Cinnamon: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Cinnamon herb

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Cinnamon, also known as Dalchini, is a common spice in most kitchens.(HR/1)

Cinnamon is an efficient diabetic treatment because it promotes glucose absorption in the body. Due to its antioxidant properties, it also decreases high cholesterol levels and lessens the risk of heart disease. It also has anti-spasmodic properties, therefore it can be used to ease menstruation pain. It can be consumed on a daily basis by steeping Cinnamon bark in tea or mixing a pinch of Cinnamon powder with lemon water. This aids with digestion and weight management. Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties make it beneficial for acne control. To get rid of acne, mix cinnamon powder with honey and apply as a facepack.

Cinnamon is also known as :- Cinnamomum zeylanicum, True Cinnamon, Darusita, Dalcheni, Daruchini, Cinnamon bark, Karuvapatta, Ilavarngathely, Guda twak, Lavangapatta, Dalchini chekka, Darchini

Cinnamon is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Cinnamon:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Diabetes mellitus (Type 1 & Type 2) : Cinnamon may help with diabetes management by boosting glucose absorption. Cinnamaldehyde, found in cinnamon, prevents glucose from being converted to sorbitol, lowering the risk of diabetes complications. Cinnamon powder can be added to tea or coffee, or sprinkled on toast or cereal.
    Cinnamon aids in the maintenance of a healthy blood sugar level. Diabetes, also known as Madhumeha in Ayurveda, is caused by an excess of Vata and poor digestion. Impaired digestion causes an accumulation of Ama (toxic waste left in the body as a result of faulty digestion) in the pancreatic cells, impairing insulin activity. Cinnamon’s Ushna (hot) potency aids in the correction of sluggish digestion. This lowers Ama and enhances insulin action, allowing for normal blood sugar levels to be maintained.
  • Coronary artery disease : Coronary artery disease is a condition in which the arteries supplying blood to the heart constrict and harden. This is caused by plaque buildup inside the arteries. Cinnamon contains an antioxidant activity that helps to prevent artery constriction. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties and helps to control high blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels that have become restricted. It lowers the risk of coronary artery disease when taken together.
    Cinnamon aids in the prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD). All types of coronary artery illnesses are classified as Sira Dushti in Ayurveda (narrowing of arteries). CAD is caused by a Kapha dosha imbalance, which raises the risk of blood clotting. Cinnamon helps to balance Kapha, which helps to avoid blood clots and lessens the risk of Sira Dushti (narrowing of arteries). Tip 1. Fill a pan halfway with water and 2 inches of cinnamon sticks. 2. Cook for 5-6 minutes on medium heat. 3. Strain and add 12 lemon juice. 4. Consume this twice day to lower your risk of coronary artery disease.
  • Allergic conditions : Cinnamon may help with nasal allergies by inhibiting the production and release of pro-inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, leukotrienes, and PGD2.
    When combined with honey, cinnamon aids in the management of allergy symptoms. The accumulation of Ama (toxic leftovers in the body owing to incorrect digestion) in the body causes an allergy. This is related to a Kapha dosha imbalance. Cinnamon’s Ushna (hot) nature reduces the creation of Ama and helps to balance Kapha, which helps to regulate allergy symptoms. Tip 1: Measure out 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder. 2. Make a paste with the honey. 3. Take it twice a day, after a light meal. 4. Keep repeating until you no longer have allergy symptoms.
  • Fungal infections : Cinnamaldehyde, a component of cinnamon, has antibacterial properties against Candida albicans (a pathogenic yeast), lowering the risk of fungal infections.
    Cinnamon’s Tikshna (sharp) and Ushna (hot) qualities aid to minimise the likelihood of fungal/yeast infections in the body.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome : Cinnamon has been linked to a reduction in IBS symptoms in several studies.
    Cinnamon aids in the management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms (IBS). Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is also known as Grahani in Ayurveda. An imbalance of Pachak Agni causes Grahani (digestive fire). Cinnamon’s Ushna (hot) nature aids in the improvement of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). This aids in the management of IBS symptoms. Tips: 1. Fill a pan halfway with water and 2 inches of cinnamon sticks. 2. Cook for 5-6 minutes on medium heat. 3. Strain and add 12 lemon juice. 4. Drink this twice a day to alleviate IBS symptoms.
  • Menstrual pain : Increased levels of progesterone cause cramps and menstrual pain during periods. Cinnamaldehyde and eugenol are two active components in cinnamon. Cinnamaldehyde acts as an antispasmodic, while eugenol inhibits prostaglandin synthesis and decreases inflammation. Cinnamon, as a result, considerably lowers the pain and discomfort associated with menstruation.
    One of the best home remedies for pain relief during menstruation or dysmenorrhea is cinnamon. Dysmenorrhea is the discomfort or cramping that occurs during or just before a menstrual cycle. Kasht-aartava is the Ayurvedic term for this condition. Vata dosha regulates and controls Aartava, or menstruation. As a result, controlling Vata in a woman is critical for managing dysmenorrhea. Cinnamon is a Vata-balancing spice that relieves dysmenorrhea. It decreases stomach pain and cramps during menstruation by controlling exacerbated Vata. Tips: 1. Fill a pan halfway with water and 2 inches of cinnamon sticks. 2. Cook for 5-6 minutes on medium heat. 3. Strain and add 12 lemon juice. 4. Drink this twice a day to help you lose weight pain during menstruation.
  • Acne : Cinnamon has antibacterial properties that help manage acne by suppressing acne-causing bacteria’s growth and activity. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which aid in the reduction of pain and redness associated with acne.
  • Fungal infections of mouth (Thrush) : Cinnamon has been shown to help certain HIV patients with thrush, a fungal infection in the mouth. Cinnamaldehyde, a component of cinnamon, has antibacterial properties against Candida albicans (a pathogenic yeast), lowering the risk of fungal infections.
    Cinnamon’s qualities of Tikshna (sharpness) and Ushna (heat) help to reduce the likelihood of yeast infections in the body.

