelling.

Question. Is Danti good for Rheumatism?

Answer. Because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics, Danti seed oil may help manage the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis when applied to the affected area. Certain molecules that cause inflammation are inhibited by it. Rheumatoid arthritis-related joint discomfort and edoema are reduced as a result of this treatment.

Question. Is Danti used as a Hydragogue?

Answer. The release of water from the bowels is known as hydragogue. Danti seed oil has a high hydragogue activity. It prevents the bowels from releasing watery fluid and serum.

Question. Does Danti help in recovering the ruptured membranes?

Answer. Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, Danti leaf paste aids in the repair of damaged membranes. It keeps tissue from disintegrating and mucous membranes from rupturing. It has an antibacterial function that helps to lower the risk of infection in the wound while also promoting wound healing.

Question. How Danti helps manage Piles?

Answer. Danti’s anti-inflammatory effects aid in the management of piles. In the anus or rectum area, it relieves discomfort and inflammation.

Question. Does Danti help in wound healing?

Answer. Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, Danti aids in wound healing. Danti leaf juice is applied externally as a bandage to assist stop the production of bleeding (escape of blood from ruptured blood vessels). It helps wounds heal faster by preventing the production of pus. Due to its powerful antibacterial characteristics, it also minimises the danger of infection in the wound.

Question. Is Danti beneficial for fistula treatment?

Answer. Yes, because it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, Danti is useful for controlling fistulas when used externally. It relieves pain and inflammation around the anus, which helps to alleviate fistula symptoms.

Yes, Danti can be utilised to treat Fistula, which is caused by an unbalanced Pitta dosha. Danti’s Pitta balancing and Sothhar (anti-inflammatory) characteristics assist to minimise pus buildup in the affected area, offering relief. Tips 1. Take as much Danti root as you require. 2. Pulverize it into a powder. 3. Measure out 14 to 12 teaspoons of Danti root powder. 4. Make a paste with it by combining it with water or honey. 5. Apply 1-2 times per day to the afflicted region. 6. Use this medicine to stop pus from forming, as well as pain and swelling.


Danti’s powerful laxative properties make it useful for controlling constipation. It aids in the smooth passage of faeces by speeding up bowel motions.

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