Chironji: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Chironji herb

Chironji (Buchanania throws)

The tropical woods of Northern, Eastern, and Central India are home to Chironji, also known as Charoli.(HR/1)

It produces seeded fruits that are widely consumed as dried fruits. It’s widely used to give flavour and nutrients to desserts like kheer, ice cream, and porridge. Chironji’s anti-secretory properties may help prevent stomach ulcers by lowering gastric secretions. It can also help with diabetic management because of its antioxidant characteristics, which lower blood glucose levels. Chironji’s astringent and anti-inflammatory qualities make it beneficial for wound healing. Its antimicrobial properties also help to prevent skin infections.Due to its Sita (cooling) characteristics, applying Chironji seed paste to the skin with rose water or milk helps to manage acne and irritation, according to Ayurveda.

Chironji is also known as :- Buchanania lanzan, Cironaji, Cireanji, Ciranjiji, Chaaroli, Priyala, Chiraunji, Sanna, Prasavaka, Lalana, Sannakadru, Dhanu, Dhanus

Chironji is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Chironji:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Chironji (Buchanania lanzan) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • General Weakness : Chironji can help with general weakness or weariness in everyday life. Fatigue is a sense of exhaustion, weakness, or a lack of energy. Fatigue is also called as klama in Ayurveda, and it is caused by an imbalanced Kapha dosha. Because of its Balya (strength giver) and Tridosha balancing properties, including chironji seeds in your daily diet can aid to alleviate fatigue symptoms. Take a handful of Chironji seeds. Garnish sweet foods like Kheer or Halwa with them. To get rid of the symptoms of weakness, eat it for breakfast or lunch.
  • Male Sexual Dysfunction : Male Sexual Dysfunction refers to the faulty functioning of the male sexual act, as the name implies. This disorder manifests as a lack of libido, or a lack of desire to engage in sexual activity, or when the semen is evacuated quickly after sexual activity and with minimal penile stimulation. This is also known as premature ejaculation or early discharge. Chironji’s Vrishya (aphrodisiac) property aids in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. It aids in the improvement of stamina and the reduction of sexual dysfunction. Useful hints for Chironji seeds. a. Gather a handful of Chironji seeds. b. Bring them to a boil in milk. c. To this cooked Chironji blended milk, add some dried fruits like almonds. d. Take it once a day, especially before bedtime, to get immediate results.
  • Hyper Pigmentation : When the skin is exposed to heat or the sun, the Pitta dosha in the body becomes inflamed, resulting in hyper pigmentation. Because of its Ropan (healing) and Sita (cooling) properties, Chironji seed oil aids in the reduction of tanning and pigmentation. Chironji Oil Useful Hints a. Add a few drops of Chironji oil on your palms (as needed). c. Combine it with extra virgin olive or almond oil. c. To get rid of the hyperpigmentation indication, use this mixture to the affected area once or twice a day.
  • Acne and Pimples : “A person with a Kapha-Pitta dosha skin type may be prone to acne and pimples, according to Ayurveda.” An increase in sebum production and pore blockage caused by Kapha aggravation leads to the creation of both white and blackheads. Another component is Pitta aggravation, which is characterised by the formation of red papules (bumps) and pus-filled inflammation. Chironji’s Pitta-Kapha balancing and Sita (chill) qualities aid in acne management. It helps to prevent and minimise the production of white and blackheads while also cooling the affected region. Chironji Seed Powder: Useful Hints a. Take as much Chironji seed powder as you need. b. Make a paste out of it by mixing it with rose water or milk. c. Use it to treat the affected region. d. Allow 20-30 minutes for the process to complete. e. Rinse with water; f. Repeat twice a week to remove acne and pimples.

Video Tutorial

Precautions to be taken while using Chironji:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Chironji (Buchanania lanzan)(HR/3)

Special precautions to be taken while taking Chironji:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Chironji (Buchanania lanzan)(HR/4)

  • Breastfeeding : Because there isn’t enough scientific data to support the usage of Chironji during breastfeeding. As a result, it is best to get medical advice before using Chironji while breastfeeding.
  • Pregnancy : Because there isn’t enough scientific data to support the usage of Chironji during pregnancy. As a result, it is best to get medical advice before using Chironji during pregnancy.