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Precautions to be taken while using Cinnamon:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)(HR/3)

  • Cinnamon is Ushna virya (hot) in potency. So, it is advisable to take in small quantity and for a short duration of time in case of gastritis or an aggravated Pitta (heat) in the body. It is advisable to take Cinnamon under doctor’s supervision if you have any bleeding disorder like nasal bleeding or heavy bleeding during menstruation.
  • Use Cinnamon oil with caution in case of hypersensitive or oily skin. Avoid the use of Cinnamon oil in high dose and for a prolonged time.

Special precautions to be taken while taking Cinnamon:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : If you’re breastfeeding, you can take Cinnamon in meal proportions. However, before taking Cinnamon supplements, you should see your doctor.
  • Moderate Medicine Interaction : Cinnamon sticks or powder might lower platelet counts in the blood, putting you at risk of bleeding. As a result, it’s generally a good idea to keep an eye on your platelet count if you’re taking Cinnamon with anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication.
  • Patients with diabetes : Cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood glucose levels. As a result, while using Cinnamon with anti-diabetic medications, it is generally recommended to test blood glucose levels on a frequent basis.
  • Patients with heart disease : Cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood pressure. As a result, it’s generally a good idea to keep track of your blood pressure when taking Cinnamon and anti-hypertensive medications.
  • Pregnancy : Taking Cinnamon in meal proportions is safe during pregnancy. However, before taking Cinnamon supplements, you should see your doctor.

How to take Cinnamon:-

As per several scientific studies, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Cinnamon Powder : Take one to two pinches of Cinnamon powder. Add one teaspoon of honey to it. Take it preferably after dishes twice a day.
  • Cinnamon Capsule : Take one to two Cinnamon capsules. Swallow it with water two times a day after taking lunch and supper.
  • Cinnamon Lemon water : Take one glass of warm water. Add one to two pinches of Cinnamon powder. Squeeze half lemon into it. Also, include one teaspoon of honey to it as well as stir well. Drink this day to to to day to aid weight management.
  • Cinnamon Turmeric milk : Place one glass of milk in a pan and bring it to a boil. Now add two pinches of Cinnamon powder as well as mix till it dissolves. Drink this milk when it comes to be lukewarm. Take it preferably before going to bed for sleeping disorders and arthritic discomfort.
  • Cinnamon Tea : Place one. 5 cups of water in a frying pan as well as include two inches of Cinnamon bark. Boil on tool fire for five to six minutes. Strain as well as press half lemon to it. Drink this twice a day to lower stress as well as for fat burning
  • Cinnamon Honey Facepack : Take one pinch of Cinnamon powder. Mix it with one teaspoon of honey. Apply to the influenced area. Wait for five to ten minutes. Wash with faucet water. Use this thrice a week to regulate acne as well as acnes
  • Cinnamon Oil in Sesame Oil : Take two to three drops of Cinnamon Oil. Add five to six drops of Sesame Oil. Apply once a day to obtain relief from joint discomfort.

