Bael: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions
Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions of Bael herb

Bael (Aegle marmelos)

Bael, also known as “Shivaduma” or “Lord Shiva’s Tree,” is a sacred tree in India.(HR/1)

It’s also a valuable medicinal herb with a variety of applications in traditional medicine. The root, leaf, trunk, fruit, and seeds of Bael are all effective in the treatment of many ailments. Unripe Bael fruit pulp mixed with sugar or honey, according to Ayurveda, is particularly beneficial in treating diarrhoea, dysentery, and other gastrointestinal ailments. Bael leaf decoction with black pepper can also aid with constipation because of its laxative properties.Due to its expectorant properties, it also aids in the management of cough. This encourages the release of sputum by the airways and makes breathing easier. It is beneficial to massage Bael leaf powder with coconut oil on the scalp to promote hair growth since it nourishes the hair. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, this paste can also be used to treat ocular problems such abscesses. Bael pulp can also be used as a face pack to give your skin a youthful appearance. Bael fruit should not be consumed in large quantities because of its laxative properties, which might cause constipation.

Bael is also known as :- Aegle marmelos, Sriphala, Vael, Bela, Bilva, Bael Root, Bengal Quince, Bilivaphal, Bill, Bilum, Koovalam, Baela, Bel, Bil, Vilvam, Maredu, Wood Apple

Bael is obtained from :- Plant

Uses and benefits of Bael:-

As per several scientific studies, uses and benefits of Bael (Aegle marmelos) are mentioned as per below(HR/2)

  • Diarrhea : Bael may be useful in the treatment of diarrhoea. Bael possesses antibacterial and anti-diarrheal properties. Bael suppresses the release of poisons by dangerous microorganisms and slows their growth. In cases of diarrhoea, Bael regulates the infection and reduces the frequency of faeces.
  • Constipation : Bael may be useful in the treatment of constipation. The fruit of the bael tree has laxative qualities. Bael’s ripe fruit is high in fibre, which aids in gut cleansing.
  • Urticaria : Urticaria is an allergic reaction that is also called in Ayurveda as Sheetpitta. This occurs when Vata and Kapha are out of balance, as well as when Pitta is compromised. Because of its Vata and Kapha balancing characteristics, Bael can help with Urticaria. Tips: a. Take 1-2 teaspoon Bael juice or as directed by your doctor. b. Combine with rose water or coconut oil and apply to the affected region. b. If you want to get rid of urticaria, leave it for 4-5 hours.
  • Dandruff : Dandruff, according to Ayurveda, is a scalp disease characterised by flakes of dry skin. This is because Vata is exacerbated. Bael has anti-dandruff qualities and helps to balance the Vata dosha. Take Bael peel powder as an example. b. Massage with coconut oil on a regular basis. c. For best effects, do this for at least 1-2 months.

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Precautions to be taken while using Bael:-

As per several scientific studies, below precautions should to be taken while taking Bael (Aegle marmelos)(HR/3)

Special precautions to be taken while taking Bael:-

As per several scientific studies, below special precautions should to be taken while taking Bael (Aegle marmelos)(HR/4)

  • Patients with diabetes : Bael has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels. As a result, while taking Bael with other anti-diabetic medications, it is typically recommended that you monitor your blood sugar level.

How to take Bael:-

As per several scientific studies, Bael (Aegle marmelos) can be taken into the methods mentioned as per below(HR/5)