How to take Chironji:-

As per several scientific studies, Chironji (Buchanania lanzan) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

How much Chironji should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Chironji (Buchanania lanzan) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

Side effects of Chironji:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Chironji (Buchanania lanzan)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Chironji:-

Question. Can you eat raw Chironji seeds?

Answer. Chironji seeds can be consumed raw. They are used to garnish a variety of foods like as halwa, kheer, and other desserts. To enhance the flavour of the seeds, they can be roasted or fried.

Question. What is the best way to store Chironji seeds?

Answer. Chironji seeds can be kept for a short time at room temperature in an airtight container. They should, however, be maintained in the freezer for long-term storage.

Question. Is Chironji helpful in Diabetes?

Answer. Yes, Chironji’s anti-diabetic and antioxidant qualities may aid with diabetes. Chironji’s antioxidants (flavonoids) protect pancreatic cells from free radical damage while also increasing insulin production. As a result, blood glucose levels are reduced.

Question. Can Chironji lower cholesterol levels?

Answer. Yes, Chironji’s antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic qualities may help regulate cholesterol levels. It lowers total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL), and triglyceride levels while increasing good cholesterol levels (HDL). As a result, cholesterol levels can be controlled.

Question. Is Chironji beneficial in diarrhea?

Answer. Yes, Chironji may aid in the treatment of diarrhoea. It has antidiarrheal properties due to particular components (tannins). It controls diarrhoea by lowering intestinal motility and lowering stool frequency.

Because of its Kashaya (astringent) and Sita (chill) qualities, Chironji bark is useful in controlling diarrhoea symptoms. It helps to minimise the symptoms of diarrhoea and control the frequency of watery stools.

Question. Can Chironji seeds be used in Anemia?

Answer. Because of its antianemic properties, Chironji seeds may be useful in the treatment of anaemia. It contains particular components (minerals, vitamins, and so on) that stimulate bone marrow blood synthesis and raise red blood cell count. It also boosts the immune system by increasing the generation of white blood cells.

Question. Is Chironji useful in gastric ulcers?

Answer. Yes, Chironji may help with stomach ulcers since it contains antioxidants (flavonoids) that protect the gastric mucosa from free radical damage. Due to its anti-secretory effects, it also decreases gastric secretion and acidity.

Indigestion and Pitta dosha aggravation are the most common causes of gastric ulcers. This frequently results in a burning sensation. Due to its Pitta balancing and Sita (cooling) qualities, Chironji aids in the management of gastric ulcers, reducing the symptoms of gastric ulcers such as burning.

Question. Does Chironji reduce stress?

Answer. Yes, Chironji leaves may aid in stress reduction. It has antioxidant capabilities due to particular components. These antioxidants battle free radicals, which are known to cause stress.

Question. Can Chironji be used in snake bites?

Answer. Because of its antivenom properties, Chironji could be used to treat snake bites. It contains tannins, which combine with proteins found in snake venom to form a compound. As a result, it counteracts the toxicity of snake venom.

Question. Is Chironji a memory booster?

Answer. Yes, because Chironji has neuroprotective effects, it may aid in memory improvement. It helps to boost brain processes like memory by increasing the production of a neurotransmitter (Acetylcholine) in the brain. It also lowers serum cholesterol levels, which are typically higher in those with Alzheimer’s disease. As a result, it helps to prevent the onset of Alzhemier’s disease.

Question. Does Chironji help in wound healing?

Answer. Yes, Chironji’s astringent and antiinflammatory qualities may aid wound healing. By boosting collagen production, it improves wound contraction and closure. It also speeds up wound healing by avoiding infections because to its antimicrobial qualities.

Any external injury causes a wound, which causes pain and inflammation. Because of its Ropan and Sita (cool) characteristics, Chironji paste or oil aids in wound healing.

Question. Is Chironji beneficial for skin diseases?

Answer. Although there isn’t enough scientific data to support Chironji’s significance in skin problems. Due to its antioxidant characteristics, Chironji oil may aid with some skin issues such as acne or scars.

Skin illnesses are caused by a Pitta dosha imbalance, which can cause itching and irritation. Because of its Pitta balancing and Ropan (healing) characteristics, Chironji paste or oil can assist treat skin problems. It relieves itching and irritation, as well as providing a cooling effect to the affected area.


It produces seeded fruits that are widely consumed as dried fruits. It’s widely used to give flavour and nutrients to desserts like kheer, ice cream, and porridge.

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