How much Cinnamon should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Cinnamon Powder : One to two pinch of powder twice a day, or, One to two teaspoons or as per your requirement.
  • Cinnamon Capsule : One to two capsules in a day.
  • Cinnamon Oil : Two to three drops or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Cinnamon:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)(HR/7)

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Skin rash and swelling
  • Swelling of the tongue
  • Swelling and sores in the mouth

Questions asked frequently Related to the Cinnamon:-

Question. Where can Cinnamon be used in day to day life?

Answer. Cinnamon is used in a variety of foods and beverages, including baked goods, puddings, sweets, ice creams, confectionery, chewing gum, curries, flavoured rice, soups, sauces, herbal tea, and aerated beverages. Cinnamon bark is also found in toothpaste, mouthwash, perfume, soap, lipstick, cough syrup, and nasal sprays, among other things.

Question. How to store Cinnamon?

Answer. Cinnamon powder or sticks should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark, and dry location. Cinnamon powder has a six-month shelf life, although cinnamon sticks can last up to a year.

Question. How to check the effectiveness of Cinnamon?

Answer. Take a tiny amount of cinnamon powder and rub it between your fingers, or split one end of a cinnamon stick and crush it between your fingers. Cinnamon should smell fresh and robust if it is potent. Cinnamon’s potency is waning if the aroma is weak.

Question. Can you reuse Cinnamon sticks?

Answer. Cinnamon sticks have a long shelf life and can be used multiple times before losing their flavour. Rinse your Cinnamon stick under hot water and allow it to dry before using it again. Run your Cinnamon stick over a grater a few times to release the flavours and get the best flavour out of it the next time you use it.

Question. Can Honey with Cinnamon help in weight loss?

Answer. Yes, you can lose weight by mixing cinnamon powder with honey. This is because both have the ability to balance Kapha, which is the primary cause of weight gain.

Question. Can I take Cinnamon powder with Ginger?

Answer. Because of their antioxidant properties, Cinnamon powder and Ginger can be taken together. It’s especially beneficial if you’re suffering from muscle tiredness as a result of strenuous exercise. When skeletal muscles contract, free radicals are produced, which can lead to oxidative stress and muscular exhaustion. Antioxidant properties in ginger and cinnamon help to eliminate free radicals and minimise oxidative stress. This aids in the reduction of muscle fatigue and the enhancement of workout performance.

Question. Are Cinnamon sticks edible?

Answer. Cinnamon sticks are both a spice and a flavouring ingredient, and they are edible. The ideal method is to lightly toast the cinnamon sticks before crushing them into a powder. Cinnamon powder can be used in cuisine and beverages.

Question. Can Cinnamon help you lose weight?

Answer. Cinnamon powder boosts metabolism by breaking down fat molecules in the diet and increasing glucose absorption. 1. Take 1-2 pinches of cinnamon powder with 1 teaspoon of honey twice a day after light meals. 2. Stick with it for at least 2-3 months to see the best effects.

Weight gain is caused by poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle, which results in a weakened digestive tract. This leads to a rise in Ama buildup, resulting in an imbalance in the Meda Dhatu and obesity. Cinnamon aids weight loss by improving metabolism and lowering Ama levels. This is owing to the fact that it is Ushna (hot). It decreases weight by balancing the Meda Dhatu.

Question. Can patients with liver disorders consume Cinnamon?

Answer. Cinnamon contains the flavour compound coumarin. In people with liver/hepatic problems, excessive coumarin use should be avoided because it might cause liver toxicity and damage.

Question. Is Cinnamon good for reducing high cholesterol level?

Answer. Although there isn’t adequate scientific data, cinnamon powder is known to lower total and LDL cholesterol levels.