  • Bael Juice (Sharbat) : Take half to  one cup of Bael Sharbat. Mix with water as well as drink it after taking light food one or two times a day. Drink this to eliminate diarrhea or dysentery.
  • Bael Churna : Take one fourth to half teaspoon Bael churna. Mix with water and also take after lunch and also supper.
  • Bael Tea : Take one to two teaspoon of baked Bael pulp. Add hot water to it. Stir for one to two minutes.
  • Bael Squash : Take three to four teaspoons of Bael pulp in a glass. Pour some cold water to it. Stir for two to three minutes. Strain and also add water. Drink this for cooling impacts on the tummy.
  • Bael Capsule : Take one to two Bael capsules. Swallow it with water preferably after dishes.
  • Bael Tablets : Take one to two tablets of Bael. Swallow it with water preferably after meals.
  • Bael Murabba : Take two to three teaspoons of Bael murabba. Have it ideally in the morning meal for much better digestion.
  • Bael Candies : You can take Bael sweets according to your liking as well as requirement.
  • Bael Juice : Take one to two teaspoon Bael juice. Mix with coconut oil or climbed water. Apply on the damaged area and also leave it for four to five hours. Wash extensively with tap water.
  • Bael Pulp Scrub : Take one to two teaspoon of Bael pulp. Gently massage therapy on your face and also neck for four to five minutes. Wash thoroughly with faucet water.
  • Bael Powder with Hair Pack : Take one to two teaspoon of Bael powder. Add coconut oil to it as well as stir. Massage on the hair as well as allow it sit for four to five hours. Rinse with hair shampoo and water.

How much Bael should be taken:-

As per several scientific studies, Bael (Aegle marmelos) should be taken into the amounts mentioned as per below(HR/6)

  • Bael Juice : Half to one cup twice a day or as per your taste.
  • Bael Churna : One fourth to half teaspoon twice a day.
  • Bael Capsule : One to two capsules twice a day.
  • Bael Tablet : One to two capsules twice a day.
  • Bael Candy : Four to five candies or as per your requirement.
  • Bael Powder : Half to one teaspoon or as per your requirement.

Side effects of Bael:-

As per several scientific studies, below side effects need to be taken into consideration while taking Bael (Aegle marmelos)(HR/7)

  • There is not enough scientific data available about side effects of this herb yet.

Questions asked frequently Related to the Bael:-

Question. How to eat fresh Bael fruit?

Answer. 1. How to consume ripe Bael fruit: a. Remove the Bael’s peel. b. Mash it thoroughly and soak the pulp for at least two hours before eating it. 2. Make Bael juice in one of two ways: a. Cut the Bael fruit in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. c. Mash it thoroughly and season with milk. c. Strain the juice and drink it.

Question. How does Bael taste like?

Answer. Bael has its own distinct flavour profile. It tastes like a combination of mango and banana at first. The flavour becomes slightly astringent and refreshing after a few seconds.

Question. Is Bael wood edible?

Answer. Bael wood is not edible and does not have any medicinal properties.

Question. Can Bael upset stomach?

Answer. Dysentery, diarrhoea, and other gastrointestinal diseases can all be treated with unripe Bael fruit. However, if consumed in high quantities, it might cause constipation. This is owing to the fact that it is Grahi (absorbent). Tips: 1. Take 1-2 teaspoons of Bael pulp that is still unripe. 2. Dry roast and sweeten with honey and sugar. 3. Take it once or twice a day for dysentery and diarrhoea alleviation.

Question. Is Bael juice bad for asthma?

Answer. No, Bael fruit or juice can help with a variety of respiratory issues such as colds, asthma, and bronchitis. This is due to its ability to balance the Kapha dosha.

Question. Is Bael good for diabetes?

Answer. Because of its anti-diabetic properties, Bael is effective in the management of diabetes. Bael aids in the reduction of blood sugar levels. Insulin secretion is also increased by Bael. Bael decreases the incidence of diabetes-related problems due to its antioxidant properties.

Question. Is Bael good for liver?

Answer. Yes, Bael is beneficial to the liver. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective activities are all present. Bael leaves help to protect the liver from the effects of alcohol usage.

Question. Is Bael good for ulcers?

Answer. Bael does have anti-ulcer properties. One of the most common causes of stomach ulcers is oxidative stress. Luvangetin, a molecule found in Bael, is a powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent ulcer formation.

Question. Does Bael act as a contraceptive?

Answer. Yes, Bael is an effective male contraception. According to animal research, Bael bark lowers testosterone levels. It decreases sperm count and motility by inhibiting sperm production. As a result, Bael prevents pregnancy. However, once the treatment is stopped, the fertility can be recovered.

Question. Does Bael help to manage asthma?

Answer. Bael does indeed have anti-asthmatic and antihistaminic properties. Allergy-inducing chemicals cause tracheal contractions. These contractions are known to be reduced by Bael. Bael also helps to minimise phlegm production and asthma symptoms.

Question. What are the health benefits of Bael fruit for pregnant women?

Answer. During pregnancy, eating Bael fruit can help you avoid vomiting. If consumed twice a day, a mixture of boiled rice water and unripe Bael fruit pulp may help manage vomiting during pregnancy.

Question. What are the benefits of Bael leaf?

Answer. The therapeutic properties of bael leaf are numerous. It acts as a moderate laxative, loosening the stool and preventing constipation. Because of its expectorant properties, it also aids in the management of cough in asthma and bronchitis patients. Bael leaf’s anti-inflammatory properties aid in the treatment of fever, bleeding noses, and ocular issues such as conjunctivitis and other infections.

Due to its Vata-Kapha balancing and Shothhar (anti-inflammatory) characteristics, bael leaf is beneficial in conditions such as fever, discomfort, and any other disease caused by an imbalance of Vata-Kapha dosha. It aids in the balancing of these doshas and the reduction of pain and fever symptoms. Due to its Vata and Kapha balancing characteristics, it also aids in the management of asthma, cough, and cold symptoms. If a decoction of its leaves is taken with black pepper, it may help with constipation.

Question. Does Bael causes rashes?

Answer. Because of its Ropan (healing) qualities, Bael does not create rashes. If you have hypersensitive skin, however, you should visit a doctor before using Bael.

Question. Does Bael promote wound healing?

Answer. Yes, Bael aids in the healing of wounds. When applied topically, bael aids in the production of new skin cells and enhances wound healing.

Because Bael has a Ropan (healing) quality, it aids in wound healing. When administered to the damaged area, it promotes rapid healing.

Question. Can Bael be used for eye infections?

Answer. Yes, Bael leaves can help with conjunctivitis and other eye problems. Bael flower decoction can also be used as an eye lotion to treat infections.

Question. Can Bael be used in case of burns?

Answer. Yes, Bael fruit powder can be used to cure burns on the outside. 1. Combine Bael fruit powder and mustard oil in a mixing bowl. 2. Apply to the burned area.

Question. Can Bael be used for ear infections?

Answer. Yes, Bael can be used to treat ear infections. Bael possesses anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. Ear irritation and pus discharge are reduced with Bael.

Question. Does Bael have a role in leucoderma?

Answer. Yes, Bael is prescribed for the treatment of leucoderma. Psoralen in Bael enhances skin’s resistance to sunlight and aids in the maintenance of skin’s natural colour.

When administered to the damaged area, Bael aids in the healing process. This is owing to the fact that it has a Ropan (healing) property.

Question. What are the benefits of using Bael leaves for hair?

Answer. Limonene, which is utilised as a smell in hair oil, is found in bael leaf oil. When mixed with cumin seeds and massaged into the scalp, it also serves as a hair tonic.

An aggravation of Kapha dosha may cause hair problems such as dandruff, itchy, or oily scalp. Due to its Kapha balancing properties, Bael may be able to assist in the management of certain illnesses. It aids in the removal of excess oil from the scalp and provides natural hair health and lustre. a. Measure out 1-2 teaspoons of Bael powder. b. Mix in the coconut oil thoroughly. c. Massage the hair and scalp for 4-5 hours before rinsing. c. Rinse with water and shampoo.


It’s also a valuable medicinal herb with a variety of applications in traditional medicine. The root, leaf, trunk, fruit, and seeds of Bael are all effective in the treatment of many ailments.

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