When cinnamon is included in your daily diet, it aids in the reduction of elevated cholesterol levels. An imbalance of Pachak Agni causes high cholesterol (digestive fire). Excess waste products, or Ama, are produced when tissue digestion is impaired (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). Bad cholesterol builds up as a result of this. Cinnamon aids in the improvement of Agni and the reduction of Ama. Its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) qualities account for this. As a result, it lowers cholesterol levels and clears blockages from the arteries. 1. Measure out 1-2 pinches of cinnamon powder. 2. Mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. 3. Take it twice a day, ideally after meals.

Question. Does Cinnamon cause acid reflux?

Answer. Cinnamon, in general, aids digestion and relieves indigestion or gas by stimulating the digestive fire (Pachak Agni). However, owing to its Ushna (hot) quality, it can cause acid reflux if consumed in large quantities. As a result, Cinnamon powder should be taken with honey or milk.

Question. Can I take Cinnamon powder with Turmeric in warm water on an empty stomach?

Answer. Yes, you can eliminate excess body fat by mixing Cinnamon powder with Turmeric in warm water on an empty stomach. However, if you have a history of acidity, don’t take it on an empty stomach or in large doses. This is due to the fact that both herbs are Ushna (hot) in nature and might exacerbate acidity problems.

Question. How to use Cinnamon for weight loss?

Answer. 1. In a saucepan, combine 1.5 cups of water and 2 inches of cinnamon bark. 2. Cook for 5-6 minutes on medium heat. 3. Strain and add 12 lemon juice. 4. Drink this twice a day to help you lose weight.

Question. What are the benefits of drinking Cinnamon tea?

Answer. Tea with cinnamon has a relaxing effect on the body. Cinnamon tea can help manage blood sugar levels after meals, improve circulation, and aid digestion.

Cinnamon is a fantastic plant for keeping your body and mind in good shape. Cinnamon tea is one of the greatest methods to incorporate cinnamon into your daily routine. Because of its Vata-balancing properties, cinnamon tea has a relaxing impact on the body. Its Deepan (appetiser) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics also aid to maintain good digestion and blood sugar levels by increasing metabolism.

Question. Is Cinnamon good for women with polycystic ovary syndrome?

Answer. Cinnamon may aid in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome problems (PCOS). It improves insulin resistance and menstrual cyclicity, making it a likely natural source for PCOS treatment.

The imbalance of Kapha and Vata in the body, according to Ayurveda, is a major factor in the development of PCOS in women. Cinnamon balances Vata and Kapha in the body and aids in the management of PCOS symptoms when included to your daily diet.

Question. Is Cinnamon beneficial for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?

Answer. Yes, including cinnamon in one’s diet can help with neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It has an impact on the amounts of a protein that protects brain cells from oxidative damage. This improves motor skills while also protecting brain cells from additional injury.

Defects in neurotransmission are the aetiology of Parkinson’s disease. Vepathu, a disease condition reported in Ayurveda, may be linked to Parkinson’s disease. It is brought on by a vitiated Vata dosha. Cinnamon can assist to balance Vata and regulate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease by adding it to your regular routine.

Question. What are the benefits of Cinnamon for skin?

Answer. Cinnamon has antibacterial and antifungal qualities, thus it can help prevent skin problems. It also has antioxidant properties and helps to minimise the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Cinnamon is great for oily skin. Because of its Rukhsana (dry) and Tiksna (sharp) nature, it helps to cleanse skin pores and exfoliate dead skin cells. 1. Sift a pinch of cinnamon powder into a small bowl. 2. Combine 1 teaspoon honey with it. 3. Apply the cream to the skin and leave it on for 5 minutes. 4. For best results, repeat twice a week.

Question. Can Cinnamon powder prevent skin aging?

Answer. Cinnamon aids in the reduction of ageing signs and symptoms by promoting the creation of collagen protein within skin cells. Cinnamon powder, when mixed with honey and applied on the face, enhances the skin’s texture and suppleness.

Question. What are the reported adverse reactions to Cinnamon oil exposure?

Answer. Chemical burns might result from prolonged contact with undiluted Cinnamon oil. To avoid this, test your skin with a small amount of Cinnamon oil to see whether it reacts.


Cinnamon is an efficient diabetic treatment because it promotes glucose absorption in the body. Due to its antioxidant properties, it also decreases high cholesterol levels and lessens the risk of heart disease.

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